>Playing with Tactical Teammates edition
>Game page
>Playing with Tactical Teammates edition
>Game page
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>yfw you spawn into the plane and forgot to mute your sound
Fucking this, every time
Does anyone have these yet? They said they were going to send out the codes when the game launched on Steam but I haven't seen anyone with it yet
I know everyone in /v/ is calling this a clone but this is my first game of this style because I missed the bus on the others
Is this one looking to be better than the others?
I used to be an avid DayZ player and switched to H1Z1. I have to say even with all the shitty bugs and issues this still outshines h1z1 and DayZ. Aiming isn't fucking wonky. Looting is fairly balanced, I can only see this game going uphill.
I billion dollars question. I don't like dayz and h1z1 but this battleground motherfucker looks like extremely fun. So, worth it buying, if i dont like 3 hours of running to something and then be oneshotad by some bushretard ?
It's certainly got issues with framerate and server lag. The game's fairly bare-bones, but most of the mechanics are solid, and if the current issues get fixed prior to actual release, it'll be by far and away the best BR game on the market.
I've seen streamers with them yes
I think so. The game feels pretty good despite being early access. The gunplay feels pretty good, the firefights are intense and realistic(ish) feeling.
would someone do me a solid and tell me how big the download is?
bout 9GB
8GB I think it is
bout 3.50
Veeky Forums squad when
Can't seem to change my key bindings.
Any tips on getting the game to run better or is it just heavy on the CPU? 4690k with 480 8GB here.
I hope the oceanic servers actually do come out in a week, ping sucks and too many gooks on the asian server
I have better ping on the Asian server than EU.
for know i just turned the graphics down to shit
i cant play under ~60 fps
you might also want to put
>-USEALLAVAILABLECORES -malloc=system -sm4
into your steam launchoptions
Anybody else feel like the directional sound is still pretty fucked?
this looks fun but I'm not sure I can justify the 30£ right now. might it go on sale / discount soon?
anyone else has problems with hotkey?
at the start of the game i could use number keys to select weapons but suddenly it stopped working
so now even stuff like bandages cannot be used
Never, every autistic 10 year old faggot masturbating to an anime game needs their own general.
Anyone else having issues queing atm?
Yes I am. First time I haven't insta-joined since the game launched.
Good to know.
ded game m8
literally not enough people are playing to keep the servers populated
back to h1z1 for me
i'm not even getting past the load screen
lmao go away daybreak
directional sound is broke for vehicles and spec mode i feel foot steps in solo are good but in duos it's extremely broke
>click to play
>doesn't do anything
anyone else? it's like the button isn't reacting to input at all
something is borked
This game is so fucking fun. The closest to it I've played is DayZ, and the most intense moments there were all pvp, and this game does it better in every single way.
Worth the money so far but I can't connect atm
It feels like dayz without as much running.
Do advancing when crouched make sound?
Yes. Pressing ctrl while crouching makes it quieter, but slower.
I'm new to this kind of game, and I struggle to find a good strategy.
currently, I jump in a zone with loot, grab as much as I can, take a car and go in the middle of the zone, waiting for other to come. It get me in top 10 a lot of time, but I barely see action. Any tip?
>Servers down
All I wanted to do was hunt humans today
If you sit in the middle you wont see any people because they are doing the same thing.
If you want to see action sit on the border or a choke point like a bridge or something.
This, but the DayZ runs were so long they were hypnotic, which was something kinda endearing about it
Do you guys think PU will got full ARMA with the guns?
Do you even want tons of different guns in the game?
Looks like servers are back online
Arma players make good tutorials in the form of VODs
>take a couple minutes to find a rifle
>kill a guy
>take a couple more minutes to explore
>gotta move or you die!!
>check map
>the circle is like 20 minutes away
>try to find a vehicle around me
>die eventually
cool game
no no, it's:
>somebody already have a rifle
>die naked
Feel free to play literally anything else faggot
git gud scrub
How? I've never not found a car. Look on the sides of the road.
dead game, dead general.
Yep h1z1 is clearly superior
everyone is playing
Does h1 even have a general?
it's just another scam like the war z.
this game seriously fucking sucks im not even baiting for (You)s. Here is why i hate the game.
