Dota 2 General - /d2g/ - The Gulag

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Good OP


legends never die.

I miss old /d2g/

I don't miss animeposters though

I'd have preferred a Soe OP, but this is alright as well.

third for filter and ignore adelaide

Post some ancient memes.

whats best position for Tony in this patch?
only lost 2 games today and both had a tiny in our team as pos 1
even 6 slotted it felt so worthless and unable to kill anything nor hit towers

>this post was already filtered for me
Feels good man.

What about.

>Ahhh, more memes for my Dank Memeoire.

>using a filter on Veeky Forums

go back to your hug box safe space echo chamber whatever normie fucking website that is


>6slotted tony
>unable to kill anything

I miss that too

Still, have some relevant memes.

fuck that

I say ancient because rtz is a relic.

6 slotted tony is either kited or instakilled by half the hero pool


Then either he ditched his mobility item when he shouldn't, or his team gave completely lackluster setup/support.
>tfw 98th percentile CK according to dotabuff
I can live with this

>I invoke... deafening bath!

gl smelly dotards


What team is our guy singsing on dotards?

team waiting for dark souls 3 final dlc m80


post dotabuff

>can't cast if you are silenced

heh, nothing personal kid.



I am utterly convinced that morello and guinsoo saw this image, too it way too serious, and that is the reason why LoL has its forced meta
Theres no other reason why its the only game where the admins actively control gameplay

>tfw you destroy your soulring accidentally as nyx

Why aren't you watching sing stream dotards?


Whoops, meant opendata

Also, spoiler, it's shit, but who cares :^)

wrong game nigger

>and doing that doesnt even break you out vendetta

>league cucks put up with that
Is dota just too hard for them? I do not understand why you would play that game when the company does INSANE things like ban you from playing for not playing the meta

Why don't they just pick the fucking heroes for each match and force the meta that way?

They basically do because you have to PAY for more heroes/gameplay and get banned if you do not play it way its intended. LUL



They don't know any better, all their friends play LoL, Dota is harder.

smmes like you are not enough aggressive as Spectre early on and maybe too much as CK later on


something something rhymes with cant get laid?

>the marketing for dota sucks
should we fix this boys
Will it revive this dead game

Bring back the chilly toad.
The hack had no idea what the fuck he was doing, but somehow he almost always managed to make an entertaining patch.

When do the GOOD teams play?

>play a bunch of ranked
>realize that there is always an Axe and Jugg picker in every game

Who to pick if they are the enemy? They feel so hard to play or counter at times...especially if its your pub teammates who are dumb

Ursa is good against both

>they pick jugg
pick ursa
>they pick axe
pick jugg
>they pick jugg and axe
pick BANE?

pick Of Deceit the Smoke
gank them
procees to push

I don't get why a red headed anime girl is affiliated with a city located in australia.

she's not a real redhead she died her hair like a slut

>tfw broke my ranked winstreak by last picking Huskar into Invoker Spectre Jug Necro LC
had megas at 30 minutes but then the power of bad pickage kicked in
sometimes you just cant hope to avoid meta and go for superior playstyle

why are my teammates so angry at me when I play with an arcana? I can be playing the same as everyone else and they will call me out on every fucking thing.

Using an arcana is like having a target on your back holy shit


3k mmr is full of angry teenagers that will get envy at you for being able to afford hats

Boxer a cute!

his wife looks like an ayy lmao though even with all that plasitc surgery

jesus Korean women are soooooo fake

good goy, remember to buy the heroes goy!

>jugg counters axe
>not other way around
low hp high dps magic immunity reliant melee carry against high armor hero with a bkb piercing disable and loves to get blademail?

>How to fix CK aghs
You can cast it on an enemy hero, but don't get the 50% chance of an extra illusion then.



has /d2g/ ever had a meet up at TI or anything?

pic related its Veeky Forums


>Veeky Forums
>is not Veeky Forums

What is your honest opinion on Sing?
No memes please.

i want to cum inside his butthole

It is legit Veeky Forums not even memeing.

You don't go to Veeky Forums if you want to look good.

I meant they're not fashionable.

Why you aren't playing le balanced fire bird right now?

>he doesn't know /effay/

>Veeky Forums

>that pink hat arizona sippin faggot

Are they?

low armor and long cd escape to be a good offlaner
has to rape opponent to be useful at mid
is level hungry as a support and will be useless if starving in early fights
ult falls off quickly and does shit only while diving t1s for ganks early on

still i love playing firebird

Hero for someone with 1,2k mmr?

I met with some people from here at esl

For the most part these guys are pulling off the look they are going for but they all need a hair cut. I mean they do not look good do not get me wrong.

The guy on the far left has a low cut black shirt that accentuates his long neck, not flattering. He is also wearing dress shoes and no socks.
>so this is the power.....of Veeky Forums

wraith king.
One active and being able to build anything should be just right for you.

What is this guy doing nowadays?

also doesnt help that jugg is super fucking meta right now

play dazzle and build urn into medallion

because youre 1k nobody will give a shit if you steal farm or jungle and if the game gets stalled out get a desolator for teh lulz

Why do you people meme Peru to the death?

also lc is always pub material and right now every carry loves to build tanky and supports have way to fuck up your dps

I need to understand the skill difference in brackets, quick boys to the memes

Only funny if you're a retard that memes on twitch

they need a scapegoat

accepting the burden of their own actions is just too great

I play on euw and dont find that there are some kind of predispositions in fuckin up from defines ethnicities
people usually have bad feeling with ruskies but it is just because they are angry teens that get mad at the first cyka they read in allchat
if i find problems in comunicating with cis people id usually just caps DAVAI in teamchat and set the mood

>cis people

you need to go back.

>go to rune spot at 2 minute-mark
>no rune
Dotards ?

Why doesn't china like OG?

Why do i keep getting matched with level 100s when i am only level 12 and then get flammed by it even if we win?

if you cant rank up from even 1k by carrying physically and morally your team you deserve to be here
i have been calibrated 1.9k
i got to 2k7 by playing visage sf and shadow shaman
then rised up to 3.5 with axe storm invoker undying and earthrhaker
last month i decided to stop fuckin around and pick meta, basically i had jug slark and naix as my pos1 choices, od ember and invoker for mid, when facing ember myself i went straight into lc mid and always had the upper hand
weaver undying ds and centaur were my off picks
as support i found out to be best with venge rubick ogre and earth spirit
i tend not to jungle unless i see the lanes are strong and defensive, and could group up and fight as they hit the first core item, then my choice would mostly be bloodseeker, gettin a sub 5 min midas into straight pickoff items like silver and bloodthorn and ballin out from there

uh i forgot to mention fv as offlane if my team has invoker or a ranged carry that can abuse chrono, usually is my go to if i have a troll as core
btw just hit 4168 mmr
it doesnt get harder, just more tryhardish and competitive and therefore funnyer

ITT: heroes who should get an announcer pack

low mmr/bracket high lvl accounts are just people who buy a lot of hats and suck at the game, then they are always pissed because they feel like they dont deserve to be so bad after yet having inbested so much into a game and will blame everyone but themselves

i mean i know i suck because i just started but it's not my fault i get queued into them. Really puts me off as i get flamed for situations that are not my fault .

>your tower is under attack, if i were you this wouldn't happen you mindless idiot
>first blood! even if i would have hit that much earlier
>the dire now has summoned theyr strongest creatures, i bet you wont be able to handle this!

spot fucking on.

I want to fuck Chaos Knight and Abaddon.