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3 fund portfolio with 17% in a reit.
Very simple, Very diversified. Tax efficient. Low cost.
Only other consideration I need to make is if I will bother picking up small amounts of stocks that offer small perks for certain shareholder amounts. Like Ford and their Friends and Family car discount for owning 100 shares. Special shareholder perks don't work via funds so you need to own the shares directly, either a discount broker or Robinhood I think. They are also more common overseas. USA has like 11-15 shareholder perks left that are fairly well known. Nothing too amazing though.
Yea I only know of Geico, you get a discount if you're a shareholder.
You're extremely underweight financials. Intentional or accidental?
pretty bored atm so i will list what I know
CCL -carnival cruise lines
100 shares - free credits starting at 50$ when you take a cruise, credits increase for longer trips
Churchill Downs - betting/racing
100 shares - two season passes to most tracks
Berkshire Hathaway
1 share - geico 8% discount
if you travel to their annual meeting theres more discounts there
Royal Caribbean Cruises
100 shares - cruise credit again, 50+ dollars depending on length of trip
100 shares - 4% above price employees pay for new ford vehicle. get special pin good for that year when buying vehicle at dealer
1 share - free food coupons ocassionally
1 share - free drink coupons ocassionally
Newell Rubbermaid
1 share
-free pass to employee only store with big discounts
1 share
pass to access private online computer parts / refurbished models discounted, around 25%
1 share
gift box to buy for 25 dollars that contains 20 dollars of goodies, + 25 dollars in coupons - once per year
Willamette Valley Vineyards
? shares
special events and access and wine tasting
Euro Disney
1000? shares
park discounts and special discounting card
1 share
35% off print books
Not much else out there, and some of the remaining are euro based only perks. I listed a few of the well known ones.
Hopefully these are all correct.
I think I'm not that underweight.
Inurance: Aflac, RLI, Markel, Berkshire
Banks: Wells Fargo
Transaction processing: Mastercard, Visa
Total combined about 23%
I guess you could argue that Berkshire isn't really insurance, and that Mastercard/Visa isn't really a financial.
Anyway, I don't like banks for the long run, because they tend to blow up every now and then, so I'm kinda reluctant to stuff my portfolio with GS, JPM, BAC etc. Even Wells Fargo I'm iffy about and been thinking of selling it and buy some boring food stock like Nestlé.
Wells is moving to try and become more "Securities"-friendly. They kind of want to be in the conversation with JPM and Goldman, not your local neighborhood banks. I say kind of, because they do realize they occupy a special place as a massive, massive bank with the reputation of a safe, 'mom and pop' branch.
I don't know. I've seen their inner-workings. They pride themselves on not stumbling every 8 years like most other banks. However, with how much they're investing into their Securities division, I can see that change.
Conclusion: meh.
probably a stupid question, but how easy is it to transfer money between different vanguard funds, and is there any sort of penalty?
i really need to talk to a professional about this, i've had an account for a while but have been too lazy/unsure to actually put money in it, and i'll soon almost have enough for a $10k admiral
> VTI, $2,000
> AMZN, $2,000
> Various penny stocks, $2,000
I think their funds are just stocks now. Like VTI, you just buy it.
>but how easy is it to transfer money between different vanguard funds, and is there any sort of penalty?
It's very easy. You can exchange directly from any fund into any other fund, at no cost.
It is a taxable event outside a 401k/IRA if you have unrealized gains (or losses). This is true any time you move into or out of any investment, but something to keep in mind. Always keep an eye on the tax consequences of anything you do.
>I think their funds are just stocks now. Like VTI, you just buy it.
No. While many Vanguard funds are also offered as ETFs, funds are still king at Vanguard. There's probably 10 times as many funds as ETFs, especially when you count the various fund classes (Investor, Admiral, Institutional).
100,000$ in various vanguard funds in IRA = easy cash
> funds are still king at Vanguard
but why? Could you explain the difference between just buying the stock and actually giving your $ to Vanguard for one of their funds?
