What are some Veeky Forums approved games?
What are some Veeky Forums approved games?
Paradox titles
Total War series
Assassin's Creed II, maybe Brotherhood and Black Flag
Now delete this thread.
I don't get the grand strategy game meme
Napoleon is best total war game and the most fitting era for a total war formula, as in little diplomacy a lot of wars mostly depending on smart and efficient manoeuvres in campaign map and tactical aspect in battles without much depth in governmental regard.
Also this:
age of empires 2
learned a lot of european history from campaigns and that godly manual
seriously, what other game can teach you what "Bad neighbor" and "god's own sling" were?
They are supposed to be a relatively (this is the key word here) more accurate model of historical scenarios. So for example, the Total War titles are mostly about war, you basically have to win battles to win the game. In gsg-s a country's power is based more realistically on other things, like population size, resources, level of technology, political coherence etc. Another part of the appeal is that they are basically sandbox games, there is no campaign and sets of missions to complete, you have to decide yourself what to do with your nation.
No, I'm not saying that they accurately model history, but they are more closer to that than other strategy games.
Anyone /riseofnations/ here?
Medieval total war 2 is great.
No game can recreate the felling of having to constantly try to outdo yourself against equal or superior foes for hundreds of years, then bring your steel clad, rifle armed and cannon equipped forces over to conquer a continent of savages.
Age of Empires 2 is a great way to learn new things about Europe.
I just tried Rule the Waves because some user recomended it and I'm disappointed.
Yeah ship designing and naval combat are great but it's totally unrealistic, I mean going to war as A-H against USA because they deized Libya. Totally kills the immersion. I expected game to be somewhat historical.
There's no tension penalty for ignoring territory seizures.
RTW mods are even better
eg. Julian, RS2, Europa barbarorum etc
Verdun, for its accurate uniforms and weapons
This one? I loved it as a kid. All game text in my copy was horribly autotranslated into Russian though, so learning how to play was pretty difficult.
Verdun is what BF1 should've been but sadly kids want automatic weapons and 360 noscopes.
Red orchestra 2, All age of empire games, and eu4.
>as in little diplomacy
Diplomacy still plays an effective role in the game.
Napoleon just did away with the hassle of sending diplomats out to fish for settlements or armies. Not to mention the diplomacy engine itself is actually effective, whereas it was fairly broken in previous Total War series.
Where do I get (pirate) the game for free? I only found it in their shop and I'm not paying 30 dollars just to find out its shit 10 minutes later
I fucking love the diplomats. They have character quirks and skills that made diplomacy random.
faggot you didn't even list the GSC rts games.
>Total War series
no just no
Mount and blade.
Its great with mods like Brytenwalda.
Also Banished is pretty cool if you enjoy building villages.
fuck off johann.
they were also largely useless other than flavor.
But yes, they were cool.
>level 0 diplomat = worse than a fucking turnip.
>Post WW2 borders
Just about everything on that map is wrong.
In your opinion, is it worth it giving your neighbors money in exchange for them liking you more?
Underrated post
Mount&Blade: With Fire and Steel is pretty solid.
I always found the factions to be rather badly balanced in it.
Civilization, the Avalon Hill one, not the Sid Meir one.
In Vanilla, they'd just put off attacking you until only a few factions have been left.
Having strong armies at the border helps.
Most major mods, especially mods that make diplomacy better by disabling backstabbing make the QoL better.
Okami and apotheon
wtf is with that map lol
Crusader Kings 2, best of all! Family drama, trying to get good marriage deals...
Weren't there some historical interactive fiction threads in Veeky Forums or /qst/ ? Though, most of it is just fantasy-I-don't-want-to-research threads now.
I enjoy most paradox titles.
Enjoyed Crusader Kings as it is a fairly (note, fairly) accurate feudalism simulator. The king only remains the king if most of his almost equally powerful dukes etc think he should be.
In crusader kings you spend the whole game trying to create a primitve nation state, by limiting the power of the nobles and thorougly attaching your family to the kingship, in Europa that goal has been achieved, more or less. I enjoy that aspect of those games.
The AC series is all more or less on the same level as far as historical inaccuracy goes. I can understand singling out 2 because it's slightly better, but Brotherhood and Black Flag?
Although definitely modern, I loved Spec Ops: The Line
[spoiler]No, I did not feel like a hero[/spoiler]
This campaign from aoe2 the conquerors always gave me the feels.
>Belgium and the Netherlands
Fuckign kek
Ancient Battle series apps
Used to play them all the time when I was stuck with nothing better to do at work.
>Assassin's Creed
Delete your pulse
Red Orchestra and Rising Storm is the most authentics-minded fps I have ever played. I love it.
>Napoleon is the best TW game
No. It isn't. Shogun II + Fall of the Samurai, Empire, RTW I, and Attila are the best ones.
It's not. It's shittier than most Warband mods and you have to buy it.
I've heard it takes some liberties, but is this Veeky Forums approved?
>Napoleon is best total war game
My man. I haven't played in a while but I thought about starting again, how's population these days?
He's right, it is. It's the most solid, polished and balanced TW game to date.
Attila is a close second.
>Best Strategy
>Not posting fucking Medieval 2
What the fuck
There is no doubt about it.
You ready for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam?
It's shit you nostalgia worm
>Shogun II
>Fall of the Samurai
Blowing japs up with cannons simulator
Playing video games with my developmentally disabled 5 year old sister simulator
tfw you will never be very good at micromanaging stacks of horse archers simulator.
