I got a Byzantine solidus from the reign of Justinian I (527-565 AD). You guys have any historical artifacts?
I got a Byzantine solidus from the reign of Justinian I (527-565 AD). You guys have any historical artifacts?
Other urls found in this thread:
>owning the meme emperor coin
Proof that you have shit tastes&know jack shit about Byzantine Emperors. Justinian was literally a shit tier emperor, only memed into popularity. Anastasius before or Heraclius after him were far more capable and better Emperors
>become emperor through nepotism rather than merit (not a sin individually but wait there is more)
>marry a whore
>think you can pull an Anastasius against crowd, thinking the crowd would stop when they see their beloved emperor
>make the crowd pissed, pussy out, think about escaping
>get convinced to stay due to your whore of a wife, A whore has more balls than the emperor
>never leave Constantinople during your reign, (compare him to Heraclius, who literally left when sassanids were at their doorsteps, risked everything and made a bold move)
>become paranoid about Belisarius, threat him like shit for despite his achivements
>take the treasury filled due to Anastasius' excellent administration, only to ruin it for muh conquests (again while never stepping a fucking foot past golden gate)
>miscalculate the conquests, both in time and money
>conquest end up costing far more money and soldiers than expected, they take more than they give to the empire
>overstretching causes the empire to be weak against Sassanids-Arabs on the long run
but hey he made a giant blob better spend my parents bucks on his coin.
fuck justinian
grad student in history* but they are basically the same more or less.
I just bought these 2 for 400. Melt weight of 950ish
Did you study philosophy as well? I'm in a history and philosophy class and I want to shoot myself. I fucking hate philosophy as a subject.
I have some nazi medals. Not any serious ones though.
Nah, straight history student from undergrad to my ongoing phd although I did take an ancient philosophy course and hated it.
but now I read Plato for leasure.
Or maybe OP just happened across the coin at a reasonable price and said why not. Pretentious cunt.
>Pretentious cunt.
see again, they are basically the same
I'm personally pissed at him for other reasons (studying post Justinianic decline, guess whose responsible) but for many layman Justinian is viewed as an awesome emperor, I just think he is overrated and his fame is mostly due to the resources we have about him, If Anastasius had his face on Ravenna and if Procopius lived during his age he would be remembered far more.
but then again Anastasius is not a retard that would overstretch the empire or a corrupt fuck who deserves the ire of Procopius in the first place
>the coin at a reasonable price and said why not.
Then I would congratulate him on his business-deal making skills and shit on him for his taste in Eastern Roman Emperors
> and shit on him for his taste in Eastern Roman Emperors
Here's where the pretentious cunt part comes in. The fact you flaunt you grad student credentials, and thus miss the point of assuming others motivations to facilitate your rant, only compounds this.
Get your head out of your ass and sperg about Byzantine emperors on your own volition. Pretentious cunt.
fuck you, being a grad student means I must be a pretentious cunt 7/24. It is my right to sperg about it on this mongolian cartoon board's history section.
I doubt anyone thinks a mere phd candidate might have some weight in credentials.And I give no sources etc but scholarship (at least far as I read Threadgold, Kaegi) place Justinian on not an ideal spot. You can refuse to subscribe to my beliefs or post some credible source that puts Justinian (peace be upon him) the greatest emperor of all time, even greater than Anastasius !
>You can refuse to subscribe to my beliefs
How about I don't give the slightest fuck about Byzantine Emperors, and dropped by to point out you being an obnoxious jackass?
Whatever you were doing in Grad school, it certainly wasn't getting laid lmao
Ph.D. In history is fucking useless
>t. Undergraduate history major with a JD
The fact that you hold such strong opinions of Justinian only confirms his place in history. I mean nobody spergs out about Alexius or Heraclius being overrated.
My favorites are Diocletian and Theodosius but their coins were way too expensive.
Nice deal on some nice coins, those are classic Americana. You should get a St. Gaudens, the eagle on the reverse is the most American thing ever.
I don't understand why you are so triggered, I was just taking shit from the get go don't pretend as if we are on some serious forum.
I also talk shit about Constantine (a much better emperah imho) here, in other threads and people shit talk me back, no need to get angry about it Don't take 4chinz seriously or you will get offended a lot.
>Whatever you were doing in Grad school, it certainly wasn't getting laid lmao
a very correct observation, last time I get laid was in 2012. I'm an ugly bastard.
It is, but I have no debt and have some passive income going on for me so I'll probably end up being a NEET.
Thats because they are not underrated emperors. Both Alexius and Heraclius are in my opinion deserve their fame, they should be far more famous.
Justinian on the otherhand is more colorful, and have more sources. Yet his character and talent is overrated. Again a personal opinion.
It is sad that folk like Heraclius and Alexius had far less money-soldiers than Justinian, on equal grounds, i.e. if they had the trasury, the empire Justinian inherited from Justin they would achieve far greater things.
Just a personal belief, What If's are hard to prove after all.
>this damage control
damage control of what? You are the one who is taking it seriously. got enraged and spouting insults.
Pretty sure he was offended on my (OP) behalf, like you were shitting on my serious post. But I thought it was hilarious, I've never seen so much drama over the Byzantine Empire.
I would go to askhistorians If I wanted a serious discussion/imaginary points. Surprised to get, go elsewhere treatment on -x is shittier- posts in 4chinz.
>I've never seen so much drama over the Byzantine Empire.
