do you guys have pics of cars with big spoilers/wings?
Do you guys have pics of cars with big spoilers/wings?
Shit thread. Lets mix it up a bit
What would you pic from OP's pic, Car or Girl?
Pic one only.
Hit and miss, depends on the car and wing style.
Neither, I don't want an STI
Nice one
Good times. I remember April, 2017 fondly.
There are at least 2 STIs in that picture.
Made me kek aloud
You saw that thread too user? Get an original joke you fucking cuck
Fucking samefags GTFO
that's cool as fuck
> pic not related
Can't find any big pictures of this car for some reason? If you played Gran Turismo you know tho
I always wondered if engineers started off with the two engine idea or if halfway through one of them said "guys, it's gonna need another"
That poor fucking car.
best I got
build quality looks on par with nakai san
Wtf did you say about Nakai? He's a fucking legend unlike you internet nobody.
That's literally Wingo
This used to be a Boxster
now it looks like a chapparal
kek, I remember this
I will never understand ricers.
Which Evo had the best spoiler?
I'm really partial to the 4s
Only acceptable response
I like the car but I don't vape. I'd totally lick that girl's butthole though.
Also these fog lights are pure sex
good lord
Evo 3 or 6.5
can't this get flagged for porn?