Samsung is shit edition
League of legends general /lolg/
you build nashor, then rageblade.
beyond that its just whatever.
both teams itching for a 5v5? get a hurricane.
enemy has tanks, or is building a lot more MR than armour? get a botrk or a void.
winning every fight, but the opponent just keeps slipping away? get a rylai.
super fed and enemy has squishies? get a lich bane.
not sure what to do? get all of the above.
the key is that bar lich bane they have no cdr, so if you put CDR in your runes your build path is free.
xth for Syndra
how does her laning go against various lane bullies and such in top lane? from what i've seen of kayle players, you pretty much just passively farm if you're up against camille et al, and obviously she can farm against tanks
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
1 for 1 on my road to bronze!
>Kayle ending the game with two back to back quadra kills
Yas buffs when?
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Yas deletion from the game when?
Gas all sjw cucks
>tfw someone under D3 calls himself an OTP
One trick pony implies you have a trick, if you had one you probably wouldnt be low elo.. lol!
>1 for 1
>2 games played
post more mems
I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
your rank
your self-esteem
I am a man of many tricks, my greatest is losing!
I wanna have a tea party with Lulu!
Reminder, getting to D5 is beating LoLs tutorial, until then you are not even playing the game
So please, if you are below D5, DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD
lux and ez were never even comfy~
What's the kwickest way to carry myself into at least gold?
bronze 2 bitch what are you going to do about it?
good to see mata on alistar he looked unstoppable on him at worlds last year
is that you bandit cutie?
if you're absolute and complete shit, blitzcrank
if you have a level of skill any high damage jungle
You guys know, a thought came to my mind.
We see that Lucian and Renekton are popular and strong again right. But really if we compare old renekton and old lucian to their new (nerfed) forms that are now in the meta. The old ones would crush the new ones. But the thing is this isn't only about rene/lucian. Its about probably 90% of the league champ pool. Old corki would straight up murder the new one so would old nidalee with the new one or old zed vs new zed. If the cycle keeps happening again in 3 years we will be playing basically buffed caster fucking minions. How is this fucking ok? Unless they will rework 100 champs at once, this shit will snap finally.
yeah I'm not really that bad, I've only played ten ranked games this season and got a few unlucky dcs and retards on my side. The games I do win is because I go hard on the xin jungle
play a carry mid or jungle and kill everyone
>"can i top please"
>sure why not i like playing ashe a lot with this new korean meme build going around
>hovers riven
Just spam Pantheon.
bully them back
get thunderlord's on kayle for easy procs since her Q and E do quite a lot of damage together.
use W to sustain and escape.
press R to outplay.
simple as that.
if its anything with strong ranged harass or gap closers, they can beat kayle in lane by all-in'ing her generally speaking.
i.e. pantheon, irelia, jax, probably camille but I haven't seen or played that matchup.
some are easier than others, and she can bully and kill immobile shit, like darius.
farm is super important because hitting her nashors and nashors/rageblade powerspikes as early as possible are critical.
after that, its basically just dodging CC and hoping they don't have something like annie on their team.
fucking retard lol
Comfiest pair ever actually
new talon could deck old talon at lvl 2 and 6
>if you're bad try this champion that is reliant on a skillshot to be an asset to your team
why not just play healsluts at that point
what are you a shitty yasuo main?
you must be under gold
pic related.
get good.
i don't play kayle and even i know that's wrong
>thunderlords on kayle
post base splashes you would like to see updated/remade
repost from last thread sorry
have either of those 3 even had reworks?
i didn't play before late season 3
old talon is way better than new talon, he's shit with the new e and the shitty w
Lulu is SUPER cute! I NEED to hold her in my arms!
Warwick is just a good Volibear now.
When will Iorek Byrinson/Wojtek get his rework
repost from old thread sorry
the only time old talon is better is in a multi-person fight
1v1 new talon beats old talon soley because of the passive
well he's not entirely wrong, thunderlords is fine on kayle mid with a more burst focused build that will definitely have a lich bane or another mage item early.
you can take it top vs something like renekton who you'll have more short trades with.
new kat would win at every stage under the right circumstances
Old Kat would win at every stage under the right circumstances
do you realise what a meaningless statement this is?
>not knowing best kayle KR has thunderlords
>not knowing most high elo kayle mains have thunderlords
stay silver
I like watching his streams but I don't watch LCK so I miss his casting
he a wanker?
a rework would be cool as long as he kept chain lightning as a signature ability
i don't remember the last time i saw this guy
it was before they nerfed the AS (and base execute damage?) on his bite
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
What the FUCK is wrong with Morde? I just got 100-0'd by one while he had 100 HEALTH. AND ONLY 1 KILL.
150/202 games as one champ, nothing special about your win rate it's expected, low KDA tells me you're a typical feeder because you play a champ who can get away with feeding. Lets see your other champs, probably a sub par WR and KDA
>proceeds to feed to a darius with the sn "ThugginForAReason"
>I have a hard time against sivir because i realize I don't really know what she does
9 decides my main
Azir the great and glorious!
Holy fuck I thought it was a meme but every Riven player I run into a crazy as fuck.
>4 boxes
>Only one key fragment
Are you kidding me.
why is kt so bad now ;_;
>at the club this
>chick smacks your soul on the butt
Should I do it?
Sit on her lap and order us a drink.
do not
Tim to make a choice faggot also, Kled if I roll 9.
Alright I'm done with this. No more tank tops. They might be useful later on but 90% of the time you're gonna suffer way too much in lane and if the early goes bad then you've pretty much lost the game.
Who do I play now? Something tanky but that can win lane handily and maybe pull off some 1v2s.
of coursh
avg kda on yasuo is 6.9 / 7.4 / 5.6
>implying any yasuo that has stats nearly 2.5 KDA feeds
Tell her you have some motions you want to show her.
Nasus, Swain, Illaoi? I just go with what Quas plays.
How does one play bird emperor?
Who next?
time travel back to when he was good
>learning how to hit a skillshot something that can be achieved before you get out of bots
>learn how to cs, trade, move, position, roam, put down damage in a teamfight without getting gibbed, lane match ups
this also gives 4 potential roles to carry him instead of 3
Feeds in comparison to any other 1 tricks where a 3-5 kda isn't uncommon.
Comparing to the average Yasuo means what exactly when they will feed like it's their job in the early game and you've got people who pick him just because he's open.
Show the champs played for the remaining 52 games?
>if nerfs were reverted the champions would be better
Pretty cool guy, kind of a douche to some low elo, but it's mostly when they dont listen during coaching and because theyre social retards.
Actual retards he treats kindly and trys to help him out, some dude started crying on stream 2 days ago and he was really nice to them.
has some kind of personal vendetta against reddit
>Tfw found the perfect league erp partner
So according to your logic this monkey also feeds like an animal because he's unable to get a 3-5 KDA as a one trick? it's yassuo
Damn, stay silver.
>has some kind of personal vendetta against reddit
Is he, dare I say it, our girl?
no /our girl/ is the sissy porn watching cross dressing cuteboy
isn't one enough
Key drops have a cap, you can only obtain about 12 fragments monthly.
I wouldn't call Rumble tanky, but I'm never actually worried about ganks when I take him top. Unless I feed or something. But that's OK because you auto-win late game team fights.
He's also playing against Master tier players. Implying Plat V is a valid comparison where you can 1 trick anything and get there.
Wont post in game name or stats of other champs because you're insecure about something. Silver? you're plat V don't get too carried away friend.
hes a literal faggot too, so he might just be