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>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
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Stupid bitch, checking in
is Ike the only canon gay FE protag?
I'd lick Ninian's armpits
Just rolled Linde earlier today, any specific skills I should give this stupid bitch?
We know Eliwood
Kempf is gay.
Good taste
So I just roleld this lass here and she sounds really sleepy and talks about traps a lot.
What's her story?
I love Azura
Kempf's not gay, user, not gay at all. He just hates stupid bitches like Olwen.
She is retarded in a clinical sense
>she sounds really sleepy and talks about traps a lot.
>What's her story?
That's basically it, really.
she's a stoner or some shit
also she's literally the worst archer in the game so congrats
Desperate for Cock 3 and Death Blow Jobs 3 are pretty much necessary. Alternatively, Furious Masturbation 3.
Keep Anal Sacrifice because she has to give away 10 HP to use Desperate for Cock 3.
Did I mention I fucking hate that slut?
She's shit.
Ooh...poor girl. What is she doing on a battlefield?
Joke character who is supposed to be a retainer/bodyguard for Princess Hinoka in Fates, but is so incompetent the Princess is constantly having to save her instead. A lot of people really like her, but her incompetence just annoys me.
Good thing she's one of my only two 5*s :^]
Dragons are for breeding
Nah, with Death Blows and an +Atk IV she is a great anti-archer and also has the highest base speed of all the archers. Gave mine Moonbow and she does a lot of work in the arena, almost one shots anyone she fights with Eirika's buffs.
If I can get a Silver Bow+ for her she'd be even more amazing.
>she's literally the worst archer in the game
I think I can handle one terrible archer.
If she actually concentrates she can do her job, she just doesn't care enough to. I like how chill she is about literally everything. I mean even Zero couldn't get to her at all. And that scramble Shino support is hilarious.
>having your life plagued by stupid bitches
My condolences, user.
Is this a good banner to roll green.
I still want a Hector and Nino. How cool is Minerva compared to them.
>did all of the training tower missions
>did all the lunatic missions
>got nothing
>4.5% pity rate
>if I used real money, that would have been more than $60 for nothing
>even if I got a 5*, there would have been nothing to do with it since I cleared all the 'content' to get orbs
This april update better have something fun or imma uninstall
I think you need one more jeorge to complete the best husbando harem.
Isn't Minerva like the best flier?
She's one of my favorite characters so I'm gonna be rolling for her anyway and I might even 5* her edgelord brother.
What affects appearance rates?
I'm going to post another "When Ike?" because people hate it.
Linde just pissed me off because who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make her speed and attack among the highest in the game?
From this day forward I am going to name every skill in the game some violent, sexual innuendo because fuck this shit. I would rather go against a Hector or Takumi. Fuck Linde and fuck Nino too.
All these Orbs, saved just for him.
I finally have a full team of armor and cavalry even if they're like 3/4* and level 1. Now to get them to 40 and beat 10th stratum 15 times each. After Michaelis i will have 4 flyers too
Minerva is interchangable with Cherche and Michalis, Cherche needing most work of three to be usable.
Camilla and Narcian have gimmicks to make them unique and very useful in their own ways from get-go.
None of the wyverns are bad, especially with Cherche's case now that skill inheritence is out. Anyone trying to tell you otherwise is trying to decieve you.
Good Man
Well my Jaffar got screwed with -ATK but I have a Saizo to Give poison strike 3 and I'm pairing him with Nino, who also has spur attack, so I'm not too torn up.
If you can't make your waifu and husbandos good despite their short comings, do you even love them?
>None of the wyverns are bad
It's like you forgot Beruka exists.
>Tellius focus
>Ike gets added
>artwork done by anyone other than Yamada Akihiro
would you even bother rolling
I did actually, well she can wall fairly well with having what... 37 defense? Her killer axe has high uptime, so something like Ignis or Bonfire should work. Yeah, Beruka's fucked.
She also has irredeemable attack.
Post your face when Ike finally comes and is the shittiest unit possible.
Or great skills that do better on someone else
My plan is to get a fourth Jeorge.
Then get all my Jeorges to 5*.
Then level each of them to lvl 40.
Take a screenshot.
And once I finally have four 5* lvl 40 Jeroges, I shall combine them all into a single MEGA JEROGE.
The greatest Jeorge to ever exist.
She's a rich bitch and gets everything she wants so her life felt boring for her until she fell into a trap and felt danger from it. Now she has an obsession with purposely falling on them.
Poor guy is going to be useless until I get 40k feathers for him to get to 5 star and the + version of his sword. Oh well, at least he's close to darting blow 3
Oh man, I still haven't pulled a single fucking archer and I am playing this since early February.
