Did your dad let you help when he worked on the car?

Did your dad let you help when he worked on the car?

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my dad is a gun owning Trump supporting retard. He asked one time if I wanted to help him work on his car. I told him to fuck off.

My dad never touched his car except to drive it. We found a rust hole big enough to put your foot through under the driver's carpet when he got rid of it.

>American truck that cant even get one million miles in a gas engine

Poor kid never stood a chance.

In 27 years not a single car owned by my family needed to be touched for different reasons than changing whipers liquid and lights replacement.

Regular manteinance as requested by the producer in order to keep the warranty and because we aren't mechanics.

Personally I want my car to be only touched by a professional, especially for "quality" reasons.

I feel sorry your dad has to put up with such a faggy son.

Nice b8

Are you kidding? I didn't have a choice.

All I wanted to do was sit in my room, play vidya, and pretend to be 18 in AIM chats. Instead my dad would either make me help him in the garage or my mother would guilt trip me until I did it anyway.

Our household income was pretty low growing up, but we always ate well, lived in a really nice house, and got to go on a lot of great vacations. I recognize now how much of that was just my parents ability to manage priorities. We always had older vehicles, but my dad and I did all the work ourselves. I wore clothes handed down from my older cousins. I didn't get a lot of expensive birthday or christmas gifts, mostly shit that encouraged me to go out and use it on my own. Bow and arrow, rocketry sets, chemistry / electronics labs, etc.

I was pretty resentful at the time, but now I can't overstate how appreciative I am that my parents did this so I wouldn't end up a useless fucking faggot like 90%+ of my generation.

yep. he had a 1986 MR2. immaculate southern car that he bought from the original in 1995 with 14k on it. he drove the shit out of it and blew up the trans at about 80k when I was like 11 years old so he ended up buying a complete JDM engine and trans. we swapped the whole thing on the floor in his garage and also did the clutch, flywheel, and timing belt while it was all out. he gave me instruction but had me do pretty much everything I was physically capable of doing on my own. it was a great experience that I learned a lot from. he always promised that car would be mine when he died but it was stolen out of his garage and recovered on the opposite side of the country completely gutted and destroyed and insurance gave him a whopping $1300 for it.

A friend of mines dad was an electrical engineer, and did all the work on his own cars, forced my friend to watch every repair kek.
He hated it but it got him into cars and bikes.

My dad knows how to check and change fluids and diagnose basic shit, but he just goes to the mech for everything else.
I picked up the interest myself because I'm a cheap cunt.

This should get some replies.

I went out and started trying to put the spare tire on at 4 years old. My dad's car was a brand-new Saturn SC2 but I tried it on my mom's '90 Exploder too.

Got all the lugs off before I realized I needed the jack, then realized a scissor jack doesn't really work on gravel. Put the lugs back on by jumping on the wrench for torque (same way I got 'em off lel) Nobody noticed because I was working on the driver side and only the passenger side was visible from the house. When dad did eventually get a flat, I knew how to work the jack and I was able to remind him of the star bolt pattern when we were changing a tire friends' Mazda Navajo.

now i'm in college struggling to pay attention since you can learn anything from anywhere nowadays, especially automotive stuff.

dad would tell me to come help him work on his car
dad would sometimes ask me to hand him a tool.
Sometimes I would hand him the wrong tool and he would call me an idiot
Dad would swear pretty much non stop
Dad would finish
Dad would tell me to pick up all his tools and put them away
Dad would go inside and smoke.

Yeah, me and all my brothers always got to help out and learn. We always had a really good time and he still gives me a hand when I need it. Sometimes we'll just tinker around and shoot the shit because it's nice.

Yeah, but I never gave a single fuck about cars until I was about 12 and then I went absolutely mad for them.

My dad doesn't know a carburetor from a fuse box, sadly. I know more about cars and motorized vehicles than he does.

However, he's very good at buying used cars because he knows how to work with people

Yes. It's how I got started.

I remember changing spark plugs on a 73 F100 when I was four.

My dad died when I was 11. I never got to do car stuff because he was busy running a construction company and he pushed me to sports (sports fucking suck). A few years ago when I got my own car, my older brother gave me pointers and eventually we started working on our cars together.

>Only sibling is a developmentally disabled younger sister.
>Being normal, intelligent, and independent meant my parents effectively ignored me while dealing with sister.
>Will never experience brotherly love or be able to bond with siblings.

Feels, man.

My dad didn't know anything about cars and always went to a mechanic.

My dad couldn't care less about cars, all my knowledge had to be self taught

I had the same problem. My first time working on a car:
>Dad has 1991 Nissan Sentra, it leaks oil from oil pan.
>He buys gasket and sealant
>Tells me a buddy and him are going to repair the leak
>Asked me to get car ready why he talks with buddy
>They continue talking, I jack car up and put jack stands underneath
>still talking
>I start on job
>As they talk, I take oil pan off
>I end up resealing oil pan, and replace oil
>They didn't notice I was done till I made them move to put car back down.
That really was the closest he came to teaching me. He gave me a truck because his mechanic couldn't fix it, and it wouldn't pass inspection. I don't live in a state with inspections, but I fixed the problem, and told him what his mechanic got wrong.


