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The Soviet Union wasn't real Communism and ISIS isn't real Islam.
Good meme
>question mark for terrorism outside of their home state
This nigga knows fuck all about the cold war. There are very few countries that have not financed some sort of terrorism in the 20th century.
I can understand the argument for the USSR sonce actual communism is impossible to implement.
But ISIS actually implements islamic values and laws. They are as close to true Islam as you can get in modern times
The question is clearly about circa the Russian Civil War.
so ISIS will collapse on their own right?
Perhaps, but Sovjet and IS wouldn't agree with you.
There is no such thing as "true Islam". The sect picks a few segments it like, and ignores many others promoting the opposite. That's how sects work.The Quran largely speaks about being excellent to one another and very little of torture.
It technically already does, considered it basically killed or expelled all the doctors, engineers, bankers et cetera. However, demolishing them in battle will make the collapse faster.
>They are as close to true Islam as you can get in modern times
No they're not. They are Muslim though.
you could make this comparison with any two states/power structures
>No they're not
Not an argument, try again.
This is pretty much every revolutionary/insurgency force ever
In fairness there are a lot less crazy Muslim countries due to the influence of Communism.
If the West had been able to see the future we might not have fought the Cold War at all and let gommunism collapse on it's own.
Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan. Those are all our creations. The Soviets were busy crushing mosques and hardcore Islam wherever they ruled. We propped Islam up.
ISIS are much more like the Khmer Rouge than the USSR.
But the overlaps in either case are basically the textbook outcomes of authoritarian personalities placed in power, not whatever islamo-leftist globalism thing is being implied.
what an awful photoshop
I got a few steps into remaking this as girlfriend vs trebuchet but I accidentally saved over the whole thing
This is Facebook-level of ignorance.
t. reddit commie
thank god.
Isis was born in Iraq during the American occupation
Usual horseshoe theory retardation.
The Soviet Union was a revolutionary state that wanted to create a classless and moneyless society without a government. Fears of external invasion or internal counter-revolution forced the Soviet state to slowly become more and more repressive. Under Stalin, ALL internal dissent was quashed due to his own paranoia of sabotage. After Stalin's death, Soviet politicians were so concerned with short-term gains that they lost sight of the goal. Instead of having full communism by 1990 like Stalin expected, the USSR in 1990 was in the midst of collapse.
ISIS' repression and barbarity is the reason it exists. They have no humanistic vision of the future.
Soviets absolutely would. They aspired to become a communist society but never claimed to have communism. All the 5-year-plans up until the 70s were an attempt to get there.
The confusion arises because the word communism has two meanings. The primary meaning is a society where there is no class divide and no government, but can also mean the belief in creating that society.
Lenin didn't want world domination at all. He envisioned hundreds of socialist states working together to create communism while preserving their cultures from imperialism.
>For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago.
Texts of the major abrahamic religions are internally inconsistent enough that you can justify any societal model as "True Islam/Christianity/Judaism" with them and call anything else "Not true Islam/Christianity/Judaism".
You forgot the part where the USSR lasted for like 80 years while ISIS isn't going to make it to three years of relevance.
>demolishing them in battle will make the collapse faster
is it really worth laying down the american lives and increasing our national debt even further?
ISIS has been really ineffective in the United States, they only "inspire" domestic terrorists but even then if you're inspired to shoot a bunch of people because of ISIS you're probably gonna find something else to inspire you to kill people
>The Soviets were busy crushing mosques and hardcore Islam wherever they ruled
Would that have lasted, though?
Albania was under USSR for decades, and when the USSR collapsed, they immediately went back to traditional beliefs.
And those countries that the USSR invaded were pretty westernized at the time, one could argue that if the USSR didn't invade they would have stayed westernized and wouldn't have gone full terrorist.
retarded rule
why would you make a history board and then confine it to the last 25 years. nothing interesting happened in the last 25 years
Muh no true Scotsman
the common tendency here is authoritarianism
there is something to be said about the relationship between orthodox christianity nd the ussr: stalin went to orthodox priest school. so some elements of the ussr have this bizarre mythic quality to them as a result, sort of mirroring the byzantine theocracy, with one absolute leader who must lead the people, like moses through the desert, to paradise
>Albania was under USSR for decades, and when the USSR collapsed, they immediately went back to traditional beliefs.
False and false.
>question mark for commie terrorism
just put che
I bet you can even push USA into that table if you try hard enough.
>modern revolutionaries strongly resemble those of the past
color me surprised
>What ultimately killed off the anarchist movement as a geopolitical force were the Bolshevists, who knew much better how to manage a shared political ambition through military and territorial management; they were also, on the whole, much more ruthless. In a series of recent interviews with Jabhat al-Nusra fighters from the Aleppo and Dara regions of Syria, it has become increasingly clear that ISIS is eating Al-Qaeda in much the same way that the Bolshevists co-opted and practically annihilated the anarchist movement. Even some Nusra fighters echoed this sentiment, conceding that Daesh, or the Islamic State, is better led, organised and supplied, rooted in territory, and more uncompromising and brutal in action. As one Nusra fighter lamented: ‘Daesh has taken our power and financial resources from us, their media is more powerful, and so we are like a fish out of water.’
Wahhabist troll shits financed by coporatist scum getting their shit pushed in by former and current communist powers.
You anti-left shills are truly insufferable.
>be communist
>be caliphate
Is ISIS self-inflicted collapse inevitable?
>They are as close to true Islam as you can get in modern times
That's like saying Protestants are as close to true Christianity as you can get. They are a sect and consider anyone who do not adhere to their sect to be infidels that need to be beheaded.
What's with people thinking only Salafism is real Islam, why are you falling for Saudi memes?
All these points are pretty general when it comes to Civil wars/revolts
ISIS is losing so there are no parallels on the practical front
>Boston tea party
>Destruction of past monuments
>The turtle
really faggot?
>calling the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine a part of the SU
did you just look for the spookiest russian pictures? noob
>using Krondstadt rebels to represent the USSR
They are both utopian universalist world-views with a totalitarian ideology they wish to impose on others so I'd pretty much agree
International Jihadism is the Communism of this century.
>It technically already does, considered it basically killed or expelled all the doctors, engineers, bankers et cetera.
Err, no they didn't. People left because they suck, but they don't have anything specifically against doctors, and they've even been trying to recruit them to join. They're not anti-intellectual like the Khmer Rouge, they've clearly got at least some talented people, to edit their videos and set up their Twitter botnets.
Come to think of it there are parallels in the way communists and Islamic extremists arm guerrillas around the world. Though Islamic extremists are notable in the way they gain notoriety by (openly) targeting civilians.
Maybe Islamic extremists filled niches and power vacuums left after the cold war.
They literally declared the holiest month of islam,ramadan, a month of terror despite it being a time of medidation and absolute non-violence
>The ISIS isn't Islam because they're violent
I never really got this argument. Are people who say that entirely ignorant of Islam's history? By that logic, none of the Caliphates were Islamic
>it being a time of medidation and absolute non-violence
Yet Muslim states did engage in warfare during Ramadan..
>end goal is world domination
I won't deny that we've looked like we were headed towards that recently but to say that we cared that when we were in our revolutionary days is pretty far fetched.