The biggest fuck ups in history

Give me some of the biggest mistakes that your country ever made.

For Brazil, it was definetely taking the emperor down, the guy was incredible, and our republic has always been shameful at best.
I don't know if we would be first world today, but we would for sure be better or at least more respected in the international scene.

Yeah the "country" didn't take him down. It was a small liberal, freemasonic elite. The country found out the other day.

Electing the Current Year Man to be Prime Minister

Yeah, it's shameful, he wasn't universaly loved but the people wouldn't ever accept it...
It's outrageous tbqh... There's a movement asking for the return of monarchy, but it wouldn't work, the time has passed.

At least he showed as a character in an anime, twice.

>the "daily brazilian bid for relevance thread" strikes again

I disagree. I think the real fuck up was electing his daddy

yeah yeah your slavery empire was awesome hueheheuheuheuehueheh


Electing John Howard. We've been burrowing down the nanny-state rabbit hole ever since.

He wanted to abolish slavery though.

The 4th crusade, the entire thing was a colossal fuck up and don't let Veniceboos tell you otherwise.

>Yeah the "country" didn't take him down. It was a small liberal, freemasonic elite. The country found out the other day.
so just like france

>allowing PNG to be taken from it via UN
>standing for NZ's independence @ federation
>allowing USA military government bases inside Australian soil
>allowing ANY land explicitly on the mainland to be owned by a foreign power
>either remaining apart of the Imperial Federation/Commonwealth OR becoming a full Republic state, not going half way inbetween both with a head of state above the prime minister reporting to a dyfunct monarchy
>prohibition of cannabis (& its industries)
>whatever the fuck has been happening to the budget blowout since 2008/post Howard

I'm sure there is at least 10,000 more.

United States of America


I agree. NEETs like you shouldn't have a say in men's politics.


Political parties, 1913

>Veeky Forums user calling anyone else neet

Top jej

he signed in and made an account specifically to tell you that call

Kill Antonescu :v

>standing for NZ's independence @ federation
lol? not even all the Australian colonies were in federation when NZ went its own way



2 i sort of redact the j howard comment i know he set it all up and shit and it was on that trajectory before even but it was still shitty deals and retarded short sightedness


NZ operated entirely alone since 1841 and had very little in common with Australia. NZ pulled out of all negotiations of trans-Tasman federation in 1891 (and both Queensland and Western Australia said they weren't interested in the same year, as well). Tell me again why NZ would have had any reason to join Australia, or why Australia had any claim to NZ?

These are incredibly wacky opinions and I had no idea any such Australians existed. This reads to me like someone who grew up reading too much American rhetoric on the internet and hasn't a clue what they're on about.

you're talking at yourself, you have egocentrism, and you're probably criminally stalking me

"do my homework" - the post

What is all this shit? It reads like someone off their brains on ritalin. Post one thing and wait for a response, mate.

yeah full blown egocentrism you poor retards


I stand for Knifey, Spoony & Dollarydoos.

>Give me some of the biggest mistakes that your country ever made.
French Revolution + May 68

I fucking hate the 68tards

World War 1. Prove me wrong.

He was going to, and send them back.