Oh. Minerva has Ward Fliers, that might be useful.
I thought only the pegasluts have the flier meme skills.
His speed will be too low for him to be any good
Which one is most likely to happen /feg/?
>Ike will be slow
>Ike will have bad art
>Ragnell will be shit
>All of the above
Godspeed user. Take plenty of screenshots
take it or reroll?
The worst they can do is give him armored unit stats while not being an armor unit.
Which in that case, just slap Brave Sword on him and watch him work.
Realistically speaking though, he'll be a decent red sword with distant counter in his ragnell.
I'd roll regardless since I like Ike, But I'd like to see Daisuke Izuka or Senri Kita do his art.
The Image attached was made by Daisuke.
Hector focus when?
that is dumb as shit.
>Skill fodder
>Ryouma 2.0 but without speed
I'll keep my Lucinas and Eirikas, thank you.
Archers are always best boys in FE games
I love my 5* Klein Jeorge Niles Taco team
Can we talk about pic related?
For an armored unit, he's got decent res, so he should be able to tank a mage hit, especially with Wary Fighter as his B skill.
For inherited A skills, Svalinn shield that negates "effective against" effects, and Distant counter sound best. Death blow and Fury are also okay.
He'll definitely be the one of the main units to run on an armored team with his C skill: Ward armor. Paired with Hector's Goad armor, along with an Effie with an inherited Fortify or Hone armor, and the fourth armored unit taking whichever skill Effie didn't take, it seems like a pretty scary team.
Slow or bad art, Ragnell being shit is very unlikely. It's either gonna have distant counter or give a bunch of defense.
Dear /feg/.
Yesterday I was asking you guys about Owain in Awakening and since his daddy in my game is Ricken, you told me to train him as Dark Knight.
But since he starts ar Myrmidon, he would need to either use Master Seal now, turn into Swordmaster or Assasin and then use Second Seal at level 15 or use Second Seal now, turn into Mage and at level 10 into Dark Knight.
Which path would be better? Or you have different idea?
I didnt level up Ricken too much, he was level 4 Dark Knight at the moment of recruitment, but Lissa was quite pumped and she passed Galeforce on him.
Thank god its over. How are you doing /feg/?
What luckshitter only challenge will Isis pull on us next?
>Without weapon
ATK 26/29/32
>With Killer Axe+
ATK 37/40/43
I think it's fine for a unit who's gimmick is set around using her defense. Just her special needs to be replaced from ATK based to DEF based, like I mentioned. She's still not great unit, but not THAT bad.
A lot of Fates characters are, really
Never ever
God I love his artwork.
He's GHB, right?
Why not just use the Life and Death he comes with? The speed isn't worth it I guess?
Death Blow seems like it could be a good choice with his high ass attack.
Wait, where was that stated?
that's not his C skill when you get him as a unit
>got eliwood
>its -Atk +Res
Mate you got two 5*
Keep that shit.
Death Blow Brave Sword.
That won't be his final stat spread
Yeah he comes out in May I think
I wouldn't mind. I like his art but he's better off drawing older men.
I've been saying for a while there'll be a 4 healers mission.
How the fuck do I beat the Lunatic chapter 9/5 quest?
The obligatory axe fag is unusuable and the blues do almost nothing against Xander. Maybe mages but they all die due to Siegfried.
Karel is decent, Lucy not ideal. Also, do it yourself, it's very simple
And ISIS said, let there be light.
What a horrible game.
I think I'm going to drown myself in alcohol as well.
Olwen is cute!!!
>Roll for Ninian
>Robin animation
>I already knew he is a fucking 3* but at least he may be useful
Just end me
>give a bunch of defense
Fat lot of good that did Seliph. If he doesn't get Distant Counter built-in, he's fucked.
Here user, use this for inspiration as you think of a plan.
Being an idiot is not cute.
I read her profile on the wiki a while back.
Old endings were hardcore. Now everyone just gets married.
Which are you?
Use light blessing before you kill last enemy
Not enough armor for armor quest
No red fliers. Only Camilla and Cherche being my semi-competent fliers and it's hard to find safe maps for them. Might have to train my newly rolled Cordelia.
Still need to level my Ursula to help Sully and Frederick.
I beat the level on lunatic, this isn't the problem.
The problem is the quest that needs an axe man who is completely useless on this map.
Also, nobody can die.
Forseti>shitty tome Hawk uses
Not much of a contest here
Only a matter of time until my +atk -res Jeorge is 5* to rek shit.
Any good B skill for Reinhardt ?
>he didn't reroll for Hector