League of Legends General - /lolg/

"It's not luck, It's destiny."


Old: kys king fag

i really want to play ranked and accomplish the goals i set but the more i play the more i hate the community and want to shoot people

>not lulu


Galio is cool.

Gargoyle fags can kill themselves

>any TF skin other than spoopy


xth for Rumble

xth for evelynn best waifu


How to not feel useless lategame as Nunu? Also, what the fuck do I do to get tanky as him? I had 300+ armor and I still got shredded.

So when's that new Pentakill album coming out

tfw no vg vs vg

Post your waifu's face when she see's you naked


You don't

Nunu is useless, his winrate is a constant meme because people forget about his objective control. That's literally all he does though.

Press W on ADC and E on anyone trying to get close to him

So I've been experimenting with cleaver instead of trinity on Yorick and it feels infinitely better.

Can anyone math me out why I would ever want trinity over a cleaver? Cleaver feels better for fighting and while I take towers slower I'm finding I'm still taking towers just as frequently cause my enemy laner dies or has to back way more often.

I want to fiercely cuddle Kog'maw!

help me how do i get good at jungling

what are good junglers asking themselves when they jungle

what is a good amount of farm and ganks

>ben's team fear ends because they're a bunch of faggots

wow great Veeky Forums guys

Silver/Bronze players in NA for normal, maybe flex
No erp gay faggot shit
No feeding
Just some lads having fun on the rift

...The signs have been shown. I warned you all of the incoming Cho'gaths...but no one took me seriously.

So I honed my skills with attack speed and health and delved into the mysterious lands of training grounds. Cho'gath mains need to be destroyed, PURGED if possible. For I am no longer Lee Sin, the best.

I have trained long and hard awaiting this day. I am free from the shackles necessary to protect us from the special snowflakes that are the Cho'gath mains. Those fucking Cho'gath mains think they're so special just getting bigger and eating things being useless and ruining promos for everyone. No one likes Cho'gath, Katarina is A SUPER CUNT.

Fuck Cho'gath. Everytime he builds a randuins omen, walks up to Baron, one shots it and then feed the enemy AP Alistar 100 Kills in the time span of 10 minutes. How is that even possible? I didn't know until I trained...trained to see just how bad Cho'gath mains are. Fuck them, I had to learn and discover my insight at the horros that is the Cho'gath main. I mastered the ways of defending one's self from them such as walking away, or building Liandries. I have forseen the amount of %damage necessary to kill the walking abominations of promo ruiners. I have seen the maximum amount of damage a Cho'gath main can do to one's game, their weakness is the meta...or rather caving into it. You know that useless Cho'gath main that waddles into lane and fed Azir blue in 5 minutes? He should submit, be Graves, build AP and then kill the top lane Braum. Or rather, pick jungle Jhin and be actually fun and an example of whats actually meta. But thats simply too complex for Cho'gath mains and their simple game ruining little minds.

I have ascended above Lee Sin...I am now better than the best.

For I am...

Sin Lee

Katarina is a cunt. She most definitely is.

He's super cool!
Playing video games is fun!

kys bronzie


>considers this his main
Lmao I started league last year April and got 250k on Kat by December and she's not even my main anymore
Git gud boi


i'm a far above average player (gold 4) please don't reply to my post with this dumb shit

>tfw torn between wanting a Morde VGU because his theme is great but his model and animations are ass, and knowing that when he does get a VGU they're probably gonna fucking ruin him

>Enemy randomly bans Poppy
>Riven free week
>Ban Riven



msg me cool6t9

post your ign to know its you and accept

don't mind him he's probably a silver 4 shitter who resents his lack of brain cells and takes it out on others


Play Hecarim, rush TF, enjoy LP
I can't jgl for shit, but if I get autofilled, I just go very fast horseman and get fed til they ff

>steal things with q
>make them chase you for 10 mins while your team rapes their base

Unless they unironically try to force him botlane again I see no possible way they fuck up a full Morde VGU, especially when their track record for them has been near immaculate


>tfw no soraka gf

>far above average playe
>>gold 4
Why the fuck do ALL singed mains have autism

Finally - an OP that isn't Lulu, Ezreal, Vlad or Lissandra.





>there are people right now who don't know about Lee Sin poster

I knew it, I'm surrounded by faggots.

Veeky Forums custom need 5


Why does Jhin look so young in that one?

I always assumed they gave him a very thin beard.

>Morde gets his VGU
>"We just couldn't find a way to balance his oppressive, unhealthy laning, so we're gimping him so he's forced to be played bot with a support, except if his support is Leona or Blitzcrank he'll be complete cancer"


Lee Sin poster! YOU'RE BACK.

Where have you been!?

