Pyrimid Scheme V.2

Would /biz be interested in creating a pyrimid scheme?

I posted a discussion thread last week about this and it got a small amount of interest. Heres the example I came up with:

>Tier 1
>Tech guy
>Creates website to facilitate business
>Website would need a shop and authentication to keep track of members
>Also would need to be able to pay out commissions
>Gets 20% of all sales for the large amount of tech work

>Tier 2
>/biz shills
>Sells cheap AliExpress shit marketing it as a premium product, say $15-$20
>Also sells "memberships" to sell our "premium" products for $100+
>/Biz members get membership for free, we arent scamming each other
>80% commision, tech guy gets his 20%

>Tier 3
>Normie shills
>These are our targets
>Same as tier 2 but they have to pay for membership
>50% commision, tech guy gets 20%, and 30% goes to whoever sold them the membership as the incentive to buy membership

Numbers are uneducated guesstimates. Obviously they need adjusted somewhere to account for operating costs.

It lets one guy make bank, and gives all the people on here asking for ways to make money online something to do. Also can be a side-gig for /biz wagecucks (this is me)

Having more people selling the "premium" brand can help increase recognition to counter-balance people spreading that our stuff is junk.

I dont have the skills to be the tech guy, but if no one else steps up and theres some interest Id spend some time learning. Itd be awhile since Im a wagecuck.

Other urls found in this thread:

Forgot to add, as long as were actually selling a real product (the AliExpress shit), this is 100% legal

Why would they buy membership?

To sell to other Normies for the commision, and so they can make the smaller commision off the sales of whoever they sell membership too.

Its really a "money making method" being sold, the actual product is just a legality .

>>Gets 20% of all sales for the large amount of tech work

simple point and click shit; most morons could set it up nowadays

If its so easy, then someone would be voluteering for easy $$$

Bump before I get off for the night

As a dev. I wouldn't even touch this concept.

what if we made an AI that would automatically create pyramid schemes?

I call it J.w

This is my point

This model would be so blatant as a pyramid scheme, I doubt anybody but the dumbest of the dumb would fall for if

Just like literally every pyramid scheme?

You don't try to scam smart people.

Hello id like to be a tier 3 of your business

Obviously no one wants to be tier 3 knowing about tier 2, but its not like we would post the business model on the website

No he's saying he realises that we would be the tier three guys.

Nah, it would never work if we charge /biz members an entry fee. No one here wants jewed and just by being on a business forum people here are more savvy than at least 90% of Americans.

/Biz members are most definitely not representive of the target audience of a pyrimid scheme

Once tier three gets aware of tier two,
how do we regulate who is who?

This already exists. I had a girl ask to meet me off tinder and she pitched me her job doing sales of fruit energy drinks that "cure cancer". I'd have the option of selling the product or the sales position for commission and an on boarding rewards scheme.

Whatever you sell, use sex as a draw. This was working for this chick in Montreal. She'd meet a dozen guys for coffee meetings a day.

Well nothing will happen if you don't start taking steps to organize this off of the board. I suggest starting a semi private discord from this thread, and this will allow us to vet over time Veeky Forums shills from normies.

Once interested people start coming, all we need is that private place to collaborate and combine talent and dispense tasks. You will be able to do nothing from just shitposting about the idea on an anonymous board. I can gladly start the discord server for you. I also have basic knowledge of setting up AWS instances for websites, though as I said, the more experienced talent that can actually work together and not just shit post on this board, the better.

Who knows, this can become a serious business venture. I would be rather careful as the FTC does actively hunt and prosecute pyramid schemes, see "Vemma Nutrition Company".

Intersting if I join now, there no way I can loose !

OP set it up ASAP

If vector marketing is still in business we can do it too

Whatever database the tech guy would use to keep track of membership would keep a flag of whether you're a 2 or a 3.

The only way to find out about tier 2 would be to come / be directed to /biz and we are a pretty low traffic place on the internet. If they already bought a tier 3 membership at that point, no refunds. If they aren't a member yet, they'd just be another /biz citizen.

If we get a large influx because someone decided to rat us out AND it catches on, we can shut down admissions temporarily.

This exists all over the place. There's all kinds of names for it. Pyramid Scheme, Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), Ponzi Scheme (this one is illegal, there's no actual product).

>see "Vemma Nutrition Company".
>which earned more than $200 million annually
Reading this article is both encouraging and discouraging. So apparently just having a product isn't enough, the marketing focus has to be more on the product than the membership. That's ok, we can learn from their mistake.

>Well nothing will happen if you don't start taking steps to organize this off of the board
I don't know enough currently to be able to run it myself yet. Right now I'm seeing if anyone wants to take charge to get that sweet 20% of everything (or whatever is decided on), and to test interest with the poll to see if it's worth my time learning how to set it up if no one steps up.

As soon as I get my taxes back, I'm filing for an LLC and starting a drop shipping site (and a few other projects) so at that point I'll have experience in the legalities / taxes of running a business, and in getting a physical product to a customer.

From there, if there's interest, I'd learn how to set up a website with authentication and a database to keep track of who is what, as well as sale numbers. I'd also need to figure out how to automate a system to pay back commissions as that sounds complicated to me right now.

That's the goal for /biz members

If you guys want to set up a discord and set it up on here, that's fine by me.

I'm just here to share the idea and to get in on the shilling if anyone takes it up. I CAN set it up it would take me awhile to learn everything as I would be starting from scratch knowledge wise at this point (I built a website in college with html, css, and php but nothing like this), and I wagecuck full-time with an hour commute.

>Numbers are uneducated guesstimates.

Oh look, we've got ourselves an ideas guy...

And sure, let's discuss a conspiracy to commit fraud on a public image board. Nothing can go wrong under your leadership, even though you admit to having no clue yourself! We'll be swimming in money in a few months, bois!

Gtfo normie

As long as you're selling a product, it's not fraud. You can make it fraud if you say "Make tens of thousands of dollars selling our shit!" but that's up to individuals to not be dumbasses.

"Pyramid scheme" is a legal term for an operation that is illegal in most countries on earth. So either OP doesn't want to run a pyramid scheme or it's simply a fancy way of saying "fraud".

Multilevel marketing is a more general term that does not automatically indicate fraud, but even those often dance around the border. Even big ones (like Herbalife) from time to time get fined by the FTC and forced to change aspects of their business model. If you want my personal take on MLM: It's still fraud, but with more money which means better lawyers and lobbyists.

This, as long as you have a product it's "multi-level marketing" and not a "pyramid scheme"

willing to put in any work, and we just call it multi-level marketing, like user said. Or come up with any smart sounding name. I also got one tutorial from dark net markets for a good way to make money online. There are many ways to do things legally, the big companies do the same but with their creative language. So, ok guys, I will make the discord group

lets share some knowledge

Yep, technically it's MLM if you do it right. I used Pyramid Scheme more as a slang term since /biz isn't exactly formal

Uh pyramid scheme? Sounds more like an MLM company to me.



Thanks for the compelling argument brah