Mundane Trips to Hawaii edition, good goy.
>Deck lists, news etc
>Open Tournaments
>/hsg/ general & tournament discord
Mundane Trips to Hawaii edition, good goy.
>Deck lists, news etc
>Open Tournaments
>/hsg/ general & tournament discord
our lewd girls
I hope the new Priest legendary has as amazing an intro as this cutie does!
New cards when pls give
Someone should offer to pay 1000 dollars to a charity of those two kiss on stream
im sure theyd do it
>left: used goods
>right: pretends to be pure, probably slut
>left: escort
>right: camwhore
play Banishcraft
i would pay good money to watch your interactions with real human women
>posts shit artwork
opinion discarded
left: buttslut
right: cumslut
>back when hearthstone was both annoying enough but also fun enough for people to bother making OC
Man, this game was run into the dumpster. I can't recall a single memorable comic since the Old Gods era.
>the warrior quest is designed for control warriors
You have 5 seconds to come up with a quest that can beat Jade Druid.
pulled a golden rag just in time
Your opponent must summon 5 minions with 5 or more health
Why don't they show us cards on the weekend? It's just not fair.
I didnt think gold sylvanas or rag dropped anymore after they announced that
Rest of the cards are shit, show them too early and preorder numbers might drop
>Its the pirate warrior is able to go trough ice barriers, aelxtraca and a reno episode
Why is such cancer allowed?
Summon 7 minions with Taunt
Reward - Minion with Taunt and Battlecry: Gain 15 armor.
>play in casual
>pirate warrior
>aggro shaman
>pirate warrior
>jade Druid
>jade Druid
>pirate warrior
>pirate warrior
I hate this game and the people who play it
Play in wild user, Im rank 10 and rarely meet pirates while memeing with freeze and dragon pally
>memeing with freeze
Every single freeze mage I meet on ladder loves to spam emotes.
I assumed they're just as assblasted that they're dragging out the game as I am so I typically let them be.
It's pretty entertaining to watch them highlighting their face a couple dozen times even though I squelched them after the second "Wow".
I'm glad Blizzard finally admitted who's their target audience.
All freeze mage player have sever autism. It's scientifically proven.
>If I change it a little
>Maybe they will never notice
A single deck really shouldn't be able to run ice block, ice barriers, alex and reno. Mage really is cancer.
How the fuck do people deal with playing against the same decks all the time for hours in this trash game?
Who? Because with the price increase and extra expansions and no adventures, extra legos, more class legos and less neutral legos, mandatory epics, I can't see the target audience being kids without a credit card and I can't see them getting the parents to keep dropping more and money money into a phone game.
>3 horde kids following a Night Elf into the jungle
Need porn.
>whole game copied from hearthstone
>"Oh god they took one card how could they!"
Oh my god, a card whose attack increases on your opponent's turn! How original! I'm sure no other game has ever had one of those.
>was kinda funny the first time
>not so funny the next twelve times
>the couple hundred times after that it's just strictly wrong
When will you people stop?
t aggro shitter
Lochtar Ogre!!!
it's just one retarded loser who can't even cum to hafu nudes
>cum to hafu nudes
Who does that? Those are disgusting.
>fapping to girls
No thanks. I'm not a faggot like you.
Fun brawl Blizz
>hey user, lets head inside in 30 minutes and play some constructed
>standard apple headphones
When will the matches start again?
anybody a professional headphoner and can tell me what headphones I can buy that wont irritate me when I lean into my pillow at night?
2 hours from now.
>implying either of those games invented said mechanic.
Jesus christ you retards are dull
Left: doctor
Right: nurse
thanks bud
Fuck man when was the last time they BUFFED a card?
It seems like all they do is either nerf the overpowered stuff (and take a long, LONG fucking time to do that too), or just release new shit and let the meta change then. It seems like instead of helping out underperforming classes, they just say "lol tough shit better wait for the next expansion."
>Last time?
2014 with Buzzard and 2013 with unleash, last time they buffed anything the meta broke for two years
Buffing cards is admitting they made a mistake in their initial design and we all know Team 5 doesn't make mistakes.
>card sees too much play?
>delete it
>card doesn't see anyplay?
>release a powercreeped version
When is pavel winning my packs today?
The last card buff I think was bane of doom.
Since then they repeatedly said they're not going to buff cards so there you go.
So does nerfing cards
would let eloise take my temperature
Is deathrattle rogue viable anymore? Is temporogue dead?
user, I...
>Practicing clapping for hearthstone tournament
Because nobody finds it exciting they have to employ people to hype things up.
420 lol
Kripp is here to save us
>Vs Thrall!
>Vs Thrall!
>Vs Thrall!
>Vs Garrosh!
>Vs Thrall!
>Vs Morgl!
>Vs Thrall!
this game fucking sucks, dude.
That sucks. I hope they change their design philosophy on that in the future.
dont worry, you get 1 pack for voting
>he is still playing hearthstone on 2014+3
>tfw you icelance 18/16 Mysterious challenger and Alex their face after they blow their cards
>tfw they concede
I dont understand why Blizzard doesnt want such fun deck to exist when Parrior is a thing
I wish that was my lineup. The higher up you get it's 100% renolock. Game after game after game.
Play Freeze user, its pretty favored against Renolock. You just have to stall the game and save your combo pieces like Frostbolts and Roaring torches for the moneyshot
>The higher up you get
So, around rank 10?
Because higher than that you barely see any reno locks.
>Every Orc class has been the cancer of the game at some point, sometimes more than once
Really activates my almonds
Can I get Morgl if I don't have any friends?
there are many renolocks in legend.
i want to trade all the priests i am getting for thralls
Name a class that was never considered cancer.
If I have an unfinished arena run and don't finish it till after the new expansion will I get the new packs or the old packs?
>concede turn 1
>concede turn 1
>concede turn 1
i love easy gold
new packs
>I hope they change their design philosophy
Is it just me or do Hearthstone fans begin to sound like they're married to a wife beater?
I could never even deal 30 damage with jade druid, but I get to 100 every time with silence/buff priest.
When the rotation happens, the cards will now also rotate out of arena correct?
Priest is always cancer, even when it's shit.
>Priests mirrors are decided by who draws both SECRET AGENT COMING THROUGH first
>mirror matches are decided by better draws
wew lad, better stop the presses, the world has to know!
to win as a rogue you always needed to execute a win condition perfectly, hence why it's called a "miracle" because you literally need a miracle to win as rogue
as opposed to just playing one card every turn by curve from the start and winning in turn 7
you know that's not what I mean you dumb cunt, no other mirror match turns into a retarded infinite loop of spitting out 5/6s from your opponents deck
Please snipe some arena streamer with it after the rotation
>old priest mirrors
>clever usage of board clears, knowing when you can safely play your few minions, playing around combos
>current priest mirrors
>secret agent coming through xD
The first miracle rogue was considered cancer.
Also, miracle is a mtg term.
>Hearthstone in beta
>Tens of card changes per patch
>Now nothing
I just keep playing hoping it would get better but HS isnt what it used to be
>everyone says mages are op in arena
>pick mage
>get no board clear
>no fireballs
>no legendarys
>1 sheep
>no spell damage units
>3 spells total (arcane missiles arcane blast and polymorph)
mages are weak
>run literally any high value legendary
>if you're not instantly murdered before you get to play it priest will just steal it instead
unlucky draft m8