who gets the blame for fundamentalist islam rising in the middle east and africa?
Who gets the blame for fundamentalist islam rising in the middle east and africa?
It was me
Americans (especially those big right-wingers and staunch anti-Communists during the Cold War) and Saudis.
Hell, Reagan personally gave the go ahead for Pakistan to build its nukes. Democrats were furious when it came to light.
The real answer? Fractured states, overpopulation and shit economies. Thats why.
Middle Eastern nationalist junior officers and absolutist monarchs and dictators destroying any and all political opposition and civil institutions but failing against Islamists and Islamist infiltration of the Salafist education movement, plus the foreign entities that supported them all.
Wahhabism and the Saudis
It was Walpole
The Saud Family
The Eternal Anglo
Anglos and Saudis mostly, followed recently by America.
The handling of the middle east after the fall of the Ottoman empire was absolutely retarded.
Saudis financially support imperial islamists because they are repeat tourists and stack dinars for them.
The House of Saud, although is perfectly understandable why they do it, it's not like they're evil villains or anything.
They should just be deprived of power and influence by the west so they have no way to easily continue to export fundamentalism outside of Arabia. Not even armed conflict would be needed.
>Miss me yet?
The empire was already a husk of it's former self when you reigned, you fuck.
You have to go back to when you could have overpowered the Janissaries and forced them to modernize. Maybe around 1800.
>al-wahhab is the reformer whose message was listened to
>not al-afghani
The feels
There were lots of reformers, and no one was really listened to since Pan Arabism and socialism was all the rage back then. Wahhabism was only really meme'd into prominence in the past few decades, and only because the fascist babble of desperate Islamists made them primed for the anti-intellectual simplicity of the extremist message.
Overpowered the Janissaries?
With what?Do you think Ottoman Land Forces had a substitute for removing overpowering them?
The government had to establish a new corps in discreet in Anatolia just to destroy Janissaries. Empire started to crack in late 16th century.
Al-Afghani was no better, he even contemplating to assasinate egypt khedive at one time
It's just a shame that Wahhab was the one the Saudis decided to enter into agreement with
they probably deserved it though, ismail wrecked egypt.
Nothing wrong with uncucking egypt from the brits
Do what they did in 1826.
Execute them all.
Anglo perfidity. They instigated quarrels amongst their colonial subjects to preserve their empire for a decade or 2 longer.
Not really beyond "no humans no problem lol".
he's right for the wrong reasons. it's not raw population but the ratio of chicks to dicks. Islam encourages harems so that means there will be a disaffected caste of sexless betas willing to take the opportunity to uprise in jihad.
ahh son of a bitch!
>who gets the blame for fundamentalist islam rising in the middle east and africa?
English, French, and American business elite.
i mean if we were talking about fundamentalist christianity i could post a picture of jesus too
>i mean if we were talking about fundamentalist christianity
we arent you cuck. fuck off with your basic bitch liberal "well what about..." bullshit
Muslims in the Middle East and Africa.
Unless you believe Professor X was involved.
And in Ameeerika you are leenching negroes!
Polygamy is pretty rare though.
-------------------------> diamond pure truth
Sharia allows it mate. And relevantly so it excludes men from sex like musical chairs.
I blame America for invading Iraq and displacing everybody.
Only rich men can really afford to have more then 1 wife. It's rare though.
It's like caring about the number of non -normative relationships in the US or Canada. It's allowed but vast majority don't pursue it because of the issues it entails.
there are simply not enough women to go around in undeveloped countries. Why do you think the surplus males are migrating north?
Lack of jobs, climate change rendering many farming jobs dead, war,pursuit of stability, wanting striking it rich, family need money and they are sent/ go abroad
Not that hard to understand
There's actually not that big an imbalance in the Middle East. Most of those stats are including foreign workers who are overwhelmingly male. There are actually slightly more girls than boys now among the youth population. It's just China that's got the big imbalance.
they're thinking with their dicks just like western males when they see unveiled women. They need honor killings to curb the female predation impulses they have for their own women, outgroup females earn no such defenses in Islam.
>social experiment
>climate change rendering many farming jobs dead
Is there any actual evidence of this occurring in the Middle East?
The West has consistently and stubbornly against all common sense backed the wrong sorts of people in the Middle East (House of Saud, jihadists, radical Islamists, Zionists, etc.) ever since the fall of the Ottoman Empire up till today and continues to do.
Seriously, what did you cucks expect would happen?
Water shortages are pretty prevalent over there. Syria had a huge one in 2006 for example.
Praise to Islam and Allah!! Let Western women of the world know that they are slaves to men of Islam.
