Post trash
Post trash
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Any car I don't like.
OP's car.
>insecure FCA cucks detected
Oh good, another quality thread.
Any vehicle OP likes.
Jokes on you I ride a bus
What special kind of retard made this?
So a good sounding engine is automatically good?
this is an empirical fact you low IQ fuck
an empirical fact is that you're a 16 year old carthrottle tier retard
the best sounding engines were produced before the age turbos but those engines are obsolete shit by todays standards
kys fca cuck
t. bmw kike
you have to go back
t.16 year old busrider
not even worth adding an image
>be BMW
>offer more expensive competitor to FCA that is higher quality and won't break down nearly as often
>everyone thinks it's shit because it's 1/100th of a picosecond slower
>more expensive
lmao the M3 costs nearly $10k less than the Giulia QV while having a good interior and actual pedigree.
Enjoy your low reliability and highest in class depreciation
There is a reason trash like (((BMW))) is 1% market share
Dead. Shit. Brand.
Lmao troll harder cuck
>BMW has been the top selling luxury car maker in the US for the last 10 consecutive years
I stand corrected
bimmer and Merc will always be better than FCA
whoever shills for FCA hasn't seen demaros review of the new Maserati whateveritscalled
Video very related to thread
This thread.... /thread
Reminder that the M2 is the only good car in the current BMW lineup.
M4 is faster, has a better interior, has the more potent S55 engine.
More expensive, sure.
You get what you pay for
I like how Alfa makes the comeback of the century and still only sold 1/13 BMW has sold the M3 in this year.
>muh pedigree
>muh subjective views
your shit sounding BMW has gotten BTFO by the giulia QV in every comparison test
>look guys I posted it again XD
>turboed vs NA
The Giulia is BTFO by the M3 in every head to head track test.
The Giulia is only praised because Alfa has finally built a car that is not a complete piece of shit after 20 years
Same HP but 195 lb-ft or torque vs 150 lb-ft, I wonder who would win.
boxer engines confirmed trash tbqh ᶂᶏᶆ
GM's shitstain 4.3l vortec