My dad was a dick and forced me to watch him fix his cars and houses. I never had a fucking weekend enjoying what kids my age did growing up. He was a narcist.

My dad didn't do much on our cars himself (although we did oil changes, etc.) but I did always help when he was working on the house

No, my dad only knew how to work on cars because he bought an 83 Oldsmobile Cutlass as his first car and that shit kept breaking down.
The whole family fell for the Americans make the best car meme when they came to America from Vietnam in the early 80s, now we only buy Japanese cars because of that.

They also fell for the America is actually a good country meme


>fell for the America meme
>never leaves
then get the fuck out chink. We don't need more of your shitty kind. Go back to trash Vietnam

Fuck yeah he did, throughout my childhood and teens and beyond. Part of it was typical father-son bonding and part of it was not having much money to work with so self-repairs were a necessity.

>something's fuckin' broken again
>fuckin' Chrysler, why'd we ever get rid of the Olds, Dad?
>your mom fuckin' crashed it like everything else she drives, son
>stay up all summer night fixing something or other, listening to the crickets, peepers and locusts, pointing out the constellations and shooting the shit
>mom coming out every few hours asking why THAT KID ISN'T IN BED YET, relax honey it's summer vacation, he'll get back on a schedule once school starts
>sky starts lightening up as we finish fixing whatever
>throw our fishing poles and tackle boxes in the van, drive to wherever, spend a few hours there before coming home and passing out from exhaustion

And as he finished typing his short greentext story, put together from fragmented memories and half-remembered incidents, user realized that he would never, ever be that happy again.

you need to go back

The only other option they had was Canada, at least I'm not a fucking leaf.
My parents are from North Vietnam, still salty about the war?

I would have gone with Canada desu

>north Vietnam
kek what a faggot, how does it feel not being able to see slit-eyes?

My dad was never really into cars now than just "I like nice cars that are fun."

I maintain some of his stuff now just because I can.

Wow I'm not even that NVA user but thats really the best you can think off?

Veeky Forums race jokes: still staler than a 10 year old baguette
>your a faguette

>tfw I will never experience that childhood
>tfw that last line

What's a dad?

My dad indoctrinated me into the classic car cult from birth

My dad always used to tell me I could help by staying out of the way

this isn't a happy feel mang

Nah he was kind of a faggot who barely knew anything.

Shit like this makes me realize that most of my hate for boomers is just jellin' that they got to grow up during the GOAT period of American history.

pic of GTO, not sure if you meant to do that but i giggled anyway.

My dad left me. LOL!

My dad was a damn good mechanic, which always surprised me because it's all pretty much self taught.
It wasn't rare for him to get his buddy's cars in the garage to get them fixed, so there was a shitload of them transiting in and out, and I DID had a shitload of occasion to assist him but at the time I was a little fag who had no interest in cars and I beat my head over it everyday since then.

You must live on the flattest place in the planet.

Or you rotate cars like the Hilton's

Or they took them to the shops without telling you.

Maintenance doesn't save wear items which includes every moving part of a car.

>Suspension components
>Steering components
>Wheel bearings

Niggers need not reply.

My father is like a car guru and surprises me every time I am struggling with my shit.

But when I was younger and "helped" it was literally just sitting there handing him tools while he beat and swore at things under the vehicle.

I used to be interested in maintaining my own car but I had a hard patch where I couldn't afford to do it, let her run down and had to do so many ghetto fixes that I really lost the passion to even fill the washer reservoir.

Hopefully I can get it back so I can show my kid basic maintenance.

>dad used to drag me to pick n pull as a kid
>fucking hated every minute of it bored out of my skull
>would try to get me to sit and help out when working in his car
>Couldn't give a shit

fast forwards 16 years and now I fucking love going to wreckers to pick parts and maybe find some gems for my shitbox (hubcaps, rims, spoilers etc) wrench on my car all the time and friends cars.

I'm pretty decent at wrenching and a lot of my knowledge sort of pops back into my memory while I'm working on my car remembering back to being bored sitting in the garage watching my dad flip out on his shitbox so I guess it worked out.

What ancestry is your dad? Big goofy lookin dude

I'm your dad, son.

My dad was an angry/selfish cunt of a man and i had to teach myself everything i know about cars because his teaching involved yelling at a 9 year old child because they didnt do something exactly right like couldnt do a bolt up tight enough for an example.....

fuck my dad with a cricket bat to be honest...

100% German

He wasn't around for that to happen.
>inb4 nigger
He caught yellow fever in Korea during the 80s and never came back.