Spahis slaughtered majority of Janissaries in 1826
The Secular Muslim leaders who failed to provide stability, unity, economic growth, and philosophy to challenge Islam with. Also, any country that contributed to this failure, ie Israel, United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, France ect...
People seem to be forgetting that the Middle East experimented with secular thought such as Ba'athism, but European powers propped zealotry with a lot of regimes and faux kingdoms (see: the entire history of Jordan, Saudis, Gulf states like Qatar, Bahrain, etc.)
Arabs tried secularism through Ba'athism but they had a different idea of secularism. It was more pan-Arab and anti-imperialist; and later famous Arab Ba'athists found that the only way to devolve the two was to bring Arabs closer to their roots, so they actually promoted Islam (see: Michel Aflaq on the "Arab Nation") i.e. Ba'athists believed the only way to unite all Arabs was through Islam because that's how they were united in the first place
>haha cucks XD
Except the west wants a destabilized middle east just like they got. Jihadis make a good distraction (just like Jews as I am sure you know) and the vast majority of the people they kill are just other Muslims.
Ba'athism collapsed on it's own thanks to the petty ambitions of those it handed absolute power.
To be honest the west wants a lot of parts if the world to be unstable.
Like imagine having to pay full price for the resources and items we need? Or having to compete with more nations?
>pay full price
Fug dat
The Mongols.
They put one of the brightest scientific and cultural movement of the era to the path of ruin it never quite recovered from.
That's Ali you dumb fuck, Shi'as are better than Sunnis
>Missing the point and jumping straight to memes
The Islamic Golden Age was on the decline long before the Mongol Invasion.
To answer OP's question, it's probably the eternal Anglo what done it.
The Sykes-picot agreement and then the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
>The Mongols.
Meme history.
Maybe they are to blame.
Fundamentalist Islamists of course. Fundamental truth dictates that nobody in particular is more directly responsible for it than they are.
Leaders of Islam.
But those too.
I should like to draw a line from the e in Acre to the last k in Kirkuk.
A complex series of historical events and consequences too difficult for most to comprehend so its easier to blame Islam.
>who gets the blame for fundamentalist islam rising in the middle east and africa?
fucking loads of people you dolt. You're talking about decades or even centuries of history.
Ottomans deserve the blame, they shouldn't've let their state fail. Now the biggest Islamic power is Saudi Arabia, aka a Western puppet state that got lucky with oil reserves.
free healthcare, free money & free housing
The hundreds of millions of people whose individual decisions lead to the state of how things are today.
The United States, The Eternal Anglo, and the Saudis
The united states and western europe and Israel. Remember goyim, brown people have no agency and are essentially mindless automata easily manipulated by those white people and their mind control rays.
>what is raw military power
>what is access to resources
Where there's an action, reaction will necessarily follow. Don't be mad that white people fucked up shit and now brown people are angry.
White retards went around the world, conquering everything they could for hundreds of years, only to blow themselves up in two world wars and say, "oops, we actually didn't mean to do those things we did." Well, unfortunately for the West, Middle Easterners don't buy it. And for that matter, neither do the Chinese, but that's another story.
Internal strife because of Islam. As well as international relations. Because of Islam.
Internal strife because eventually Islamic nations no longer could conquer which mean they're taxes didn't keep getting bigger like they had. They were already waning in the last days of the ottoman empire and the end of the Caliphate was the end of first world level progress
US involvement in Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran but I wouldn't say it's central. We took out some central authorities. Which were really what kept fundies in check. In addition to people being cultural Muslims and not everyone being scholars.
I don't mean to be degrading. But imagine society degrading to bronze age level society in New York city. Not to mention constant inbreeding, family instability and so on thrusting their collective IQ into the ground.
I really want them to do well, but they need to step it up. And at least if Trump wins we won't be sticking out dick in every country
So it's better to keep places unstable or fuck their economies directly/indirectly with organisation like the Imf or the WB.
Imagine having to compete with Africa and Asia? You don't want the global Centre to shift south and/or east.
Tragedy of the commons. I'm going to get my fair share of the benefits if other people are going to hoist their externalities on me anyways. The only thing that's going to stop me is unionized consumerism.
Hell if Congo got stable we'd be fucked because they pretty much own the hugest sources of Critical Metals and have everyone on the leash.
They have around double the supply of cobalt of the other 9 cobalt mining nations below it combined and mine 80% of the world's Coltan.
>>Missing the point
Im not missing the point. The guy was doing classic liberal apologist "well what about" bullshit on his pet brown peoples religion