Redpill me on Heidegger, Veeky Forums
Redpill me on Heidegger, Veeky Forums
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Just read Being and Time and an Introduction to metaphysics.
Bowden gives a bit of an introduction to his philosophy:
He IS the redpill, one could say (his stuff on Heraclitus is excellent )
Waste of time.
If you want a nice position in a philosophy department in the West, then yes he is a waste of time.
If you want to learn the most ambitious and highly admired philosophy of the 20th century, then go right ahead.
He idealized farmers and farm life.
Enough for me to know he's an idiot.
why did he hate the Latin language and thought you could only think in German and Greek, not Latin, French or English?
I have been finding statements from him in this sense, but he failts to explain it from a grammatical point of view, it is just statenments without evidence.
I bet you idealise obesity, diabetes and dying in an old age home after spending 10 years slowly losing your mind to Alzheimer's before which you had spent most of your life as a wageslave or a hypocrite and conditioned by mediocre entertainment to think you were living an extraordinary life in the consumerist utopia.
I'd personally take being an Amish any day over the degeneracy of modern Western society.
I can't say from your post that you're an idiot, but it was enough for me to know that you're a myopic cunt.
It used to be a huge nationalist meme back then, look up Sapir–Whorf hypothesis.
>you idealise obesity, diabetes and dying in an old age home after spending 10 years slowly losing your mind to Alzheimer's
Farmer's are immune to this? kek
>I'd personally take being an Amish any day
So stop posting on the internet :^)
So does anyone who likes eating 3 meals a day.
>you could only think in German and Greek, not Latin, French or English?
To the extent that he proposed anything like that, the argument is about lexis rather than grammar.
He never could get that damn Ferris Beuller to go to class.
>tfw he lost his shoe in the mud
>tfw the dog saw him trying to crawl through the doggy door.
Actually farmers may just as well be immune to obesity since their gruelling regimen and healthy diet (I take it you implied the farmer in question would not be leading an easy life of government subsidies and buying food in the grocery store) make that extremely unlikely. As for diabetes, it has for years and years been linked to obesity, and specifically to the over-consumption of refined foods, especially sugar, which provoke insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes. Such food won't be present in the farmer's natural diet (whole grains, more vegetables, cheeses, etc.)
The farmer continues to work passed any arbitrary retirement age, which helps stave off dementia.
>So stop posting on the internet :^)
I can concede all of that to you, but in my own experience these problems crop up. Known farmers all my life, big and small. They get old and fat with the usual ailments as the rest of us. In the end, it's a life for simpler people, and if it suited Heideggar's boring ass, more power to him.
I guess modern farming today can mean: maintaining your own produce to be self-sufficient.
But it can also mean: sitting in a combine harvester all day and driving to the nearest McDonald's for dinner.
Assume stereotypes as you please.
then what the fuck are you doing leeching on the technological advancements and liberties of the western society. what you need is a lack of antibiotics, oppressive politics, and inevitably a short life. if you live a long life remember this, you are a leech