>Could you explain the difference between just buying the stock
I assume you're talking about ETFs, in which case call them ETFs. They're not stocks, they simply trade like stocks on the same exchanges as stocks.
As for the pros and cons between funds and ETFs, there's more information on the internet than I could summarize. Start here:
In sum, ETFs are probably preferable over equivalent funds for most investors because they're more portable and might have lower fees. This only applies if you can trade them commission-free. However, if you have large balances, the balance can swing to funds.
However, there are many funds (such as Vanguard's low-fee actively managed funds) that have no ETF equivalent. If these investments are right for your portfolio, then funds are the only option.
Need increasing oil prices, USD appreciation and GBP depreciation over Q1.
Once gains/losses realised I put them into index tracker and divise new medium term strat.
I live in Poland, I have ING bank brokar account and normal account. How do I buy index funds othger than polish and stocks other than polish?
Bought shitcoins with my Christmas money, I'm gonna be a multimillionaire soooon.
Nice consumer staple large-caps, Sweedish Grandpa. Looking at that spreadsheet would help me relax and fall asleep at night.
I'm Dutch though and I sleep very well at night indeed.
Very lazy:
Vanguard Lifestrategy 80% Equity Acc
Thinking of adding some kind of REIT or property index tracker
You invest in every meme tier coin possible, you are legit stupid if you think any of these will make you richer than you are now.
0.84 BTC
about £3k cash
£2.2k in property crowdfunding
£750 pension
thinking of saying fuck it next tax year and piling into Vanguard Lifestrategy 100% Equity
How often would 'occasionally' be for the McDs & Starbucks vouchers?
Are we talking bullshit 'free fries' or a 'free muffin' -'with purchase' type deal, or a proper 'free burger/meal/coffee' type deal?
Are these perks standard internationally?
Yeah, I'm a lowballer, and I'm 'green' but UK-based so this is interesting if this is more common here or Europe in general.
I also never see myself going too deep on investing, I'm more a hustler entrepreneur type,
Dabbling in startups, seed capital, groundfloor investing, angel investing, venture capital, P2P, crowdlending is more my thing, it's been just informal handshake deals up to now.
Inb4 you retard - Warren Buffett has done handshake deals, and invested directly in at least one company I know of without actually visiting the place or meeting the board, etc
The other perks are nice, but mostly things you would have to budget for or could get coupons elsewhere.
Tl;dr - McDs/Starbucks - just interested to see if the perks would be worth it alone for those two, would it take a year or two or a fucking decade for it to return 100% of value.
>pass to access private online computer parts / refurbished models discounted, around 25%
are we talking about the lenovo EPP site ? because IBM got out of the consumer side of stuff a while ago.
I started one of those fake FTSE accounts for fun and so far I've managed to turn an extremely small profit.
I'm betting that Royal Bank of Scotland will get it's shit together and I don't really know why the FTSE is going up and up at the moment.
Most of the major banks are at or are nearly at an all time high so I need a new medium term strategy.
There's more than 50 coins on Poloniex, I chose 8 that have potential to pump like crazy.
Why? What should you invest in $130? That's all I can play with right now.
Can someone give me a hot NASDAQ tip? Got some spare cash to invest before the market close.
CSBR will rise at least 15% more in a few days.
Long Cash Converters - ASX 10.500 shares @ 0.355
Short sell DBK - Xetra 500 shares @ 17.65
Buy Bitcoin the coin of crash -20%
apx tearing it up congrats anonkun
Rate my portfolio
Don't think that Euro Disney SCA one is valid anymore since they had that restructure a year ago.
75K all equity ETF US and International
fuuuuug im poor and worthless
Just wondering, what do you mean with 3 fund portfolio? Currently owning facebook,nike, ahold, ablynx and a sp etf. Also dutch btw.
Nvm i see now what u mean with 3 funds
Willamette Valley Vineyards, Teva (just bought today), Interlink Electronics, Unico American Corporation, J.W. Mays, OptimumBank Holdings,
75k is nice.
IBM is still in charge of replacement parts because they retain some legacy service contracts I believe. Not sure about refurbs.