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>Developer Update | Introducing Orisa
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Best grill

Can't be too much longer until that event and her new skin

>eating stargazy pie

event fucking WHEN?

can you link that, can't seem to find it

That was a great save.

too bad nobody noticed it.

In Ecopoint: Antarctica as Reinhardt, if you charge up the stairs in the garage towards the second floor you can get across the entire map in a single charge, probably even take someone with you.

Orisa in competitive when?

DED GAME???????????????

When she's finished.

Probably in a month, considering consoles.

I'm just pissed the Lucio update didn't come out yet.

>too bad nobody noticed it.
That's months old reddit webm. The whole internet noticed

Next week, they said she was only disabled for a week

what the fuck

I wish.

Will there be like an update or will it just do it in the background?

I'm going to play comp just so I can see how low I can get.

cause honestly fuck trying to get into top 500's.

and I'm either gunning for top 500 or sitting at the bottom mid-game eating chips.

when does this hero come out?

Reposting in the new thread.

I hope you all are able to reach your own goals, /owg/.


>using skirmish
don't be stupid. deactivate this in options. even then you will have lots of games that still fail the search because their algorithms are fucking broken. had 3 failed games in a row without skirmish.

They should replace being kicked for inactivity for the option to votekick.

You could votekick for being inactive.

I'm getting pissed for not being able to find someone in a game of elimination and they're suddenly across the map and I get kicked for 'inactivity'
Or Lucio skating around Nepal at top speeds only to be kicked for not shooting anyone.

this is really fucking stupid. it even happens in fucking custom games. Why?


>need one more win for x
>ALWAYS end up with some autist spic or swede/somalian who hyjacks the mic for his personal blog and starts BMing everyone


also this happens when you have shitty internets

not him but mei isnt fat
she just has a little chub

>lose 400 sr with lose steak
>getting it back
>randomly game doesn't load and you get an auto lose
>this happens multiple times
Okay, you know what, I'm done. This is not fun at all, it' cancer.

GOOD NEWS! I have a solution for your problem! It's called: The fucking mute button

>mostly fem reader x female characters

when are the healers going to get removed/obsoleted in this game? they're all easy chore heroes that allow bad players to reach high levels and their presence slows down the game. There's actually nothing good about them.

>11/12 players
>welp we couldn't find someone in 30 seconds, better kick EVERYONE back to the menu

But they're all hot af though.

Guess I'll have to mute the whole fucking team then because it always ends up in a fucking argument.

Is this exclusive to EU? How's this in USA?

Your problem is that you're reading fanfics.

Link them. I need this.

>not sure if bait or just retarded

do you realize that healers allow you to get more kills by saving your life?

The same goes for the tanks you dumb fuck, and surely you didn't mention them because you play them.

"chub" is made from fat. mei is fat. mei is not healthy. mei is not skinny. mei is not big boned. she is fat.

We just got a new hero. Expect a new map in a month and a new event in 2 months.

>healers are bad!

It sounds like you're bad, user.

I just sort of assumed that meant he was in a party of teammates who I assume are decent players when some autistic shit comes in and throws the game for his blog

fat is different from chubby idiot

USA is usually alright matches with maybe a hothead or two. The worst case scenario is when a BR hijacks your game.
most tanks can actually shoot at people and do damage. I'm completely fine with seeing them go away though. This game commits a cardinal sin of first person shooters by having half the team not shooting at people.

sadly this may very well be the case.

new hero when

>start game
>instalock DPS
>5 seconds later 3 other people pick DPS and don't budge
>have to play rein or zenyatta AGAIN

>slowing down the game
thanks for proving my point
not an argument

What event could you have in May?

There was a minor update where Mei was fattened in the Lunar New Year event.

literally an update where Mei isn't thicc enough

Other way around m8. This has been the pattern so far starting with Ana.


>those people who instalock dps proceed to be extreme shitters and lose the game for everyone
this seems to be every ranked game I play.

I absolutely agree.
This game is fundamentally flawed.
I played the beta and thought the same. Then a year later I bought the game and still feel the same.
Not sure why I gave Blizzard of all companies who hasn't released a proper game in more than a decade money. I guess I was just bored and didn't have anything better to play.

I thought that was because people complained on the forums.

I should have worded it differently, I guess.

Both cases did happen which caused me to lose multiple games, but I really should be more trigger happy with the mute button.

Thanks for making me realize the obvious.

Sounds pretty comfy family, maybe I'll take a look one of these days. Just QP of course, wouldn't want to ruin comp with my ping.

non-thicc mei = bad mei

No, pretty sure at this point you're mentally retarded.

Healers keep their team alive so during pushes when being pelted with gunfire, a healer can keep those hit alive long enough to kill the opposing team, usually assuring victory.

Mercy for instance, can instantly revive all of her fallen teammates, allowing them to get back in the fight faster, If Mercy can't do it, Symmetra allows people to get from spawn to teleporter (usually on the front lines) instantaneously, significantly shortening the distance required to regroup.
>And I'm likely the Mercy physically attached to your back, the only reason you don't die sooner.

>start game
>want to practice Sombra in QP
>teammates instalock McCree, Hanzo, Genji and Reaper nearly every game

>queue with friends, try again
>friends with SSD's instalock Junkrat, Pharah and Hanzo


that doesn't stop them from being chore classes that require no skill, which is the main issue I have with them.

Buy an SSD.

Then play Zenyatta or Ana, One requires you to aim to deal damage and heal while the other just requires you to aim for the head.

also why are you saying this is a good thing? there are better ways of prolonging matches without forcing the enemy to kill your team twice.

yeah, model people accidentally made her skinny, which didn't look right because it looked like her legs were jutted back from her abdomen.

because she's fat.

