You have a time traveling nuclear missile you can send back to any point in history

you have a time traveling nuclear missile you can send back to any point in history.

where do you send it to?

Where ever islam was created.



Do you think if I sent it to 1932 the Nazis could have reverse engineered it? What kind of missile? Your picture is just a bomb, not a missile. Does it have to be launched to travel in time? Will it inevitably blow up?

London 1812.

On Hiroshima in 1945

Your name is quite fitting

Yes I'm sure a street gang of homosexual bodybuilders and thugs from the 30s is going to reverse engineer an exploding nuclear bomb you delusional Untermensch.

I send it to central Manhattan during the midst of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Mesapotamia 3000BC

But then you would wipe out civilisation retard

That's obviously the point you cumguzzling cocksucker.

But then you'd never be born spastoid

You would guarantee American dominance over the world

On Constantinople 535 AD.

To the very first humans in Africa.

somewhere in central africa, 50.000.000 BC

Depends, will it detonate upon arrival?

Seriously though, what point in time and space would humanity most benefit from atomizing? Jokes aside.

Somewhere in Mongolia around the year 1160 CE? Pannonia around 400 CE?

09/20/16, 17:24:11


This is really clever


To the living organism that appeared on Earth. By doing that I erase all suffering from the universe.

The Vatican in the late 1400s.

madoka pls

But then the pope would die you mongoloid

That's the point.

Japan 1945
Two Bombs were not enough...

But what about the pope?

Not trying to take the piss, just curious

>SCAP and Oppenheimer's face when they think they broke the universe

took me a second

it's okay homura, just make sure you don't turn evil while I'm gone, okay?

new York city October 1st 2003


Have to get sculder & mully

>arguing butterfly effects about an impossible hypothetical situation, a simple thought experiment
this is why girls won't go on dates with you, spermsponge.

How is that a bad thing?

I send it to me a few years ago with a note that reads 'THIS SHIT HAS THE SECRET TO TIME TRAVEL, PATENT AND SELL THAT MOTHAFUCKA'

and then you'd die

Geez Bill, two nukes?

Söğüt 1299
Nip it in the bud

Rome 280 bc

If I dropped a nuke in China in the year 1950, could I somehow cause war between China and the USA?

Would there be differences if I dropped it before/after the soviets and the chinese signed their defensive alliance?

All I want is to let MacArthur have free reign in the east.


London, 1600

imagine a world without anglo

russia when mongols left

Constantinople, 29, May, 1453. If Rome can't have it nobody can

I don't know about that but the first item on the contingency plan for China RE: Vietnam was to nuke Beijing and then tactically nuke the ever living shit out of North Vietnam and the Vietnam/China border region. Kind of strange considering how Korea was handled regarding nukes.

That's not a missile.

65 million years ago, in the path of the asteroid.

October 14, 1947, 45,000 ft. above Rogers Dry Lake, California