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/sthg/ #707 - Big Arm Edition
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What is the general qualifier for starting a patreon? Like I draw and do stuff every now and then but I don't think I should start a patreon, I thought it was for people with ongoing projects, like comics or regular pinups or porn, obviously.
my heart
Blake Nguyen
You can't she's my wife already
Angel Reed
Literally anybody can start a paetron. But if you want it to be successful, you have to be at least somewhat good
John Sullivan
Can we have the draw fags link there sites. I feel like I don't follow any of my fellow sonic artist.
Asher Evans
You're in the green hill when this guy calls you a faker in front of gf
What do?
Carson Wilson
>What is the general qualifier for starting a patreon There isn't one. People will start one for any shit. But you need an audience already and hope they convert to donors.
I'd personally prefer to donate directly rather than through patreon shit anyway.
Jayden Reyes
I don't have a site. Same with my writefag persona, it's mostly anonymous
Luis Martinez
> I'd personally prefer to donate directly rather than through patreon shit anyway
The only problem with that is it's not reliable. Patreon gets you paid every month
Kayden Martin
Challenge him to a barefoot race
Zachary Martinez
Do you have a name?
Logan Scott
For what? Writing, I go by Cynical_Writefag.
Drawing, I've been signing this as C_D which I originally inteded for Cynical_Drawfag. No one ever asked before, though
Nathan Hughes
>Literally anybody can start a paetron. >But if you want it to be successful, you have to be at least somewhat good
Yeah see, I don't think I'm too bad, but asking for money seems weird. Like if it's a commission, sure I get it, I'll draw a hog for a sandwich. But patreon is just like "here, have X dollars a month, for whatever" I'm not sure I'm cool with that. I mean sure it's up to the people who pay, but I dunno, I'm old and patreon is new and scary.
>I'd personally prefer to donate directly rather than through patreon shit anyway. what's directly, like straight to a paypal? Doesn't that require them setting up a donate button? That seems weird too, actually.
Maybe I just don't think I deserve money. What's your preferred method of stalking sonic artists user? I've got a bunch of fellow drawfags sites, but most have like 2-3 places they post.
Hunter Clark
I don't have a site or account anywhere. I just post my mediocre drawings of hogs on here whenever.
Chase Fisher
Sure, but even then you're not going to be rolling in donor money unless you have a large pre-established audience ready to go, not to mention patreon's cut.
Maybe it's the best of a bad situation, I don't know.
Nicholas Howard
I don't think I could live with myself if I had to resort to drawing porn commissions. I mean, I hate myself already, but I could always hate myself more. Working six days a week busting my ass sure isn't getting me anywhere though.
Jaxon Perez
I always just figured they were initials or something. I like your stuff though.
Logan Nelson
You could hate yourself more with a nicer bank account though.
Anthony Sanchez
Nah my real initials aren't even close to that, but I'm terrible at making usernames. Thanks though for liking my stuff
Jonathan Edwards
user this is very good
Chase Gomez
One of the things I missed from SA2 is the trailers you got at the end previewing the Hero and Dark stories
Guess it doesn't help that so many other artists abused Patreon and their fanbase, right? Having a patreon these days is like a warning sign.
Grayson Murphy
Out of curiosity, have you written anything before for /sthg/?
Nathan Diaz
>muh pride
it's current year user, who fucking cares. It's not our fucking fault the world is so gay that people resort to porn to make decent money. People shit on Shadman, but he makes a fuck load of money and laughs at those people who wagecuck while he draws memes and streams.
Ever seen Girl next door? Basically that. this, I would just set up a donation page and say patreon is a scam because 10 percent goes to the jews that run it, and they charge people inconsistently. also this
Juan Davis
Well I'm a draw fag too. So i post where they post usually. The best places for it are Tumblr and Twitter though.
Well true, but think of it this way user, when you are broke all money is good money. I have a Patreon. I get 27$ a month but it will still put gas in my car or gets me some food
Obviously, you need some following but I dont think anyone should live off patreon unless they can make like more then 1000 per month.
You should really make a account somewhere user, even if it's like a shitty twitter just so you can have like a gallery somewhere.
Landon Lopez
>What's your preferred method of stalking sonic artists user? picarto, tumblr, DA
Jaxson Russell
No, I haven't. The problem is one, I'm mainly a romance writer, two, people I know in real life are aware of my writing, so I like to keep my writing and drawing mostly separate, hence why I don't host my drawings anywhere except the ride booru, unlike my writing, which I do have a pastebin account for.