Soraka is a hungry cock sleeve slut

>morde gets a VGU
>he is now ranged

>tfw i miss playing league of legends becaus of twisted fate
>hear it's almost impossible to meme with him in the jungle from what i hear
>friend sends me a video of new galio and lux voice
So this game is never going to be fun again. Thats a shame,

>tfw no karma nanny to cuddle and fuck

don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you

how the fuck do onetricks grind with a single champ all day i want to kms after more than 5 games in a row with the same champ


I wanna cuddle a 3D Jinx

fuck this game im just gonna ryze all day and farm my compfy RoA and tear some . fuck winning

I'll...consider it.

>>friend sends me a video of new galio and lux voice
>implying old Galio was fun
>Implying more lines and the exact same fucking voice is somehow bad
You're dumb, I'm glad you're leaving.

Because that artist is a fujo. I just collect whatever I find as long as the quality is semi-decent.

I should and could draw my own content but I'm too fucking lazy.

one tricks choose to only play a champion because they don't get sick of playing them.

same here, im looking for that champion to sperg it out but i cant seems to find it



comfy bfs~




>Come to /lolg/ to discuss league of legends
>See this shit

l'm off to /d2g/ maybe they'll actually talk about the game there and not what champions they want to cuddle with fucking autismos this must be the most fucked up general in all Veeky Forums

guess i haven't found the one then


sc2 is the most fucked general imo

You need to let me know what I'll win!

why is lux wearing panties on her head? is she retarded?


>Doing anything but an endless circlejerk over how much better than are than league even though both games are ASSFAGGOTS and thus everyone playing either game should be ashamed

I know that feel. I also want to one trick a champion because I feel like it will give me an identity beyond a silver shitter. I've tried picking up common one trick champs like Riven, Yasuo, Draven, Vayne, GP and some others like Fiora, Trynd, Twisted Fate but I haven't found that special someone yet. Any suggestions?

/sc2/ is definitely one of the more fucked up ones, but /lolg/ is far from the worst general on the board imo.

We're bad, but we're not THAT bad.

>maybe they'll actually talk about the game there

im as lost as you are buddy

>picking a one trick to get an identity
>choosing one of the common ones


why would you want the identity of a silver yasuo onetrick

>people hover galio in ranked
>gets banned by other team
>troll picks some garbage champion in an off role
>forces team to dodge or auto lose because they are butthurt they cant play galio
um, lolbabs?

I want my ADC to ______.

Pic related.


Pick one you love to play and happen to be good with.

Then you'll climb eventually, simple as that.

i want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!

Jungling is the most complex role in league by a wide margin, because you alse need to know every other lane to truly excel as a jungler. For that and because shitters tend to always blame jungle for losing their lane (and god forbid you if you have a bad game and feed yourself as a jungler) I would discourage you to play jungle until you've reached gold/plat at the very least.

>what are good junglers asking themselves when they jungle
That's a very difficul question to answer cause it depends on so many factors: your champion, the enemy jungler, your lanes, the timing on the game itself... to name a few. Most of the time if you want to truly win the game the best thing you can do is pick a strong early game jungler (ie shaco) and try to bully the enemy jungler either counterjungling or counterganking, nothing feels worse than walking into a bush in your own jungle and dying to lee sin at lvl 3 because he simply cheesed the shit out of you.

I'll join if you buy me Bligewater Kat

Old galio was unique. His moveset should be better but new galio is a completely new character. I've listened to both luxs. New one sounds more shrill and harpy like.

But that's not why I should join!

Is there a better feeling than carrying for the first time and getting S+?

So the actual training grounds have changed me. My body glows and radiates with the power of the Zz'rot portals. They trained me to embrace the power of the enemy minions and how much damage they do to friendlies with their built in sunfire capes.

I must protect us from the Cho'gath. The Cho'gath and their special snowflake bullshit must be stopped before they ruin any more promos. Promos MUST be protected. Katarina is a cunt. So the Zz'rot portals made me glow in strength, I wield now Warmogs and three longswords with the glory I need to crit the Cho'gath out of existence. The Cho'gath must be stopped or else...OR ELSE! Cho'gath must not be allowed to win, he must remain the absolute worst champion in the game so people can't play him and ruin promos. Its like my friend Vayne Mayne once told me "Cho'gath players are shitters, they picked Cho'gath to not be meta at all." And I never doubted her and her fake tits. And ever since then I dedicated myself to beating the Cho'gath...but I lost my strength upon their first buff awhile back. So I trained within the Zz'rot portals and mastered the way of enlightenment, I achieved the strength necessary to win and so I now can defeat the Cho'gath and their bullshit "I'm special" attitude.

Fuck Cho'gath.

For I am Lin See.



Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets

yeah this is true but it's easy to climb as jungle if ur low elo without knowing all that shit. Just pick a tank that's good at ganking and learn the pathing


list of based supports:


any others?

I wanna be your monogamous adc

santa braum! so friendly!

>mfw graves is allowed to exist in his current state
Why is this brain dead cancer allowed to exist?
I thought shaco and ivern were bad to play against but holy fuck, the fucker literally shits on you every stage of the game then later on becomes an unkillable adc capable of 1v5'ing your entire team.

how are people complaining about ivern and shaco's winrates when this cancerous sack of shit is far more busted than both combined?