For real tho, Attila is a blast, especially the mobile tribe mechanics but the infantry nerf makes a lot of factions unplayable and it's way too hard to set up trade routes unless you want to play as Rome (why anyone would ever do that to themselves though is a mystery to me). Also waah waah historical inaccuracies.
Someone out there might be ready for it, but I know for sure that it aint me
Empire is better then Napoleon in every way.
Except you're full of shit because it isn't. Especially with the piss poor faction management and diplomacy system being shit.
>Empire is better then Napoleon in every way.
The ultimate contrarian video game opinion.
The point is that in Total War games factions and diplomacy is always lackluster and TW is best for its combat and campaign map movement efficiency. Napoleon is good because it plays to the strengths of the franchise being a short period of total war with little focus on diplomacy.
You don't know what's good then, fucktard
Mount and Blade: Viking Conquest is pretty rad
Total War, definitely
1. Medieval 2
2. Napoleon
3. Attila
4. Shogun 2
Anything that's not listed is not worth playing
>forgot it
I think the series should bring them back but turn the focus for diplomats on securing allied forces and armies to join yours.
Instead of walking an agent to the other side of the continent to ask for trade rights, have them shadow your forces asking NPC generals to follow you, negotiating with local tribes and towns you pass by for support and even troops, maybe creating a rebel faction from enemy settlements with low happiness and public order that's allied with you.
Check that shit out if you haven't yet. Realistic in terms of diplomatic negotations/backstabbings. Played by Kennedy and a lot of other guys:)
Age of Kings & The Conquerors
Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge
Tiberium Sun is nice but its a pretty high skill gradient, but not as bad as Dark Reign.. & Starcraft 2 if you can actually compete, better if you have a team.
Age of Empires is alright. So was Online.
Oh and Mage Knights if you're into tabletops. Although if you have infinite money and time, then go Warhammer. And vanilla Chess.
Also Dawn of War is ok, same tier as Dark Reign II.
Mythology is in HD on steam if you have a nice comfortable computer and setup for it else don't bother.
Also if you play AoC play Scandi map, no berries, dual lane fisheries, tight pockets & defendable cliff choke-points. /tiphat Lacedonia. AoE2 has the nicest custom map building in the game if you are just playing single player, do that.
>/history and humanities/ approved
>list random scifi and fantasy RTS games
>You will never mumble your last words as you bleed out from the bullet wound in your stomach.
Where's civilization?
2 was the best.
Empire Earth
>no one has mentioned vic 2 yet
>dat Elvis
always cracks me up
In the sense that it's historical fiction whereas Warband is technically purely fiction, despite being heavily based on history.
The game itself however is pretty bad. Faction balance is wack and the implications of muskets in a persistent campaign are a chore to deal with. Napoleonic wars didn't have this problem by virtue of being a match based multiplayer game. Plus it's way fucking boring compared to Warband which is a saga of tragedy and triumph.
midtown madness (2)
brute force
Civilization is so weird. I don't know why they even bother with the historical leaders and countries and shit when every game turns into some wacky scenario where the Byzantines are a liberal Islamic democracy focused on environmentalism and every other faction is just as disjointed. It's like entirely divorced from historical context.
If I were Firaxis I would just make it an open ended game where you can sort of create your own civilization. Like make some custom aesthetics and name it whatever and just roll with that. Sort of like Spore but not disappointing and terrible.
This would be wildly unpopular and probably crash the company but it's more coherent of a concept so fuk u
>midtown madness (2)
>not monster truck madness
Cossacks 3 is out today lads.
Tell me about the Polish user.
Sick, had no idea
The fuck are you talking about?
The video. There's a video there.
Surprised to see that somebody still remembers Rise of Nations.
pretty decent
RO1 is better.
>no unlocking shit that was standard issue
>no leveling up
>way more vehicles
>vehicles are also not buggy messes
People still play it too; at least the Darkest Hour mod anyways.
>Empire is better then Napoleon in every way.
Only if you want a bigger campaign map. Otherwise the mechanics remain inferior, even after the 100000000 patches.
Plus fuck you, it's L'Empereur
Its a Microsoft hit nobody talks about. And frankly, the AoE games shouldve copied that "similar unit but different cultural costume" sprites that RoN had.
Only if you plan on keeping them as an ally
otherwise no
this, darkest hour is based
everything from a jagdtiger to a halftrack and even a volkswagen
Anyone ever played Empires: Dawn of the modern world aswell?
It was incredibly comfy
I fuckin love all the teamwork in DH.
>mortars take two people; one firing the mortar, one spotting for it
>bazooka can be reloaded quicker if you have a buddy helping
>radioman can provide a mobile radio for his squad leader to call artillery in from
Because the historical setting is just a backdrop. There's mods that change the setting to Middle Earth and it still plays the same.
People need to realize that Civ is a min/maxing game and history should take a backseat, Firaxis isn't Paradox.
It's not even a backdrop though. The map is randomized, everyone starts at 4000 BC, there is basically nothing dictating that your civilization even remotely resembles its historical counterpart. The historical element is less than that, it's simply dressing.
I get that it's not supposed to be CK2 with it's distinct historical period but I really don't get the appeal of playing as George Washington during the neolithic revolution. I'd rather it just be a complete sandbox than retain the extremely tenuous historical connection.
Civilization comes across as a messy concept, at least in terms of its theme. It's way popular and nobody is asking for what I'm proposing I just think it would be a cleaner idea.
not to mention the way the game rewards you by giving ammo to your teammates, I would sometimes get to the top of the scoreboard because I was the only guy answering the machinegunner/mortarman's call for ammo while everyone else was just running past like a retard.