And three I'm not too comfortable with fanfiction. All my work is 100% original
Andrew Robinson
How do you even set up a commission anyway? The whole affair always seemed super awkward to me. Like, how much detail do you need to give to the artist and any back and forth and whatnot. I'd hate to drop all my spaghetti because I can't describe poses and shit.
Samuel Nelson
People mostly do paypal
Joseph Bell
I understand. I'm a raging furfag online and have more sonic art/porn than anything else on my computer, but whenever I go out I swallow the bluepill and act like a completely normal person. I even have a gf.
The secret will die with me.
Blake Nguyen
Are you implying that being a furry for Sonic characters makes you redpilled?
Christopher Bailey
If you mean like what do you say? Well you should know what your aking for like example. " I want a image of Sonic eating a chilli dog with a chao. No background. Full shade. How much would that cost?" and you should provide a clear full body reference.
Adam Peterson
Aaron Thomas
I don't judge those that do write stuff like that (I mean hell, my currently in progress novel is set in a world with monster people) but I don't think it's for me outside of sfw pictures of the characters
Andrew King
>Are you implying that being a furry for Sonic characters makes you redpilled? I'm implying that outside of my online activity, I'm very normie.
Noah Allen
Julian Ross
How do you do it you madman. You must have come close to be exposed.
Jonathan Adams
As you should be. People who flaunt their fetishes in public like they're some victimized minority are sickening.
Alexander Edwards
>How do you do it you madman. You must have come close to be exposed. Never. Everything is under lock and key.
Pro Tip: You are what you consume, and I don't just mean food. If you engage in normie events and activities enough, you can learn to adapt. Work out, drink, learn to talk to women. Just cover the basics and nobody will question your private time.
Levi Collins
>Hey, I want this this and that >How's this? >Great. I haven't had a commission go wrong as it's very hard to screw up. If you can't draw poses get reference pics.
Asher James
Dude, please never bring up Shadman as a example in any "positive" way again. People are idiots, that's why he is famous.
>this, I would just set up a donation page and say patreon is a scam because 10 percent goes to the jews that run it, and they charge people inconsistently. Patreon isn't even the problem. Many who use it are and obviously their sheeple too.
Luis Adams
DC and Marvel have released June solicits, so Archie should put theirs out within the next few hours.
there are a few for you anons, hope that's a decent start. I don't really post any art on twitter, is that a thing? Also what's your patreon?
>How do you even set up a commission anyway? The whole affair always seemed super awkward to me. I can run you through how it works with me if that helps.
>Someone sends me a message somewhere, like here, da tumblr whatever. >They ask for something, like I dunno, " waifu X doing something, or Sally taking cover behind a wall, two characters fighting, etc. Sometimes it's more specific but mostly I've had vague requests, nothing too specific in terms of angles and layout. But if you do have a clear idea of what you have in mind (like you've designed a comic cover in your head and need someone to get it on paper) then by all means let the artist know, it's usually more helpful if you're after something specific to be clear!
>I do a couple of quick rough sketches of various poses/angles and send that back >they pick one >I finish it and show them a preview >they send me money via paypal >I send them a hi res version.
If it's a $10 sketch or a $60 coloured picture with a bunch of characters my method is the same. I mean I'm drawing for money, the customer should get what they want. I try and be nice and easy to talk to because it's just as weird for the artist as it can be for the customer, right? I wanna make things easy so you get what you want and the easier and more fun it is the more chance you'll think of me next time you want another one.
Alexander Anderson
Andrew Morgan
be honest, do you make good money?
Owen Allen
Go way, Hotred.
Parker Harris
Thoswe nsfw drawfags are not related to /sthg/.
Adam King
Carter Johnson
I think Tuesday was when they released them last month too.
Kayden Cooper
Love this pairing
Luis Cook
depends on what you mean by good money, I don't get a lot of commissions, and I try to keep my prices down. So I make little money by way of doing few drawings. But it's not about the money for me it's more about getting to do what I enjoy. I like drawing sonic stuff, and getting to give people what they want is awesome as all hell. If someone can't draw and want to see two characters they love fighting, or something and I'm a shortcut for them? I'd love to do it. I pay people to draw stuff for me because I love their style so I get the appeal of commissioning from both sides.
I'd love to earn a regular amount which is why I've considered patreon, but I've yet to bite the bullet on it, especially since I only do sonic stuff. But I'm fine making a few bucks a month.
So far this month I've made $30 through two drawings, I won't be retiring anytime soon, but hey, it's $30 and I got to draw! I would gladly spend all my free time drawing for min wage.
