What is wrong with this game /his? Looks pretty fun to me tbqh
What is wrong with this game /his? Looks pretty fun to me tbqh
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They seen county tyrone sent troops for the british war effort and got the wrong idea.
there's black people in it
Replaced France and Russia with Harlem fighters and Bedouins
SMGs instead of bolt action rifles
Tanks too fast
No trenches on the Western front
Amount of colonial soldiers too big in european armies
Dunno if it's a good game or not, but it's as historically accurate as Skyrim
It is pretty fun. Like all battlefield games, it doesn't really resemble the period it is depicting, but you're a retard if you expected it to.
This is a game based on WW1 theme, not a documentary about WW1. So let them do changes, the point is to have fun. Trenches would be boring as fuck.
explain to us how in a small-scale game representing combat between some sixty soldiers in total would "trenches be boring as fuck"
A game like that already exists, Verdun
And to be honest it's pretty boring
Verdun is a low budget game
BF could have made a fun WW1 game without all these inaccuracies
How do replacing France with Harlem fighters and filling the German army with blacks make the game any more fun?
And for the SMGs, while I can understand the gameplay reasons behind this, I think a game with mainly bolt actions could be fun too
here's what's wrong.
Very large proliferation of automatics which has to be a concession to console gamers as the original battlefield had more bolt action weaponry, but on the other hand increasing the speed of armour is a natural gameplay concession. The war was way more fluid in places than the mud the blood memes might have one suspecting.
I can understand frustration over France but there is nothing wrong with portraying the Arab Uprising and the ME theatre.
When you have put grappling hooks in a WW1 game you have gone too far.
How so? Surely grappling hooks are ancient.
Nigga I wanna play as some gangsta pilots and shit, not some lame ass surrender monkeys.
The beta was fun, but the game is both inaccurate and unauthentic, historically speaking.
Don't try to argue
That bitch ass nigga understand shit dawg
Anyone old enough here to have played the bf1918 mod for bf1942?
i love verdun tho ;_;
Verdun is great and has a lot of depth, they just need more polish which will come. They need to increase rifle sway too, its way to easy to kill and be killed, WW1 was bad but every soldier wasn't instantly sniped the instant he appeared.
Turn off your brain and stop caring, it's mainstream bullshit, fun but not serious.
On the plus side it will inspire more WW1 interest and games.
The nubian empire used to shoot down Zeppelins all the time back in the stone age too, racists just don't know their history smdh
>Cultural Marxism: The Game
Yeah it looks fun, and I am gonna get it like no question about it but I feel like it's ruined by all the fucking niggers the PC's feel like throwing in. But some dudes were doing a search through a few files and found what could possibly be models for all the "classes" named Viktor, Hanz and what not. So there is a chance we can manually correct their mistakes in-game. Hopefully.
I bet for the average person, if they've even seen a single movie about WWI, it was probably the one with Bedouins in it.
Bedouins entire contribution to WW1 was a raid numbering 5,000 fighters
Them being in the game instead of France and Russia is a joke
Oh look, this thread again.
That doesn't mean that the most famous and critically acclaimed film about WWI isn't about Bedouins
the game is really fun but it's not a WW1 game. It's a diesel-punk WW2 game with bizarre leftists political injections.
All Quiet On The Western Front isn't about Bedouins
Throwing money and Verdun wouldn't have helped.
lawrence of arabia #1,572 on imdb
all quiet on the western front #4,927 on imdb
I agree
>A1 mainspring housing on an "original" M1911