League of Legends General - /lolg/

Huge fucking nerd edition

OT eyosongive.us

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I want to cuddle up with Kog'maw!

jinx buffs are cool i guess

I miss alacrity.

Now my Taliyah will never be as sanic as she truly could have been.

Do you guys prefer ghost + mobis for super fast roams or ghost + lucidity for more frequent roams?

ADC Ashe is fucking easy tier. Build AD and CS, don't die. At level 11, commence rape.


Nami is for cuddling warmly in bed and drifting to sleep!

Maybe one more game and then sleep... again...

>Singed, specifically his proxy shenanigans

Just curious as to how people deal with it.

I wasn't sure and usually play Teemo/Kennen.

What are your opinions on in-Galio

Well it's not like I can play a game without my friends telling me how I'm either terrible or how even when I'm doing good it doesn't matter because my friend is doing that much better.

What's the best Warwick build path for jungle? Also rejuv or potions?

>be jungler
>see singed
>do my buff and head top
>collect kill and snowball off of FP

Proxy singed is so trash I can't understand how people lose to it.


Haven't had the chance to play League yet today, how good is nu-Galio after today's release and initial impressions? Is he shit or decent? Fun or boring? Also is he better off as a mid-laner, top-laner or support?

IMO I had the impression that he would have a reliable kit, but would be incredibly boring to play as a result (because let's be honest here, there's absolutely NOTHING new or unique going on with his kit. How Riot hyped him up as their biggest &most drastic VGU yet is beyond my understanding.)

I actually think he might need a few buffs and maybe the AD ratio added back to his passive.

Or maybe we just need to wait for the "magic build" to come out.

Tiamat into Cinderhulk into either IBG/DMP/SV

Rejuv bead so you can build into Tiamat faster.

xth for Riot never releasing another mary sue rival top/mid laner that could lane against Jayce to see who can outsmug the other

Citan would fit the bill perfectly

If you see Singed, call his wrangler and have him returned to the autism institute

Goodnight namiposter lm off to sleep now..

are kennen and kayle the only every-role-champions left?

>Sejuani in OP

I approve!

>tfw struggling to keep smurf from reaching Silver

>Kennen jungle

How does that work?


Make. This. Happen

Ken is pretty bad in mid now
His jgl is ??? why bother
Kayle jgl is OP
Kayle top is OP
Kayle mid is OP
Kayle supp works sometimes
Kayle adc can work

Yeah Kayle is renaissance man

comfy fanfics~


>mary sue

He's not a Mary Stue if we're going by character & lore.

But if we're going by gameplay and lane domination then yes, he's an OP "Mary Sue."

>no new illaoi skins
>no new taliyah skins
>no new a sol skins
>fucking 300th garen skin

honestly i think the best part of his ult is the massive damage reduction you can give, darius or a squishy or something

>no Ao Shin A Sol skin
Ez munny Rito

Your friends sound like assholes, unless
im reading that wrong. Im kinda tired.

Drop them and play by yourself for a while. No need to stick around people who never encourage you.

>>no new illaoi skins

Too many assets and an unpopular champ, not worth it for Riot.

>no new taliyah skins
>no new a sol skins

Both are still too new and are even less popular than Illaoi.

I'm more shocked that we haven't gotten a Viktor or Casseopeia skin yet, honestly. Especially when both of them were meta for a while, and are still viable now.

anyone wanna do a late-night normal draft game? s1 top/jg here. add me in the next 5 minutes and let's play. NA of course.

you know what I miss /lolg/?
katarina's quick damage reduction on her E

I'm sure if I was a good person I'd probably get good friends.

It's not like I can argue with them because I pretty much am the worst at every game I play, even games that I've been playing longer than them.

I wanna see some stats first but IMO is still a situational pick. Don't even bother picking him if the enemy team doesn't have at least 2 AP threats to warrant building more than one MR item


She's been out for almost 2 years now.
Diana has had 2 skins in the past year, and nobody gives a fuck about notAkali.

She got a lot of play during MSI and she could still sell. Who the fuck wants a festival anivia?

>A Sol
K I'll admit. I could see them tossing him a super galaxy skin just cus

and when i said s1, of course i meant s5

Who will be the Divers update major reworks?

Irelia/Panth/Xin Zhao/Diana?

>tfw so cold have to go to bed to cover myself on the blankets

I wish l could cuddle nami too. She looks so warm in that picture

Irelia for sure
She's weak as fuck right now.


Hopefully not, I love him as is.

At first I thought you just caught him doing Krugs, then I checked which side of the map he was on and I'm confused.