>faglando i'm useless player has toaster pc
of course.

Comp is so fucking boring

It's just a competition of who can play the meta the hardest.

>Load in
>Shoot the red rectangle
>Avoid the hook
>Kill the pocket healers

Literally every single game. You never see crazy teams. Just the flavor of the month meta.

OW in general is stale as fuck and my new favorite game mode is random heroes precisely because this cancer is eradicated. Less ults too so it doesn't turn into a ult spam snowball.

>Try crazy team
>Lose every game
>Go back to meta
>Start winning
Comp is for winning, why do you think people play what guarantees the highest chance of success. If you want fun play comp or arcade.

Until we get more diverse heroes and maps the game is going to stay this way.

>lose game because team are all selfish mainers that refused to switch off their precious flankers hanzos and dvas
>get the blame for being a "shit support" because I couldn't pocket them all at once
>card for 33% healing comes up

One person deleted a third of the enemy team's damage and saved lives god knows how many times, I think it's safe to say I fufilled my role, but I keep getting blamed every game for retarded dps players' mistakes.

I really should upgrade the whole rig, but I've just moved apartments and still need to spend money on my new place.

What? I have less than an hour played on Sombra, I'm a tank/support main.

>Victory at the expense of fun
OW is a failure of a game

>I really should upgrade the whole rig
no you need to replace one fucking component, I've friends with 5 year old rigs and an SSD and they lock as fast as me

Listen, the point is healers are vital to good team comps.

But none of these retards understand that and pick Widowmaker or Reaper, or fucking Torbjorn.

We don't need a 4th Hanzo you moron, We hardly need one.

the game doesn't punish you for dying and it doesnt reward you for killing. it rewards spam damage and dumping q on people. The flavor of the month meta game is going to stay this way unless the game is radically changed, which it won't because blizzard already made their money.

How the fuck did timthetatman ever hit GM?

Can I just not be kicked for inactivity for surfing off rooftops blizz

that's all I ask for


>Hanamura Attack
>Too many snipers
>Too many defense heroes

The original post was about making them obsolete. They're required picks and they are all dull as shit to play. healers in FPS games should've been an outmoded concept by now. TF2's medic was just barely OK because it requires some aiming and maneuverability skills, this game takes it to a whole new level of cancer by giving the healers guns that do no fucking damage and forcing them to play mash E and hold LMB to win. Worst of all is that 1/3 of your team has to suffer this fate every game if you want to win.

I suppose, but the whole thing could use replacement to be fair. I'm dealing with some faulty sata-ports and had to switch things around.

genuinely curious why sniperfags don't just play no limits or a custom skirmish. Why must they shit up QP games?

I assume that's some eceleb, in which case he probably knows the right people to carry him

Trying to make friends, play competitive with me !

Support main at 2100 on NA

Bnet - Mollywhoppin#1159

Stop idling for exp and buy more lootboxes, goy

sssniperwolf is diamond i think, i saw it once when i was fapping to her

is right

paid for boost off stream
gets carried by seagull/lassiz on stream
moonmoon literally had to stop playing with him because he's boosted trash

Would you a #1 Mercy player?

>he fell for the win10 meme

that beta as fuck face and pose, well at least he won't reproduce, the way he crushes what is left of is manhood

>well at least he won't reproduce

I get the feeling he's probably not interested in that kind of breeding

I did, and I'll be sure to install gentoo on my next system. Can't be bothered to do it now.

just dual boot a good xubuntu and "free" win7, never needed more for gaming and werk

>tranny waifufags talking shit about betas and gays

>cant find vista/7/anything else anywhere
>fuck it I'll (((buy))) windows 10
>bluescreen again
>fix paging file
>OS slows to a crawl seemingly at random
>fullscreen applications freeze for seemingly no reason
>when fullscreen apps freeze theres no way to access task manager, it gets blocked out behind the frozen application and forces a restart
get me off this ride

>play on nepal
>ult and get nano boosted
>nearly wipe entire team
>mercy rez
>me and ana get smashed
>there is a sym putting turrets down near point, not getting on it
>there is an Orisa near point, not getting on it
>nobody is on point, enemy caps and wins
is the entire community just retarded?

>frogposter spouting shit
wew lad xD

So just another opinion on Orisa.

- super fun and effective on defence
- more of a support hero than a tank
- she will be used like a Rein replacement by idiots (and fail at that role)
- she accomplishes a bit less than it feels like
- my index finger hurts
- medicore skins
- medicore emotes
- shit highlight intros
- feels ballanced as she is

Overall a good addition to the game, but didn't change the fact that Rein is mandatory most of the time.
Curious to see how our "pros" will put her to use.

Semi-related: Nepal and Ilios are fucking broken now due to that pull ability of Orisa. Who the fugg thought this was a good idea?

>google win7 sp1 iso
>verify md5 hash from offical MS site so you know it's virus free
>unlock it with daz loader 2.2.2
wew that was fucking hard

also I stop talking about topics now, still wishing you success

What are chances that this is true?

I was sceptic towards ""leaks"" on 4 chan but that Anchora one turned to be legit

I wouldn't mind this, just hope he looks cool. I wouldn't want Doomfist to have some "diversity forced-down-my-throat" design like horned Orisa

I actually don't like her design

Maybe I'll get used to it

Why are you so rude to the Angela?

Well he's probably going to be black

I seriously doubt it.

But when is Overwatch's 1 Year Anniversary?
If not Doomfist they must have something special planned.

May 24th.