League of Legends General - /lolg/

Pool Party Lulu When !?



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oh my god


battle bunny Lulu when

I got assigned to mid (secondary) even though my main is support, I dodged that select, then got my role in one game, won, and then got mid again, and dodged again.

This game is trying its damnedest hard to make me ragequit.

If I demote to d2 or if I can't recover master in a week I'm pretty sure I'll take a big break.

i just got my first ranked pentakill in years and i dont have many people to share,so here it is

I just stayed at top and mid to farm this whole match
I'm watching constant 4v5s and just seeing what's happening

>inb4 it's ponyshit or yaoi or guro or whatever

not gonna click on that, any interesting piece of porn wouldn't have escaped me anyway before somebody on lolg could have found it

>LCK consistently getting more viewers than EU LCS

I never thought I'd see the day

>It's another episode of Let's fuck the meta cause it's becoming slightly balanced

Not the poster, but it's Kat paizuri.

the swedes have a strange language

the one that just came out? Uninteresting but decent yeah
Repost it as soon as imthem shows up.

Comfy. You can almost hear the lamentations of their women.

>Mordekaiser's ghost can't hit the rift herald's eye
>Mordekaiser's ghost disables the rift herald's buff on him

Both Morde and Rift Herald's buffs when?

Quick rundown on this guy?

Say that to my face and not online, you fucking papist, and see what happens.

he runs down mid, qs blindly, and complains when he says i didnt see the tower

That yellow bastard? He smells like shit.

>Lux lands a snare
>I'm pushed out of lane

Love it


i have all VA turned off
the English VA sucks, and all champions make me want to kill myself

I play this game knowing 0 of what champions say or interact, and no announcer to bug me.

if i wanted to hear it id put JP on but its not even worth it as its distracting from my map awareness

>controls the champion balance
>Riot Ryze and Riot Tryndamere bow to him
>is rumored to have created the league of legends

>Tfw nobody to fertilize me

xth for Syndra

he is and for at least 1 or 2 patches

>Riot's balance team bow to Lee Sin
>In contact with voidlings
>Posess chi-like abilities
>Control Ionia with an iron but fair fist
>Owns bandle city and murder bridge
>Direct descendant of Iceborn
>Own 99% of the summoner's rift
>Own hextech industries around the world

Powerspike at 3:00. Basically you snowball hard and win by 20:00 or are irrelevant by 21:00.

I do like to see Lee Sin as my jungler.

>Bot lane are trading
>Port down as TF
>Our ADC backs off with half health and leaves me and the support to die
>There isn't even a wave dying to his tower

I'm so confused

holy fuck hot

>tfw that skin is so good, i gotten more attention for that skin in 2 days than my PAX skins got in a year

? such poorly drawn.

So what do you guys think is the best mastery for new galio? TLD? CoC?

she gives good footjobs

No shit. LCK is the strongest it's ever been arguably, while EU LCS is fucking clown shoes

No chance, Noxian.

yes but gooksports has always been underrated in the west

Why are Nidalees skins all so ugly?
I only like the recoulers, snowbunny and leopard.

Lulu is the smuggest! THE SMUGGEST!


How about (You) kill yourself instead?

how about I go and gangbang Syndra instead?

Caitlyn ult - should Riot

>do nothing -leave as is
>Ult Applies on hit effects, 200% total instead of bonus AD.
>pass through but with reduced damage
>Make it fragment on hit and do AOE damage
>lower the channel time

Pick one or suggest your own.

Shouldnt riot be able to release like 30 skins a patch with the amount of money they make?

Do they purposely hold back to make skins feel "special" and unique?

Id honestly like it if every champion had for example and Arcade and PP version of themselves.
Hate that chromas are becoming so big now.

quick guide on jarvan jungle pls?

nah, have a (You)

>Shouldnt riot be able to release like 30 skins a patch with the amount of money they make?

Of course they can. And yes, releasing them in drips and promoting them heavily is how they actually get people to buy them all.

Reset on kill with increasing successive Mana cost

New Galio Nerfs when?

Fuck this piece of shit

>Enemy team drafts an LCS caliber team with power picks across the board
>My team picks solo queue hero garbage shit like Lee and Vayne
>We lose

Wow didn't see that coming, it's almost like playing champions that are broken gives you an inherent advantage in game. It's almost like picking Vayne into Kog + Lulu is a shit idea.

>Pistol grip on a rifle

Your (You)'s make me feel all warm inside.

Their team is better than you, get over it.

t. Vayne main

He gets fucked by the typical AD bruiser/carry cancer

fun champ

Right forgot that one, but I don't think that's useful because
>you cant initiate with it - other team blocks it, just as ineffective as before
>you're still just picking off the lone straggler that survives your successful teamfight - you get a useless reset

Would be fun once in a blue moon when the whole enemy team is down below 5% health, can't reach you and stays visible.

Tfw you put on Championship Riven and Victorious skins no one cares abot

>placing Orianna's ball on someone with stealth

Fuck you and fuck your protect the kog comp


>placing Orianna's ball on someone

>Imaqtpie just used the word cuck on stream

Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?

im fucking tired of this bait


>unironically playing flex

What champion does Riot try to create an illusion of skillcap around when in actuality that champion takes absolutely no fucking skill

>those lux and kat buffs on the PBE
>lux ult gets 50% CD refund on kill
>katarina ult CD is 15 seconds at level 18
Are they drunk?


Master Yi is the hardest champ in this game



Oriana is a prime example

as if there weren't enough Lee players already.

Why do I do NO damage as Hecarim? Is my build retarded?

Triforce>Spirit Visage>Ghost Blade

Guys what does based mean

based newfag

what do I max first on new Galio? He seems weak as fuck.

Riven is hard to master but you don't need perfect mechanics to abuse her retarded kit

and range
5th shot is global

>People are mad Riot is needing fucking everything
>Riot actually buffs a fuckton of champion in one fell swoop
>people are mad about this


Yes. You need to rush Luden's or the jungle equivalent. Then get a death cap and ice born gauntlet.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

triforce>jungle item>depends
are you rushing jungle item before tf?


W is way too strong not to max midgame

why doesn't riot makes new voiceover for certain skins?
A lot of times the champion just says its original voiceover and it doesn't fits the skin at all.

I think they're doing great

Was life hell for Sona's adoptive daddy with cowtits growing up in his house? Do you think he passed on the chance to pump that fat slutty butt?

>buffing champs with decent pickrates and winrates >49%
>instead of the multitude of low pickrate, low winrate champs

do you lead a boring life imthem

That's not swedish, that's roach language

>but visibility is not

woopty doo.

>just realized my runes are like 2 years old
What are the standard pages for:
>Top AD
I use these on my top AD-champs, is it a good page?

Just learning how to animation cancel w and how to animation cancel your qs will make you beat silvers, low golds, and bronzes.

Just go thunderlords instead of fervor even if you are against a tank. Fervor is for advanced riven players.

Most of those champs are either cancer that should be kept in the dumpster or champs that need a VGU because if they were strong they'd be binary bullshit that shits all over everything.

Kat and Lux aren't particularly good right now, neither are being played by pros


If only there was a website where you could find this information just my entering it in some sort of search bar


thats pretty subjective to any eye
what do you consider boring

1: go to op.gg
2: look up the highest winrate page for specific champions
3: fuck off

I'll agree to Lux but Kat is exceptionally good right now.

Don't treat Sona like she's only worth her boobs and butt! She's a person with her own thoughts and feelings!

Do you guys think Darius is a good pick for a new player?