I just want to say thank you to any and all anons that shilled CVM+. My portfolio is finally green for the first time since September. I made some dumb calls when I first started trading but this gives me a fresh start. So thanks guys.
I just want to say thank you to any and all anons that shilled CVM+...
Remember, they aren't profits until you actually cash out.
Your welcome
Nu. Is it too late to get in?
It's still a good buy
Yes definitely.
>1 day
sup niggas??
I'm more of a CVM+ kind of guy
Will never use Robinhood again. I lost money on a good trade. Stock was worth .65 but when I sold I got .60. Fuck me.
>One Week
>penny stocks
>winners gloat
>losers stay silent
its not RH fault, you must have done a market order. market orders will take any offers on the table so lets say you sell 1000 when the price is .65, maybe theres an order for 250 @ .65, 500 @ .60 and 250 @ .55. Your market sale will sell to each of those buyers instead of being *limited* only to people who want to spend .65
> Trades penny stocks
> Gets bad fill bc penny stock markets are shallower than a puddle
> "It's Robinhood's fault!"
This applies to literally everything. It takes a special kid of dumbass to fuck this up.
How can I sell at desired price?
How can I sell at desired price?
When you click the Buy/Sell button, look at the upper right hand corner and note ORDER TYPES. Before you hit that though, click Market Price and see what the asking/bid price is so you can be reasonable.
So after clicking ORDER TYPEs, click Limit, then enter the price you want, then enter how long you want the order to stay on the books.
Thanks. I appreciate it.
The ride is not over
Use limit orders. Wtf dude. Never use market orders that's a newbie mistake.
>I have no idea what a limit order is
Thank you!
That's a big boy
This changed the game for me
>tfw no founds on Robin Hood and couldn't buy.
Any buy this week is a great buy.
It's going up!