>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
selena is shit
This is my husband
Don't bully.
I love Hana!
Should I try for a Ninian while she's in the banner? I have 106 Orbs.
if you want Ninian then roll for her. Otherwise don't
I got a 4* Selena. What is she even good for? Reposition?
Not going to promote the slut to 5* for TA.
Threaten Speed. Only better Threatens are Def/Res if they enable a 1 hit kill.
Hey lads, I'm about to buy Fates, but there are two on the eShoppe. Which one has the Nohr route, if that's even a thing I decide at purchase? At any rate, what are the differences between the Birthright and Conquest versions?
Don't, ninian banner is a fraud
Fuck a cuck!
Sorry broski, it's legit.
If it's any consolation I probably won't be able to get Michalis in time.
Childhood is buying Birthright.
Adulthood is buying Conquest.
Selena is
Nohr is Conquest. You might want to play Birthright first though just to get used to the mechanics and some new aspects of the game play and how certain new classes work.
Birthright is like Awakening 2.0. Conquest is an actually good game.
Did you reroll for it? How long did you spend to get this start?
fuck, meant to
Go buy the physical copy of the game off amazon for $24, then you can download the digital DLC of the other path through the game for only $20
You can basically get both games for ~$45 if you're smart about it, don't waste $40 on one game
Cute! Sweet! Lovely!
>can grind units whenever
>hoshido route
>has more battle variety than 'rout'
>Nohr route
>cannot grind units with battles between chapters like birthright
And some characters are specific to each version.
I spent about way too long on it
>spend who knows how long leveling a 4* Abel to level 40
>at level 39 I summon a 5* Abel
well then
I guess I have a spare Sword Breaker.
Camilla a best!
I wish I had that kind of patience. Whenever I get a decent 2+ 5* start in rerolls I never get anything good after the initial roll.
I want to fug severa
Hack your 3DS and get both desu. Conquest is the better game, though.
>implying his game is legit
>implying you can't get all the 5* you want with 20 min of work
Most Aesthetic weapon in FEH?
My vote is on Fensalir. Honorable mention to Hauteclere.
Sieglinde and Siegmund look amazing in heroes
>most aesthetic weapon
>not tree branch
shit taste
Sieglinde looks great, but Siegmund's got too much going on. You can bet there's going to be blood and rotting flesh stuck between the prongs unless you carefully clean it all off with a sponge.
This, I've been waiting forever for a design for Sieglinde and Siegmund, as the best we had before was from the pixel art and (What we can assume was them) from the cover of the SS novel.
It was a long wait, but they are beautiful.
Which offensive skill on Ninian?
Well they fight undead monsters in SS so theres defenitly rotting flesh on it
At last we can all agree on something.
nice desu-ne
You have a good taste in waifus, Eirika is bae
nice tripcode btw
Bonfire if using a brave Lance, moonbow otherwise
>Dozla not in S
Thanks for the replies. I'm somewhat new to the series, only played >awakening and a bit of some gba ones. I want some challenge though, so that's why I thought about going Nohr.
Can't buy it off Amazon as it's out of stock in my country and I can't seem to access or recover my American account
Thank you!
You're missing Boyd.
Flier and Cavalry Stats are a real drag
I love my awawawaifu.
>get fucked out of 110 orbs
>save up another 20 to try again with my 4.25% chance
>grab a green orb
There we go. That was way more expensive than I'd have liked.
Azura is shit
just wait until we get PUGI in heroes
Ur a shit
>get fucked out of idk how many orbs
>have 4.5%
>get sakura
yea I was pissed.
fliers has the same stats as infantryy
it's your horse+mage combo that is fucking you
>decide to continue pulling
>next orb is a 5* Eirika
Haha, it was all worth it. My absolutely awful luck gave way to excellent luck.
>opening colorless orbs
Well I want to use Ursula so i guess it can't be helped
Don't you mean Orsin's Hatchet?
Will I ever break 4500 points with 1 mage, 1 archer, 1 cav, 1 manakete?
My units aren't all lvl40 but my max atm is 4100 on perfect runs.
Pick one boy
>not having a takumi
>wanting a whiny little bitch when I could get bases Klein instead
You talking a shit about my boy? He got 20 Con you know, biggest guy around.
>a cavalier is better at magic than a mage
I almost feel bad for him.
>check IV calc
>-Atk Eirika is supposed to be 23 atk
>mine is 22 attack
The fuck?
My personal favorites regardless are pic related.
I'm having the same issues with my level 40. Stats don't match.
>I pulled a Neutral Minvera
Interesting, I suppose.
Yes, but i'd prefer it to have the original name
>spend 100 orbs
>don't get a single 5*
>now have a high pity rate but don't want to spend any more orbs since the banner is actually shit and we get a new one in 2 days
Takumi-users are ultimate plebs
what is going on tuesday?
But then I got stupid and blew 200 of them for Ninian
Didn't even get her either
You'll be very disappointed when it's actually Fates Round 2
Has the focus been leaked already?
Ike would be hypetrain
I wouldn't mind Soleil getting in
I wouldn't care if they put Kaze in
What's this about Tellius Tuesday? Will my boy Stefan and my girl Micaiah be in?
Ninian is a harsh mistress. So many people have spent hardcore for her but left dragonless.
taste beyond shit
You're getting another ragtag group of literally who's and you're going to like it
I got lucky with her, first roll. Had a couple other good ones, but my f2p luck hasn't held since.
Do S-tier axe fighters actually exist unironically? I'm not so sure. Except maybe that guy in Thracia.
Yeah probably just Dagdar.
>literally who's
Maybe some secret waifus. I might have to put in cash if Amelia comes up.
These are my options for red sword units, all being 4*:
Lon'qu +DEF -HP
Hana +ATK -RES
Laslow +ATK -DEF
Selena +RES -HP
Are any of these worth promoting to 5* given that I have no 5* sword?
Who are you even calling literally who's?
100 once I finish the daily orb quest.
Is Setsuna better than Gordin if she inherits a brave bow?
>Othin not in GOD tier
Maybe I used him wrong, but I always thought Othin is clearly better.
Shut up Awakeningbabby