Red pill me on grey market cars Veeky Forums? Should I get on for daily? Y/N? very tempting....
Red pill me on grey market cars Veeky Forums? Should I get on for daily? Y/N? very tempting
depends on where you live. If you're in the US, you have to wait until the car is 25 years old to import, otherwise the government will seize it and crush it.
>thanks Mercedes
Fuck yeah why not? Fuck import laws that are getting more attention now that we're just getting into the good years of imports, right?
epic mercedes, btw I live in FL, so I think if I do it I should be in the clear
>hurrr just get X car!!!
>lmao le funny irony
please end your life as soon as possible, filthy tripfag, pro tip the R33 isn't legal till late next year, and I want an S15 now sooooo
So do it you pussy.
>thinks I don't know about import laws and what is/isn't legal
The importing going on in Florida is still illegal,and the second the government catches on, they WILL take it and they WILL crush it. Do so at your own risk but don't come to us crying because they crushed your prized car.
Florida isn't exempt from federal laws, and with Trump in charge, the crack down is going to be even harder.
Don't be mad when the feds raid black ops performance and they threaten the owners with long sentences so they give your info up so they can crush your cars because they can.
You could
Or you could get one of the thousands of performance cars that aren't illegal to own here like supras, subarus, evos, 240's, miatas, mustangs, camaros, mopar, z-cars, bimmers, amg's, audis, genesis, etc.
You know, just a thought
I never stated I currently have the cash at hand for said car, I simply asked if it was a bad or good idea
>tripfag learn to read
>hehe im a tripfag im smart
once again, kill yourself
I keep seeing a lot of shit about state legal and not federally legal, and its more of a gamble if anything, to be honest I'm just trying to see just how safe of a gamble it is. Also a lot of them say thing like "no vin swap" and "JDM vin and insured with the JDM vin" Doesn't this pretty much make it full proof in a routine stop or say some car crash?
>I keep seeing a lot of shit about state legal and not federally legal, and its more of a gamble if anything, to be honest I'm just trying to see just how safe of a gamble it is.
Federal trumps state. pun not intended.
>Trump in charge, the crack down is going to be even harder.
I.. really don't think he cares.
except he does. The entire reason the law was put in place was to protect Mercedes' profits.
All he'll see is people bypassing a law and costing companies profit. No businessman worth his salt is going to stand for that. Then he's make a twitter rant about people not buying American sports cars.
What is the chance that an officer is going to go out of his way to seize some vehicle that isn't even really doing anything? I understand that in the past cars such as S15's and R34's have been crushed, but just how many make it and are used as a DD, or just some weekend car without getting crushed? This info should show my odd's
If I decide I cannot get an S15 because I'm scared or what not, I will just get a 240, stick some widebody kit on it or some shit, and an S15 front end conversion.
If you import a non-approved car before it hits 25 years old, you're gonna have a bad time. Either wait until the car is legal, or buy an S14 as you said and convert the front end. Do not risk it for a niche sports car that had limited production to start with. It isn't just that they'll crush the car. You can go to jail over this shit.
It isn't worth it.
>I want an S15 now sooooo
So I said do it. You're correct, you never said you had the cash or not. I don't really care if you do or not.
A grey market car is a risk. It's up to you to decide whether or not you want to take that risk. Like I said in my original post, import laws are coming back into the spotlight with the massive influx of cars being imported into the United States.
Black ops performance is only going to last so long, and so is any grey market car. Period.
So go ahead and dismiss what the fuck I'm telling you because I don't have an 'Anonymous' above my posts, but like Recaros said, don't come back crying when your shit gets seized. If it does.
You are right, I guess it really isn't worth it, thanks for an actual well made and well structured conversation.
stay triggered buddy, buy a pass too
S15 front end conversions always look goofy as fuck.
Import an s15 now and do an s13 conversion on it.
>le triggered! XD
Good talk bud
Not op, but did you manage to get your skyline out of nepland?
I'm not your buddy, friend.
I'm not your friend, pal
Noice, good on yah bruh!
What is this of you having an R34? acquaintance
you are clearly new
scbro is one of the good trips, has cool cars, and doesnt afraid
why are you so hostile
OP, you have two big time posters telling you not to fucking do this shit, one of which probably knows a lot about it because he owns a R32 IIRC.
So, yeah, I'd actually listen to them.
Not to be a brown nosing faggot, but seriously, they're correct on everything. Grey market cars aren't worth it.
I wasn't very hostile? only towards him because he told me too fuck off without even hearing me out. besides we are totally memeing right now!!
It's an R32 m80
Only because you mentioned grey market cars. Which means you know that they're illegal, soooo
same boaster, no need for both replies, also fuck off STATIST!
Ur a fagit
It would literally be easier to move to Australia OP.
We have too many fucking S15's here. Every second car I see is an S15 I swear to god.
>recently moved to far north queensland in some tiny ass town.
>went to a cafe on the weekend
>hear heaps sik turbo does
>an S15 flies by driven by some hi-vis vest bogan.
can't fuckin escape em
Who cares about it being legal?
Just drive without registration, remember you have the right to travel?
do this OP, and upload the video of you getting tazed and your car getting crushed
I also support this course of action.
Skyline's are HOT and draw A LOT of attention. Both from cops and car thieves.
Don't be surprised if your cars gets stolen within 3 weeks after purchase.
GPS Tracker and immobilizer. Problem solved.
>Then the police hack your GPS tracker, seize the car and crush it.
Then don't buy an illegally imported car.
Like an R34 or S15 Silvia...
both of those cars look like shit
I don't get the obsession with the S15. You might as well buy a GT86 and turbo it.
for me, I always thought the S15 was gorgeous. The front, particularly the headlights, reminds me of a woman with eyeliner and lashes glaring at you for doing something stupid, while the rear end kinda reminds me of the shape of a woman's ass. I may be gay, I even I can appreciate feminine beauty. Just don't ask me to have anything to do with what's between her legs.
Fair enough. I'm personally after a second generation GTR for the manual, I6 with turbo, AWD, and Super HICAS. I haven't seen anything recent that has all of those things.
the S15 is perfect.
If I ever got my hand on an S15, that dainty little SR20 would be ripped out and replaced with an LS V8, likely a 4.8L or 5.3L.