>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
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Azura is shit.
Impregnating your bland ass cousin twice!
Would /feg/ pay extra for backstage passes at Azura's sellout 30 week tour?
When will they shiwcase a girl who isn't a sameface in Echoed?
I like Hana
She's shit.
I'd cum in Azura but I wouldn't marry her.
t. Sissy cuckolds
No because Azura is shit.
Got -atk Minerva. How bad is she?
Waiting for more black fang.
Excellent really.
You got lucky those skills would help a better unit easily.
I love Azura
Quick question: I know they said matchups are going to be determined based also on how many Inherited skills you're using, but do they mean how many the unit has learned or how many it has equipped.
I ask because usually I always make my units inherit three skills even if not all of them are what I wanted. I always thought, hey why the hell not?
Is Nowi the most fuckable FE character?
>Azura will never cum in your butt and manpregnate with you with her potent semen
Lloyd's gonna be a Grand Hero Battle in a few months
No one cares about the rest besides maybe Legault
Fae exists so no.
Is LaD really that good on her? It cripples def/res and she already has kinda low HP for a tank.
It's all right, we're all little girls here.
>Grand Hero Battle: Uncle Jan
I care about Linus, a bit about Uhai, not so much about Jerme.
So is Ninian good?
Like father like son.
I want, no, NEED Legault in Heroes
Best dancer.
I think it was that skills will all have a rating, which is cumulative and will determine who you matched up with. I don't think it matters how much unequipped skills you have, that would be stupid.
That is why those skills will help a better unit easily you illiterate fuck.
she is trash
>roll last orbs at 3.75 chance to get a second Ninian or another useable blue
>get my most hated Fates character for the 3rd time
How many times do I have to fucking get rid of you Peri, you bitch?
She's a dancer and the best of the 3, what do you think?
Sweet victory.
It could be worse. 5* Peri outright ruins many peoples 5* rates
Leveling her up is proving to be a fucking bitch. She has very low Atk and weak defense so she's vulnerable to fighting. I would rather use Azura, and I hate Azura.
She's a dragon and her stat spread is awful. Her BST is also considerably worse than every other dragon.
But she can dance so she's decent I guess.
Fae is for hugging, not breeding.
>Can't maintain proper grammatical tense
>Calls me illiterate
Fuck this shit was scary.
>Incredibly low hp
>can't attack
>can allow your strongest member to move again but has shit move herself
>good avoid, but getting unlucky means she's dead unless you spend a lot of effort making sure no one can reach her on the frontlines
All in all decent for utility, but you're better off just doing the typical "send your strongest support triangles to the frontlines to slaughter on the enemy phase" FE strategy.
>posts Azura
She's a prettier Azura that hits for resistance.
>Healers get XP and 3 SP for healing an ally
>Dancers don't get anything
>He beat the 30 magic version
Nice user, seriously. Nice.
So if this is presumably a support system than the confirmed ones are
Alm and Faye
Celica and Mae
And Celica seemingly doesn't support Boey, Saber, or Genny
Any other predictions? Can Tobin finally win the Silkbowl?
I don't have very many /feg/ pictures
I just want her for Hone Dragon memes.
Could be cool for futureproofing when/if dragons become meta or if they decide to make quests where you need to field dragons.
Reminder that if your dragon is not a loli, she will not have high BST. Go check for yourself. Don't even know why the high BST dragon meme exists when we've had Hag Tiki and Corrin since release.
Lucina's perky breasts
>lolis are more fuckable
>lolis have higher BST
My Pineapple headed brother!
>Archers garbage in FE1
Why do most of the characters in FE6 look like they have birth defects?
Was there ever a game where the calvary units were only bad or mediocre?
Tobin gets a support from Clair
I even scrapped my 5* of her for parts, I simply can't stand her. I'd take literally anyone else.
If you mean the enemies, sure.
>Amazon STILL not taking pre-orders
What the FUCK are they waiting for?
I love him.
No. The closest I can think of is Radiant Dawn and you still had Titania.
How do you guys like your snacks?
>somebody actually lost to my team
Dumb Japs.
delet this
I've been refreshing Amazon for three and a half hours. Maybe it's time to go to GameStop.
Radiant dawn had maps where you didn't want cavalry at all. Probably the closest we'll ever get to making them bad/mediocre
What banner are you saving all them orbs for?
Which one do I pick, /feg/?
>Neutral Ryoma
>+ATK/-DEF Ryoma
He's saving for the Rhajat or Morgan banner or something equally retarded.
Based Denning as a FEHero unit when?
Even a lot of the playable units look like shit though. FE7 ironically looks better than 8 despite coming out first.
Probably Christmas Tharja
+Atk Ryoma
Def and HP are memes
Kill them before they kill you
How can anything else even compete with armor meme
>Slayder was actually made older and given facial hair
wtf guys you told me this series was Fujo Emblem now
delet this, the Empress is pure
delet this too
I think you might just have eye problems. Cath has one of the better portraits in the game, and 8 looks better than 7.
Morgan, Noire, Rhajat, Kana, regular Tharja, Christmas Tharja+Christmas Robin, Kagero, the #FE units, whichever comes first.
I sent Lakche at him with a 50+ kill Brave Sword and Holyn as her dad. Julius didn't survive the encounter.
Nude and lewd
Praying for Ares to crit after Sety somehow crit him 3 times in a row was Jesus Christ tier.
This actually looks pretty nice.
You can do that? Seriously, I thought he moves so I just danced my 15 move Seliph to the castle to capture it.
>Muh BST
See you at end of the month.
>implying I care about Ike
I mean he's a cool character but I'm not gonna roll for him.
Is that Stache Jagen?
How did Clerics' summon mechanic work in Gaiden?
People are gonna argue with you that Ninian is better than Azura or vice versa, but the reality is that they are equally as good.
When do we get our free orbs?
I do hope they let you do skill inheritance of some exclusives to account for possibilities one day. Like Inigo or MaMorgan (if he gets a sword) being able to carry Falchion or letting Ulster / Larcei wield the Balmung. Not through 5^, just inheritance.
These are things that are not happening
>Thinking he cares about Kike