He's a pretty esteemed scientist. Not completely Mary Sue but close.

Dr. Citan is both in story and in game. He's also an asshole

They'd probably be good rivals. I'ma go play more xenogears now

I cant judge you on your character, but you are sounding like a pushover. Your "friends" are just using you as an object to bank their feelings off of, not as a teammate.

Stand up for yourself, and either demand/take the role, or drop the fuckers

>"omg wtf noob why you ban galio i was gonna play him why you ban my main?"

Aurelion was popular for a short time though, it's just that Riot went full retard and nerfed him too hard, just when he was starting to see a rise in play thanks to esports MSI and season finals.

Yasuo was already confirmed.

Starting alone then

>Loving Ivern
>Is in a good place
>i.e Easy to climb with, works in higher elos, flying under the radar in terms of balancing
>Want to buy the candy skin
>Don't want to give Riot money


>Use restroom
>Pretty big pillbug on wall
>Consider throwing him outside, but it's cold out, decide to let him live out the rest of his life naturally in a nice warm home since they don't cause any real harm
>Little while later have to piss again, figure I'll check on him-
>He's in the corner getting his insides slurped up by a huge fucking spider

League of Legends.

It's not very good anyway

Good. You got this, user.

"in a good place"

He's LITERALLY at 57% winrate right now.


Will we win it


which lulu skin should i get? c:

>WW is on rotation
>Have mastery pages for general AD and general AP
>Wonder if I should buy another mastery page so I can set up a jungle page

Thanks spiderbro!

That's a pretty good place

How do I webm a video so big? I don't want to download it.
It's a WARRRR webm: youtu.be/vNKq7R1ZKDg?t=1h50m19s

>picked galio first pick top
>they pick swain
I feel like I should do well against him. Do I rush, like, an Abyssal Scepter?

>Placed into bronze 2
Buy a new account

>good place
Ivern is literally a support jungler. If your team is a bunch of mongoloids he's useless

Sugar Diabetes, Snow Slut or Beach Booty. Depending on your seasonal flavour.


Good thing I'm not in gold/plat :^)

>ivern is broken, he isn't in a good place
>ivern is shit, he isn't in a good place


No, get star guardian . Best skin. This is a troll.

No idea, i haven't played nuGalio and i dont know what is magic shield scales off of, but swain is ranged so he has that for good leverage. If you are having trouble, just farm it out best you can




Enemy bot adc is 2 kills and several cs ahead of you, and can kill you in any solo fight without even using summoners. Do you play passively and farm until you can do damage, or try to rotate where enemy adc goes and hope you don't die?

How the fuck do i win lane against Rengar as Trynd when he has ignite?

play safe

>champions that counter ivern
kek what a nice counter

how do i do these? like how do i put imagines in there paint?

ivern players are just better at the game than you user
like kayle players

100 hours in MS Paint.

Are you a kayleanon?


I get most of my meme images from her, she runs a fun and decent blog overall.

win rates in low elo mean nothing check ivern's win rate in korean challegner

>Exhaust is so shit now not even Supports use it anymore

Wow epic balancing riot XD


>Warwick gets an ability that gives him damage reduction and a fear
>Galio gets THE SAME FUCKING ABILITY except its a taunt, not a fear
>Urgot had this in their kit before they did.

I guess the position switch portion is going to another champ, but what are they going to do with his passive?
Reducing multiple peoples' damage output in a fight, can be jarring.

Im scared, lads...


Candy King Ivern is easily one of the most tilting skins in the game. I credit at least half of my wins to the sound effects pissing off enemy players beyond repair.

May i ask you a question

that passive isn't going to stay, obviously
thwy'll likely just gut the tanky parts of his kit and just turn him into an artillery carry

So like, instead of being a conventional ADC he'll be like an AD Xerath almost?

fuck off gurofag



I am not gurofag i have a legitimate question to ask

Not that user, but I can see Riot turning him into an ADC that with a caster kit and play style like Jhin or Varus. Then again I've never played him, so isn't that what he sort of is already?



pretty much his auto range is abysmal his only reliable damage is from e q

I doubt they'll allow him to keep being tanky while still being artillery, and they already said they like the lock in mechanic and want to keep it

the problem is that his ulti doesn't really make sense for an artillery carry, his passive is dumb and his playstyle degenerates into:
>land easy E
>spam Qs till you'll need to back off, with W shield so you're even slowed
>oh, did you get near me? R, I win absurd amounts of free stats and you're suppressed for a few seconds
whenever he's strong