Terrible optimization, there's no hit detection so you have no idea where you are being shot from, you die instantly, combat favors the defender over the attacker 10 times out of 10. Shotgun is strong as fuck but the movement speed of the game is so low so you can't shotgun rush people but shotgun camping a building is insane. The ADS is clunky and slow as fuck again favoring the defender. There's suppressors and snipers you can just find lying around and with no hit detection and player models in general being extremely dark combined with dark houses, and dark trees. You can die without any counterplay at all. It's too easy to shoot someone out of a car because you can't hop out immediately when you see someone because the game makes you kill yourself if you hop out when the car is moving.
Yes i do come from h1z1, yes h1 is fucking garbage. But just because h1 is complete shit shouldnt give this kusoge a free pass.
t. shitter
git gud
Maybe youre just supposed to camp inside a buildiing. I will admit im pretty horrible at the game but im used to playing on 144 fps at the very least and im hardly getting 60 (i76700k and gtx 960 4gb)
What i do is loot, maybe get a kill, then either die running in the fields or look for people with a car and never find anyone.
dead general dead game
look at this interesting picture.
your tears yum
Add if you wanna play.
If you have a toaster, this guide is for you:
I went from 30 fps to 100+ fps.
This has got to be the worst name for a game ever.
>enter matchmaking
>see rain
>exit matchmaking
But rain is comfy you pleb.
>can't see shit
>can't hear shit
>fps drop
as comfy as a cactus in the rectum.
You can sneak up on people and shotgun their ass, then find a comfy spot to camp and enjoy the rain.
I agree. But holy shit is it fun as fuck.
chicken chicken nigger dinner xD
fuck yes
especially in the military areas
>driving to the white circle
>see a car
>shoot its wheels out
lmao suckers
I found out the hard way that sickles one shot kill you to the head.
Ctrl + T
You're welcome.
>can't hit people underwater
What are the devs planning on adding for the fuutre?
Next feature is replays I think?
I did exactly as the guide told and now cat hiss at penis
They either need to split the one plane drop off into 3-4, all going different directions, or they need to reduce the map size for solo play. So many retards jump off at the very first loot zone so, if you're actually intelligent and drop off later, you do nothing for the next 10-15 minutes because 30-60 people dropped off in a small ass little area.
>the game needs to change because some players are retarded
There really just has to be something that makes people not camp buildings as much. Something other then shitty bombs.
make an end game reward for amount of time spent running or something. or make kills more valuable
I think they should improve the grenade and have it penetrate thin walled buildings. Maybe have fire from molotovs proliferate further so you can smoke niggas out.
I dont find camping to be that big of a problem though. Personally I think 3rd person is a far more glaring problem, as you can spot enemies without exposing yourself to harm. Hardcore first person mode only when.
Camping becomes a bigger problem without 3rd person and the ability to not walk directly into an ambush.
Snipers will be OP in that game mode
scaling walls/climbing
Snipers and scopes are already OP.
Just finished playing for 4 hours straight and barely had time to make this post before getting back on.
Watch Summit or Sacriel play on Twitch and then you'll understand.
>mfw 15 hours played over the weekend
ofc no win
Does the compensator on the m16 make 3 round burst more accurate?
Compensators reduce recoil so yes, but how much it reduces recoil is unknown.
really need a shooting range
I guess while we're on the topic of attachments, I'll explain what they do.
Compensators reduce recoil.
Bullet loops give increased draw speed and reload speed.
Cheek pads increase stability, or decrease scope movement in other words.
Stocks increase stability.
Angled foregrip increases ADS speed and draw time, but reduces stability.
Vertical grip gives increased stability.
TL;DR- Angled foregrip for full-auto house clearing and vertical grip for medium-long range shots.
I agree.
I got 3 straight top fives by finding a car early and just driving around without looting, really need the community to start getting good
all summit really does is land in a place where no one will land, find a car, drive to a places that will has some loot 10-15 mins of the game while people are killing themselves, and positions around the edge of the circle and gets no kills until the last 20~ people seems boring.
Anyone wanna play? Post your Steam
I really want to like this game but, honestly, it's just boring. If you jump out with the first 50 people you either get a gun and live or you don't and die. If you actually try to win then you jump out by yourself, loot for 5ish minutes, then run to the circle and see no one for 10-20 minutes until it's third, fourth, or fifth circle and there's only 15-25 people left.
well duh the whole point is to make it to the final 20 so you can go nuts and frag out
just had my first crash
>get sks w/4x
>get ump w/ sick add ons
>get armor and helmet
>ready to go