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Blood of Sargeras to gold:
previously on r/wow
WoW Token Price:
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
previously on r/wow
>not using an image of legion dropships to further push the idea of warcraft/starcraft sharing a universe
>thinking those are legion dropships
WoD baby detected
so says the SHADOW of xavius
>mfw not playing a slutzug
>patient sniper pretty hard to play
Why is that? You just fire off an arcane shot or two in place of what would be an aimed shot and then do 2 of them towards the end of the window? Its only a slightly different rotation unless I'm missing something.
nah, that's pretty much correct, it's just a lot more annoying to deal with when also dealing with fight mechanics compared to almost never having to cast aimed shot after mm hunters never having to sit still since wrath (and I guess the first tier of wod)
still looks pretty slutty to me senpai
I've just realized that healer is the least satysfying of the roles in terms of character progression.
As a dps I get better gear and that directly translates to how hard I hit, how fast I kill things, and it slowly turns me into unstoppable killing machine. As a tank I get more hp, better self healing, better survivability and also some more dps which turns me into unkillable juggernaut that can survive anything.
And as a healer? I can heal for more, but it doesn't translate to the feeling of being powerful that other roles get. I'm expected to heal everyone to full anyway, and filling bars a little bit faster doesn't give me any feeling of progress of my character. It's just the same as with worse gear.
Am I missing something or are healers the worst role to play?
That's why we leave healing to women, they have no sense of conquer
>Switched specs once I found out 7.2 was ok for rerolling because I'd rather die than play Ret for one more second (Which is neat since it was my main since BC)
>Just found out I need 25k Order Hall resources when 7.2 drops
Wew laddie just fuck my shit up
i assume you've never played a healer
just grind world quests and bloods for resources, doesn't take that long, especially if you got a body guard with at least 100 resources per quest
Im pretty fresh 110 (Had to keep up with my main for raiding and been busy)
Luckily unless I am missing something this won't fuck up flying at least
Is the best way to farm bloods to just do heroic dungeons?
What's the best race in all of WoW?
-blood shoulder enchant
-spam heroics as tank/healer
blood quarry might also have a decent chance to drop off world mobs, if you can find an area with a shit ton of fast spawns and heavy grouping.
followed closely by trolls
>enemy of pandas
night elves are the only true patrician choice desu
going to post this again tomorrow?
What do you think this person is like irl?
unironically degenerate
Dwarves are the best race in any fantasy setting desu
What would a psychologist think.
People like this is why I still use MRP. Great laughs.
"Gregor" (irredeemable) tier.
Ogres or Blood Elves.
Dark Iron > All desu
>mexican sugar dancing
I also find it hard to believe that anyone is not guilty of being turned on by at least one from every category, up to irredeemable.
>I can dps more but the only thing it does is bars emptying faster
>I can tank more but the only thing it does is make my health bar empty slower
Please stop posting already.
Which dps specs have the most choices/variation in their rotation? Bonus points for doing actual dps
>want to google this but worried it will be some crazy fucked up "lol your on a list now motherfucker" shit
>tfw used to have cute belf gf to play the game with and voice chat with
>they would start acting lewd toward me in front of everyone else in raid
>their gone now
Literally best time I've had in wow pls kill me
>not rooting for- and playing humans in every game
if you've been on this site long enough, it's not something that would shock you.
Think we will get ogres next expansion?
humans in WoW are fucking shit though
they're literally just retarded vrykul
That sounds like a fun game. Everyone should name one from each tier, and which WoW characters would be best at it.
Valeera Sanguinar
Kargath Bladefist
Don't you mean
>they're motherFUCKING descendants from the titans themselves
Stay jelly.
wow gee what are the odds
>you will never mutate into female naga
>you will never absorb so much shivarra souls that you change into one
Fuck that, im out
Come to think of it, multi-armed healing spec for dh could be fun
so are orcs
hold on
>wanting to do more to achieve the same or less
look at this cuck and laugh
Anybody know a good slutmog for my tauren titcow shaman?
nigga wat
literally what?
Disgusting, The best vore would be a cute female dragon.
Who's the loli? Her? It's sad that "Elven ear deepthroat" isn't an option.