ERE threads are nice, In defense of Justinian there was a dude who pointed out most of Justinian's failings were due to bubonic plague and no emperor no matter how capable would manage to salvage the empire completely. Really makes you think
also to add, Justinians reports from west were mostly biased and assumed most of the folk would gladly welcome-actively support him. While this was true for Vandals, who were persecuting non Arians it was not the case for Goths. Pope even got exiled due to his good relations with Goths. Of course, the effects of bubonic plague-reports justinian had etc are topics can be discussed. I just cut it by saying justinian-a-shit
Who fucking cares? The point is that the coin is ancient.
Nice one, OP.
I mean all the emperors were kind of shit by modern standards just because they had no science or technology. Like Diocletian was a genius but he fucked up the currency and employment because nobody understood basic economics.
Called you out on your pretentiousness and you're only response is "lol Veeky Forums". You could have ignored me, you could have stuck to your rant on the Byzantines in a thread about historical artifacts....you're one dense motherfucker.
no respect is warranted for a wannabe grossbyzantiums
ignore the shitpost
Diocletian managed to retire, which is an achievement in it itself. His economic policies are unfairly judged imho, as hardly anyone knew any better than him. Lets not pretend Rome had Keynesian-Austrian schools and Herr Dicoletian ignored them on his own.
Without Diocletian, there would be no Constantine, not only his accession but also his administration was influenced heaivly by Diocletian reforms. So there is that.
I do agree with memepodcaster Mike Duncan here, Diocletian is a great guy.
I never said I was not pretentious, but that post is a shitpost, just hide it ignore it if you dont want to be bothered by it. I would go to askhistorians, or write a paper If I wanted to debate seriously and earn good boy points
>but thread got derailed
not that OP seems to have a problem but get over it, countless of my threads were derailed by Christians. It happens.
>countless of my threads were derailed by Christians
Kind of like the Roman Empire eh?
>memepodcaster Mike Duncan
History of Rome was great but I felt like it lost its spark as the empire shifted east. I thought 12 Byzantine Rulers did a better job covering Diocletian & Constantine and of course the podcast continued on long past the fall of the western Empire.
check History of Byzantium, much better than Duncan.
byzzieboos should be gassed desu
I've got a tooth my grandad stole and gave to me. It's a pretty neat bottle opener. Haven't got any old coins, only fossils.
Justinian should have just settled for Africa. Italy would have been spared destruction if Justinian had given Belisarius ample support.
Gold stater
Great grandfather found a bronze age spear in the field one day.
He got a lifetime pass at the local museum.
He also found the remnants of an early medieval church. He kept the cross. But it's a 3 hour drive so i'm not gonna post pics.
Well then let's see your authentic coin collection bitch nigga
>Heraclius didn't even feel confident to dislodge Shahrabaraz from Egypt and the Levant militarily, he had to promise economic tribute and view him as the legitimate Sassanid heir over Kahvad II.
Your wanking him a bit.
Roman Republican Denarius. Minted 134 BC.
I would love literally anything that was from the early middle ages. Kill yourself.
I found tons of artifacts in my hometown. A signet ring, cross form the 1500s or earlier, a bronze arrowhead from the Bronze Age, a fibula around 900 and a buckle.
Most of the stuff like ceramics I find is from constuctions site because sadly nobody has the manpower, time and money for excavation.
Where do you live m8?
Language looks either Danish or German to me, but I don't want to assume.
Grandfather found this ring while doing some gardening. I've searched this crest but didn't find anything.
The guy who owned it had really big fingers lol ( diam is about 2.5 cm)
Germany, Bavaria
Maybe it was a traditional german Penis-Ring?
I vote this
ur a an autistic cunt
So your bronze arrowhead was probably Celtic then?
That's cool, I was wondering if it was Nordic or not.
Also, >pic
Is that Runic carvings?
Would it be baller to wear this as a necklace?
1727 Russian 5 Kopek
great condition
half mint, half cast
He is from Bavaria or at least found the stuff on bavarian soil.
I'd do it.
But I would wear it under my tshirt
Your girlfriend will throw it out in a yard sale
>It is, but I have no debt and have some passive income going on for me so I'll probably end up being a NEET.
Little tip, with any sort of university degree you can pick up an English teaching degree and quite easily get jobs all over the world teaching English to kids. Usually you do not even teach anything you just sit down with these people and talk about their interests (conversational teaching). I did it for many years, it is not a career by any means - it allows you to travel the world and make some money doing it though.
A few questions for you fine gentlemen and this comfy ass thread. I have had a project, well I have wanted to this 'thing' for a very long time and was wondering if any of you could help me out with the feasibilities of it.
I want to pick a specific old gold coin or similar. I then want to buy as much of them as I can in order to melt them down and make a necklace, or some sort of jewelry out of it. Ignoring the blatant costs of buying the coins - how much would I need, if anyone could give me some ball park figures, of weights not prices?
>oversees the reclamation of Rome and old territories
>is shit
I remember that thread.
I hope that manuscript is safe wherever it is.
Maybe it was, but it would have made your skin smell really bad (ring is made of copper ). Transylvanian saxons where here for some time.
lol at these dirty ass coins. you idiots should clean them, makes them more valuable.
I've heard from professionals that cleaning coins actually ruins value.
Where can you find this kind of thing? I'd be interested in getting something like it but I have no idea where to start
>you idiots should clean them, makes them more valuable
>clean them, makes them more valuable
>clean them
>makes them more valuable
The bronze arrowhead is around 3400 years old. The earlist celtic finds are from the Hallstatt culture in my region and about 2800 years old.
On the pic is no runic carvings, just a normal buckle from the 1350-1650
He failed.