What's your opinion on cyclists?

What's your opinion on cyclists?

Do you even care?

they don't pollute the environment by spewing toxic gas, so no.

>duur im on a bike i dont have to follow the rules of the road or pay gas tax to use it

fuck em

you pay gas taxes because you're literally destroying the environment dum dum

Your attitude is why I do the things that you hate.

cyclist here AMA

I have extorted drivers so that I don't press charges for almost running me over

The ones that wear the full suit and ride on the road with cars are the scum of the earth. Also groups of them are severely endangering to any driver that wants to go around the twisty backroads

what will you do when you get shot?


Cyclists who signal properly, wear visible clothing, and generally don't act like cunts I have no problem with. I ride a bike myself, and I act how I wish every cyclist would act when I meet them in a car.

Stuck up bikefags who try to be both a pedestrian and a vehicle at the same time while following the laws of neither are scum.

Work harder, get a car.

>my bikes are worth more than your car

Then someone's taken you for a ride.

I don't live in America??? besides if it's their fault they start actiang all worried, specially if they are young
r8 my new name
I already have one and don't really need another

skylines are still illegal to import here for a couple of more years, also this

Don't have a problem, but

>stay to the right of the lane
>use signals
>obey traffic signals (looking at you, crosswalk riding shitdicks)

Want to be indifferent towards them (I like mountain biking myself), but the cyclists in my area carry themselves as though they are invincible; regularly putting themselves and others on the road in danger. I am referring to behaviors such as; not using the bike lane when applicable, riding double (or more) wide, not yielding to motorized traffic on windy, narrow roads, etc.

>implying your bikes are worth 90k

>obey traffic signals (looking at you, crosswalk riding shitdicks)
Sometimes it's dangerous to cut through traffic to get to the left turn lane, so you should understand that when I go across the crosswalk, it's not just to save time.

Besides, someone is going to spaz on me for turning left in font of them and making them brake (which they would have had to do anyway if I was a car)

>spending 90k on a car
>not buying a 5k GMC truck and investing the rest

lmao enjoy wageslaving

Specialty race bikes can easily be worth more than the average shitbox. Garbon frames and titanium disc brakes/cranks and all the other various ways people try to shave a few more ounces off their bikes ain't cheap.

For the average rider none of that means shit, of course. 99% of the people in full lyrca and with racing setups on their bikes are nothing but Freds. But for the people who actually ride competitively that's vital in this day and age.

Life protip:
>traffic/riding/driving is always dangerous

I don't give a fuck about your choices to ride a bicycle in the same roadways as automobiles. That's your risk.

Obey the fucking traffic signals or get the fuck off the road.

My city puts bike lanes everywhere because of all the young liberals who think it's the future.

I see one cyclist a week in them, usually an upper class cunt in a lycra doing his "hobby cycling" without so much as a backpack, because if he needs to actually go somewhere or get something he'll roll back home, hang up the lance armstrong cosplay, put on his actual clothes, and get in his audi.

Everyone else is a kid, bum, or hipster casually passing over the sidewalk (and the cops don't care because it's not NYC and our sidewalks are empty enough to do that) or riding along the very edge of the road because they're not entitled fucktards who think law (weak, depends on the presence of an officer who cares enough to do his job to the letter) takes precedence over culture (strong, enforced by every person in the country)

Improving the environment.

Global warming is only an issue for people that weren't smart enough to survive in the first place

>japan: has earthquakes and tsunamis, builds quakeproof buildings on hills
>netherlands: have floods, build on stilts
>russia: it's cold, put rugs on walls
>america: has tornado, fuck cletus now i need anuther trailer home, has fire, fuckin hell jethro now i gotta build me another log cabin
>india: how i have 8 kids if not enough food because too hot to grow curry? ganesha! not even microsoft can fix this!

Here's to a warm and comfy siberia in the future

>not earning 150k a year
>already have 50k in investments

enjoy being poor.

>Obey the fucking traffic signals or get the fuck off the road.

>he was to work for a living

I pity you

Okay well then fuck yourself. You're a good example of an entitled cycle cuck that everyone hates.

yeah, i work my ass off. but i'm a probably a perma virgin anyway. i'm frugal in just about everything but cars.
>he doesn't have fuck you money
>he actually has to WORRY about his future.

it pity myself, but i pity you more.

>not making $60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 by investing in Supermoney™

LMAOing @ ur life

Hey, if you don't want to get off the road, someone who "didn't see you" is going to take care of it for you, and the law of fault will be on their side, and against the barely visible red light runner (you).

I'm fine with motorcyclists who split lanes and park wherever. They fit. It's fine. They do it momentarily to pass and skip to the front of a light because they are faster, it's fine. They only form their own little lane when it's on the edge of an HOV lane, so it doesn't obstruct the normal flow of traffic. They're pretty entitled, but it doesn't hurt me and it doesn't hurt them. Entitlement isn't necessarily a bad thing on the road. Different vehicles have different sizes and different capabilities so it's more efficient if they act according to their strengths. As a car driver, I'm entitled to go fast around corners in low traction conditions and laugh at all the bikies eating my exhaust fumes, and park without having to chain and disc lock my shit because it can't be picked up by two pakis with a van.

However, even those entitled cunts still obey traffic signals. Because no matter how well you can zip between traffic going the same direction, you can't get out of the way of cross traffic without a lot of speed and really, really, really, REALLY good timing. So you'll probably die.

Oh, and as a pedalfag, here's your entitlement:
Getting off the road.

That's right. if traffic is shit you can cut through the park. Your tiny tire with barely a foot pound of torque being sent to it won't even ruin the grass. You're as skinny as a pedestrian, unlike a big fat sportbike that's as wide as two, and your mass is a about the same as one so injuries caused by you crashing into someone, which is very unlikely, would be the same as injuries caused by an inattentive jogger. And if you go really offroad, bicycles are lighter and more controllable than anything.

How could someone have such a great option and still insist on acting like a car, despite not having the presence, visibility, and performance to even come close to fitting in with the rest of traffic?

Well I mean if you're doing it to actually compete then yeah I can get behind that.

It's the other people who spring to mind though.

Can you fuckers actually stay in a bike lane or do you enjoy getting really close to cars that are trying to pass you?

Of, of course. But they're really no different than the average boyracer who drops thousands of dollars worth of "mawds" into his shitbox to go fast once every two months whenever he finally has the balls to race someone. The only difference is that the bike has an expensive starting price.

I hate them because they expect to be treated like a vehicle but they will pass cars at stops and other shit like that. Every fucking time. Take a risk and get past the cyclist, and have them roll up right past you to the stop light and start the horrible process again.





I'm hard.