>Thoswe nsfw drawfags are not related to /sthg/. Like I said, I pulled them out of the request wall. Those drawfags have filled /sthg/ requests. I just grabbed their names out of the list and pulled up their current galleries. I guess they might not do sonic stuff any more? Sorry user!
Sebastian Hughes
Jeremiah Phillips
Thanks, appreciate the detailed run through. Good stuff to know.
Is it time to panic yet
Xavier Moore
This game is so not he was getting finished.
James Stewart
Shmille and Epictones are not /sthg/ regulars. Epic is a /co/ drawfag, iirc. Saltcote moved to /sonicthetrashhog/, /sthg/'s enemy.
Kayden James
>/sthg/'s enemy wot?
Caleb Foster
>Good stuff to know. No probs user. I used to only get art at conventions and stuff, I'm new to online interactions when it comes to commissioning/getting commissioned and it was weird as hell for me for the first two three times, but after that initial weirdness it's fun. Getting to know people and getting cool art, you should try it, it's pretty rad.
My bad user! Strike those comments from the list! I duly hang my head in shame! I've not been around a lot lately. If anyone has a list of regulars I'll go and put together a list so we can pastebin it or something, for people who want to know or get added or something.
Brandon Smith
Infinity chan
Sebastian Foster
It seems to be a thing yeah, Almost every well known artist seems to have one and it's a good way to keep in touch That's how I was able to talk to Jen
Nobody cares about your stupid fake grade school-tier internet drama.
Noah Martin
Sonic threads in /trash/. Their posters actively try shitpost in /sthg/.
Nice try, /trash/!
Julian Richardson
Shadow looks like Sonic? He looks nothing like him.
Wyatt Anderson
But user, /trash/ is the one that starts stupid artist drama.
/sthg/ is not your personal hugbox gated community
Justin Howard
Xavier Hernandez
I feel sorry for our drawfags...
Nicholas Martinez
Cease your faggotry.
So are we expecting comic news / solicits or are we just hoping on hope.
Alexander Peterson
Sonic only games kind of take stuff like this out of the equation
Jeremiah Gomez
>that one sparkledog YCH auction that sold for twelve-fucking-hundred dollarydoos Fuck me why didn't I pick up a pen and pad when I was younger.
Never know what may come or where it may lead. A little extra dosh never hurts, and there's always the cheesecake route if you're uncomfortable with explicit stuff.
Aaron Brown
I always laugh at the fact you post this every thread. Hilarious
Cameron White
OH BOY I'm not a drawfag, and I posted that, calm down. GUN begs to differ
Matthew Watson
Some people use it like a perpetual Kickstarter, others a tip jar for art they already create, others as a paywall of sorts.
Isaac Richardson
If it makes you feel any better, As much as I'd love working on Archie, It's not exactly my first choice. I'd much rather get a pilot onto CN or Nick or something. Maybe even start a webseries.
Jackson Richardson
I think nearly every drawfag we've had has at least thought about the lewd route at some point.
I mean you draw sonic, people are gonna expect you to do weird shit. It's kinda nuts to put art into the community and expect to get paid for straight work. Which is what I did.
But it's gotta be weird knowing some of the lewd artists out there are making more than the comic artists, and possibly on a more regular basis.
Mason Lopez
I've followed my favorites on Tumblr, dA, Inkbunny, Twitter, and FA.
Isaiah Lewis
the biggest butthurt about patreon seems to be about the paywalls preventing freeriders from getting things
Brody Watson
Jackson Allen
Gavin Johnson
Damn right you're cute.
Sebastian Thomas
I'd say it's more patreon people taking forever with whatever content they're making and riding the gravy train.
Remove Chip
Samuel Smith
We always talkin bout Sally
We always talkin bout Nicole
We always talkin bout Amy
We always talkin bout Blaze
Why we never talkin bout true best girl, Honey?
James Barnes
She has great personality, but she's not that attractive physically
Juan Jackson
Speaking of money, are sonic games still allowed to have casino mini games in them? After Nintendo was forced to remove the game corner from pokemon I wouldn't be surprised.
Robert Williams
she kinda looks like shit desu
Jayden Johnson
Blake Parker
Jaxson Baker
Lost World had a casino level.
Tyler Lewis
Didn't Studiopolis have a casino like thing we saw in Mania's first trailer?
Jose Lee
because amy already fills the role of kawaii uguu teen girl in a dress. Other than her possible attraction to Tails she doesn't really stand out as much