What is the border of Europe, in ethnocultural terms?
What is the border of Europe, in ethnocultural terms?
There is no such thing as "Europe", it doesn't exist either ethnically or culturally or in any other way.
Depends on the time period.
Europe ends where the churches end
some german dude said that and he was right
Europe is a spook
But there are churches in every corner of the world, even china or Africa.
by those logic the middle east is also europe
Turkey and the Ural Mountains
Since you insist on being pedantic, Europe ends where there's no longer a church steeple in every town and village. But honestly its intended metaphorically.
The Bosporus, the Caucasus and the Urals
Yeah I'm sure Ireland isn't Europe now...
fuck you
The ol Reddit Switcheroo
Pre Isam it stopped at the Sahara desert to the south, and the steppes/greater persia to the east
Post Islam the Mediterranean
Europe is a concept that changes every few hundred years.
>Since you insist on being pedantic, Europe ends where there's no longer a church steeple in every town and village.
So most of Africa is in Europe. Ok.
>But honestly its intended metaphorically.
A metaphor for what?
>present core
>argument based on centuries old banter
All countries with nordic, germanic or latin languages are european.
All the others are not. The former border to the soviet union was actually a pretty good distinguisher.
>that map
The rest is just noise.
Confirmed for never having been to Africa
Also Africa is divided by a natural border from Europe so you can never end up in Africa starting from Europe. Churches represent Christianity. Obviously the statement is meant to convey "Europe ends where Christianity ends and Islam begins".
If you make one more post forcing me to talk like I'm explaining to a 12 year old, I wont respond.
>sweden and norway
>not europe
The nordics are much more similar to germanics than germanics are to iberians. Even their language has the same roots. Historically the romans never really went beyond the rhine so the germans and the nords belong together.
>you can never end up in Africa starting from Europe
You can literally walk from europe to africa. Natural boarder my ass. If you wanna take a shortcut you can even fucking swim there.
Nordic countries are irrelevant noise, they might as well not exist.
>no georgia
Warsaw pact
I guess you're fine without modern chemistry and biology then
Things created by Frenchmen and Brits? No why would I be?
This fucking board is more cancerous than /pol/ and /int/ merged together.
I thought this is a history board not retard board,
Sorry, are we disturbing you wanking over Karl Marx and Jared Diamond?
Then why include Denmark?
No you are disturbing the already bad quality of this board with your /int/tier discussion
Why does Veeky Forums always has to be so immature?
Vikings and Niels Bohr I guess.
Why don't you try making posts that aren't shit then instead of whining like a little bitch?
>Greek Orthodox
>be English
>not European
That's exactly what I mean.
You can't fucking discuss anything here that isn't Germany and Nazi related.
Why should I if you only man childs like you respond?
Get the fuck back to /pol/.
not an argument
There is no geographical Europe its literally a piece of the same continent as Asia since its on the same plate as Asia.
that's why he said ethnocultural you dipshit
Is this board crawling with frogs or what is that shitty meme about?
LOL you really baited me there lad xd TOP KEK you fucking nu male cuck faggot xDD
There is even less of an ethnocultural Europe you waste of cum.
>I shitpost because nobody appreciates my imaginary good posts yet simultaneously complain about posting quality
You're pathetic, kill yourself.
Well, there are people who consider themselves to be European, to begin with.
it's when you want to have the last word but the discussion has literally devolved into namecalling and memes
"Europe" is just a retarded meme. What does Belarus have in common with Spain, or Bulgaria with Ireland? And only a couple of people particularly brainwashed by the EU would say they're "European", it's the same as being a "world citizen".
See you guys l8r
Cry me a river
>Oh God I can't stop sucking dicks!
OK cool m8, I didn't really need to know that but whatever.
>ISTANBUL: "Damn her, the whore! Sleeping with the Turks."
The butthurt is eternal.
>I can't understand critic
Also arguing with you is pointless
>still shitposting as hard as possible
True Europe was defeated in 1945. There's no future for the region anymore.
Niggerstan XD
There never was a true europe.
Teach me how to be a cool and edgy naziboo like you!
Half of asia is multiculturaly european (russia).
would describe it best as it is civilization primarly based on romano-christian values
Anders Celsius
Carl von linné
bait harder
Oh wow, one guy who came up with a temperature scale and one guy who came up with a bunch of names for plants, really amazing scientific achievements there snow nigger. The fact you actually consider that science alone shows just how far removed you are from the concept.
>y-your belief isn't correct and its t-triggering me
This isn't your leftypol Veeky Forums safe space buddy
Belarussians are the same human breed as Spaniards and Bulgarians. You guys are fucktards that dont realize racial connections goes back to 22,000 years ago.
>This isn't your leftypol Veeky Forums safe space buddy
No, this is Veeky Forums
Some boards you may enjoy are;
Thank me later mate
Obviously it's because all the leftists bronswing it.
Can you imagine it if Veeky Forums had as much traffic and as much time of existence as /pol/ of today? It would be so fucking worse.
In my sociological interpretation, the fact that /a/ and /pol/ still manage to be decent boards while just behind /b/ in total user traffic means that anime and national socialism are the keys for a superior society
Yea, coming up with the temperature scale that almost the entire world uses is nonsense. Alfred nobel is also nonsense. kys. You lanky faggot
>/pol/ still manage to be decent boards
I hope you like frogs and debates over nationalities whitness
what do you mean with frogs? Frenchmen or pepes
The frogs that green text with feel man
You're genetically exactly the same as sand niggers.
user do you know where georgia is located?
orange = historical highly urbanized areas
light blue + connected orange = western/northern European trade zone
purple + the above = generally accepted as part of the western world with little ambiguity
not that someone Portuguese has more in common with a Swede than an Andalusian, more like the light blue region would be more familiar with Lisbon than Granada, a slightly looser definition might include Granada
green + the above = strongly influenced by western europe through history, mainly through trade, sometimes remaining distinct culturally or having a low population
blue + the above = christendom, may encompass pockets of muslims and jews
red + istanbul = meds not included in the above
light blue is regions with a lot of trade and population more like, maybe I should have included more of the UK, hmm
"Africa begins at the Pyrenees" - Napoleon
No the Georgis and Armenis are more related to the original inhabitants of Uzbeckistan who were Caucasoid individuals before the gooks came and raped them into those Eurasian freaks you see today.
lmao, yeah we're all the same in Europe but also totally different from anyone in the Levant, hurr
They're not scientific achievements you pathetic idiot. They're literally just autism.
quality thread here lads!
I'd just like to point out that Europe begins and ends in Mecklenburg.
Sieg hiel, 88mm and all that jazz
Exactly here
"Russia? no problem" - Napoleon
>The nordics are much more similar to germanics than germanics are to iberians.
Nordics are Germanics
Except for Finns, they're only partly Germanic
except the russians there were no problem fucking filthy mongol rapebabies
that's how I see it
There is none. The concept of "Europe" as a distinct continent is inane (don't give me that crap about it being culturally distinct due to Christianity, that came out of Asia, and if we're going to make continents based on culture, then the Indian subcontinent should be considered it's own continent separate from the rest of Asia).
wew lad
in historical terms, your map as is comes very close
>central europe
you're a slavshit aren't you
Pretty nice.
Though I am not sure about Northern Italy, the way I see it you can argue both ways.
Boldly including Western Turkey. I like it.