What was the past equivalent to an /r9k/ poster?
What was the past equivalent to an /r9k/ poster?
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does my cousin count for the relationships category?
Fascism and national socialism
I got 48 points lads
Nevermind i got 52 with the bonus rounds
nice one m8
why don't you think you're a good person?
I can be a asshole some days.
don't worry about it, even jesus had times when he was flipping tables and cursing trees and shit and everyone thinks he was a nice guy
being good isn't about one time you were an arse, it's about habit. if you can do good most of the time, but have the self-awareness to know when you can do better, you're doing alright
i tought i was worse
>even jesus had times when he was flipping tables and cursing trees and shit and everyone thinks he was a nice guy
I don't do that, sometimes i just naturally talk like crap to other people, in a more offensive way.
>being good isn't about one time you were an arse, it's about habit. if you can do good most of the time, but have the self-awareness to know when you can do better, you're doing alright
Yes, you are right. I try to be good (most of the time), but i usually put my interests above others.
59, guess im a normalfag.
32 with bonus round
35 without the bonus round. Better than excepted.
>but i usually put my interests above others.
Watch out, we've got Chaotic fucking Neutral over here.
59 tbph.
I really don't know what to say about that image, user.
self interest doesn't make you a bad person. you'll get there champ
Why does everyone go on about /r9k/ so much?
We always have threads like "would X have browsed /r9k/" or "was X a robot"
crossposting is a thing and /r9k/ is the undercurrent of the sea that is Veeky Forums.
>Kissless autist living with parents
Surprisingly high desu.
Means you still have a chance.
Can we get a Veeky Forums and /s/ crossposting?
i'm a cybernetic organism. living tissue over a metal endoskeleton
We already have that in the form of Veeky Forumstorical waifu thread/s/
>tfw you'll never explore your burgeoning sexuality mutually with Anne Frank
>self interest doesn't make you a bad person
Depends, i've hurt some people because of that.
Somehow i'm 75 yet I've only had 1 girlfriend (about 6 years ago for 3 months), and am a virgin who rarely goes out socialising
It's hard to imagine someone this old is shitposting on Veeky Forums posting dank memes
actually i'm almost 80, didn't see the bits in the corner
this image is shite tbqh lads
75 for the picture, not his actual age
Didn't read the pic just saw your post lel
jeff pls
75 with the bonus round.
This pic is wayy to lenient.
51 here
The internet is only an evolution of wall graffiti and notes and drawings written in the margins of vellum. To that effect:
Battle monks, too. They couldn't have relationships either, you know.
4 points grand wizard here.
Being female should award you +30 points since it's literally living life in sandbox developer mode with all cheats enabled
Living easy = living normal tho.
Fuck meant =/=
hello /r9k/
I got 12, 15 with bonus round.
The path of magic doesn't sound that appealing.
As for /r9k/, I rarely browsed it but I think that it's probably mostly trolls and mentally ill people, who aren't even that many.
post breasts
You mean my manboobs? They're full of scared psoriasis tissue and I doubt even the most hardcore 'gay "bear" fetishist wouldn't puke.
>tfw have awesome gf that I live with
>been together almost 4 years
>still can't get points for not hating the opposite sex
Got 58 points lads
>I got a 64
>35, 39 with bonus round
>i've always considered myself to be kind like a half-normie
36, 38 w/ bonus
i got 48
oh shitu forgot the bonus
53 points
>tfw have worn a fedora once
>tfw 79
Get the FUCK out of my way
Who was the ancient version of the /sp/ mod?
I got 80 and I'm a virgin
70 here, only 'relationship' lasted for two weeks, two years ago.
Got 70. The girl bonus got me to 76 for red carpet tho.
Diogenes was the first robot
Where did it all go wrong or has it always been
Including the bonus round I got 31 points.
respect, my man
someone should make a subjective movie about the life of hitler
Some graffiti found in Pompeii:
I.10.2-3 (Bar of Prima); 8258, 8259: The story of > Successus, Severus and Iris is played out on the walls of a bar:
> [Severus]: “Successus, a weaver, loves the innkeeper’s slave girl named Iris. She, however, does not love him. Still, he begs her to have pity on him. His rival wrote this. Goodbye.”.
> [Answer by Successus]: “Envious one, why do you get in the way. Submit to a handsomer man and one who is being treated very wrongly and good looking.”
> [Answer by Severus]: “I have spoken. I have written all there is to say. You love Iris, but she does not love you.”
Source: pompeiana.org
61. Weird. Thought it'd be lower.
A pythagorean
I'm ok
62. Here's me thinking I'm a failure for being an 18 year old gfless virgin.
75 or 81 with the bonus round.
Surprised. I used to be such a beta cuck.
>Hate normalfag music, normalfag way of talking, normalfag interests, and resent them for infesting my hobbies
Well, I still feel like an autist
>mfw I got 30 and most of Veeky Forums is above robot tier
Just short of normie sounds about right. I should get bonus normie points for being a phoneposter desu
Bunch of normies in here to be honest.
They didn't really exist or were extremely small in number
I got 33
actually i'm not disabled, that makes 35
79 with bonus round. S-should I leave?
History's celibate welfare.
But no seriously, why are you even here?
76 (80 with bonus) what do i get now ?
84 :^)
25 with bonuses. End it now senpai
Not as terrible as it sounds, I don't really crave relationship (autistic + asexual + clinical depression + 1 more year till wizard) and therefore have none of the "I'm lonely, I need to feel people" drawback. Although my life seen from a normie's perspective would be something akin to "barebone" living.
24 points, worst bracket possible desu.
Because this is is a history discussion board, not a failure circlejerk.
I have high functioning autism but adjusted really well socially and have a 9/10 gf who is obsessed with me
My bf introduced me to Veeky Forums. And I'm a girl who likes history and memes.
Stage 2 robot
I think most past robots just became monks.
I also got pretty low on achievements. Maybe that's what's holding us back. No achievements in life to push us on.
57. Normalfag tier. It's interesting because just a few years ago I would easily have been a wizard apprentice at best.
I'm here because I'm a former NEET /jp/sie and history degree dropout who eventually graduated from that lifestyle and became a normalfag with a job and plans for marriage but still like to come home every once in a while.
>tfw 8 points
0 points
Diogenes was the first robot not becoming a monk.
cyborg-tier reporting, I feel like this is the superior group to be a part of
Thank you bonus round
r u a grill
Nope just don't hate the opposite sex and think I'm a good person
Not proud of the old fedora though
Fucking 28
Getting better, though.