Chronicles Volume 2 confirms that orcs are descended from Grond, the giant Aggramar created to control the Everbloom
they was Titanforged and shieeeeet
yeah, she's like a child for an elv
For resto druids is it better to wear the 4piece or wear higher ilvl gear without the 4piece.
>Chronicles Volume 2
literally the most official lore
oh shit
Were they made fleshy?
>"Azeroth is too flawed to fight the Legion if they invade again"
>"I know! Let's get the orcs to start a war!"
after Botaan and Grond destroyed each other, Botaan's spores covered the shards of Grond and slowly degraded them into gronn, and then ogron, ogres and orcs
Some of the stuff is kinda out there.
i want to look EXACTLY like ashildir
>literally warhammer
metzen isn't even trying anymore desu
>yeah, she's like a child for an elv
She's a child for human standards. The whole "for an Elf" thing is a transparent, and childish, attempt at hiding the fact that she really IS a kid. She was just a little gril when the Scourge invaded, so she was around 16 or so when she met Varian.
survival hunter is sometimes a bit of a 3 button spec when you're getting lucky procs, but when you're not, it's a mess of ranged and melee abilities, determining whether or not to refresh dots or use flanking and when/where to drop traps/caltrops/butchery and how close you should risk your way of the moknathal stacks to full duration that are all close calls to maximize dps
honestly though I don't think there's ever been a dps spec that's had choices in rotation that are optimal because there's always 1 way to do perfect dps
I think the most buttons I've ever seen in a dps spec was 3.3 enhance (no caster wep) in wow
unless you mean like how talents can change the gameplay of a spec and how many rotations there are in the spec based on that? cause then I feel like I don't play enough dps specs to give a good answer
>"Azeroth is too flawed to fight the Legion if they invade again"
>"Let's do some inane shit and then disappear
are you actually retarded?
how does one get better at something? experience.
he literally wanted to make the orcs and humans stronger by them fighting and practicing.
>Elven ear deepthroat
I'd try this with my waifu
>your alliance and horde are strong BECAUSE of one another
fucking wrathion's drink-bringing panda slave is more intelligent than 95% of major lore figures
4piece is free healing, as dumb as it is, but probably better to keep 4piece unless there's 2 massive upgrades, it's essentially a 16% chance to get half a free rejuv on rejuv
They could give male night elves antlers as a customization option but that's never going to happen.
Don't forget to cuddle a Worgen today, /wowg/! :3
the tavern in the mists was pretty comfy when it wasnt a black market pvp disaster bigger the cataclysm or wod
>he doesn't have an Ohio fetish
Why? Not all Night elf males are druid hippies
oh yeah because night elf mages aren't bad enough, let's give them the option to have antlers
dumb ideasguy
tfw i hate legion but still want to raid with my guild
Where am I ^^
kek, HOW is furry and clopping so far down when over half of the things above them are infinitely more vomit inducing?
I've always wondered if their ears are an erogenous zone.
>simulating gear and different profiles of BM hunters against myself
>have pic related but noticed other BM hunters without it that are 20 points or so ahead(equipped) simming only about 100-150k over me
>one hunter(Idaredyou) sims a good 300+ over me while being equipped roughly the same as the other hunters
>try to figure out why that is
>remove mantle from my sim and replace with generic 870 purp
>drop nearly 100k
>notice he has both the belt and shoulders
>replace both with generic 900 generics
>he also big drops
Holy shit, I thought people were joking about the shoulders being a must for this spec. It must be suffering to be a geared BM hunter without them.
>Arcadian War Turtle available
>only have 41 curious coins
Female Blood Elf
i love legendaries :)
you nostalgia you lose
still never told me what you are qt!
kill me
well shit, forgot pic
How do I name my heroic elisande group to not get braindead fucks that die to rings and don't soak?
I'm checking for aotc and 905+ ilvl but it's not fucking enough
>not posting the AB loading with that pretty fuckboi human giving you bedroom eyes
I think it's a good time to remind everybody that blizzard took feedback about BM that has been around since legion alpha and, instead of implementing it and balancing the spec around it, made it into a legendary item.
The diablo 3 devs have really shit all over the class design this expansion.
I feel like a good majority of legendaries started out as perks or talents we'd have baseline in the first iteration of legion's class design behind the scenes.
I hope so. It'd atleast feel extremely comfy for them to have their ears caressed and massaged
I am a Death Knight!