Can someone tell me how modern isreal came to be on the map? Did they take that land from palestine?
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UK gave it to them. Arabs tried taking it back. Israel kicked their arses twice.
Eternal anglo...
The whole area was British territory, and they decided to make part of it into Isreal and part into Palestine when they gave the area self-rule.
When and how did britain obtain it? I thiught it was muslim since the crusades.
How did Palestine get Israel to begin with? Also does all this fit into any prophecy?
Pls don't shitpost, just curious and to lazy to look this up myself.
I thought the Crusades is what got Israel back to the Jews to begin with...? I should probably know this lel
I thought the christians lost
This can't be real.
>British colonize land
>This land is ours you stinky Arabs, but we'll let you live on it. Glory to the empire!
>slow but steady immigration of Jews in early 20th century
>these Jews sure are pricks, the Arabs think
>those Germans sure were pricks, the Jews think
>just keep those Jews away from us, the British think
>Jews systematically pushed out of homes in Europe; WW2, Holocaust happen
>Jews now literally covering the British mandate in Palestine
>Whatcha gonna do about it, Britain? It's your colony-I mean mandate
>I don't know, maybe we should just let them hang out and be Jewish in the desert like they've been doing
>like fuck, Jews think, we deserve a homeland
>my ass, Arabs think, we've been here a thousand years
>Jews and Arabs start killing eachother
>uh oh, better get the UN involved
>okay okay guys, UN says, can we work out an agreement? One state for each of you, that sounds fair, right?
>PERFECT, Jews say, that's all we ever wanted
>this is our FUCKING land, Arabs say, and boycott the partition plan
>well if the Arabs don't want to play ball then what can we do? UN says
>civil war
>Arabs get royally btfo because they can't fight
>Jews get their territory, along with a bunch of permanently ornery Arabs
the land was held by the Ottomans
the British promised the land to the Arabs in exchange for their support against the Ottomans in WWI (see Lawrence of Arabia and the Great Arab Revolt)
but then the British betrayed the Arabs after WWI and decided to keep the land for themselves, and later, give it to the Jews after WWII
naturally, the Arabs are fucking pissed and want Britain and the West to keep up their end of the deal
It is, I honestly never really cared about that part of the world until recently. I'm looking at wiki though and seeing Israel has changed various hands.
Now I'm curious as to why the Arabs are so inclined to get a hold of that land, I mean Abraham birthed both the Israel and Ishmael, what happened to make one think was better or more entitled than the other????
The questions are flooding in m8
British conquered Palestine and the surrounding region from the Ottoman Empire in the First World War. Britain signed numerous, often contradictory agreements with different parties promising land to them. Meanwhile, Jews from Europe and the US were immigrating to Palestine to settle the land by buying land from Syrian landlords. Palestinians were inhabiting these lands, but did not have ownership over it, so they were forced to leave.
In 1947, Civil War broke out and the British, unable to maintain peace and stability in the area, turned it over to the United Nations to deal with. The UN passed a resolution splitting Palestine as pic related. Surrounding Arab states, outraged by the resolution, invaded the region. However, Arab armies were uncoordinated and with the exception of Jordan, largely untrained as well. The Jews pushed back against the invading Arabs and created pre-1967 borders for Israel, while Egypt occupied Gaza and Jordan annexed the West Bank.
During the war, for a variety of reasons, there was mass flight of Palestinians from the region. The three main factors were Zionist expulsion, fear of violence, and Arab encouragement of Palestinians to leave their homes. Israel did not agree to allow these Palestinians to return to their homes as the Israeli government maintains the position that they largely left on their own, and that Arab countries should resettle them. Since then, most Palestinians and their descendants who fled the region in 1948 still live in refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.
See post above yours, also Palestinians are the people who lived there before the Jews started streaming in, they just want to keep their land.
So Christians, Jews, and Arab...all essentially from Abraham in some way, if not by blood, but by tradition and philosophy, fighting each other for the temple/land?
This is strange to me as a Christian, the teaching to just get along and feed the poor, clothe the naked, help the widow, visit the prisoner, is a basic one. Yet everyone is freaking out and just as religious as the Pharisees description in the new testament. None of them are immune to the evil. Amazing.
Meanwhile the secular world is just fighting for power and leverage, exploiting any weak or poor nation as they see fit for finance and control. Which is also evil.
Earth is crazy man.
Look at the european jews, how are those actual pure descendants of Abraham? They're the descendants of converts or, in the best case, mutts. Actual jews from Israel converted to islam and became culturally arabized (most of them at least).
I can see that as being possible, but regardless, their doctrine is pretty clear on the common denominator of just calming down and don't be a stumbling block to your brother.
It's an ethnic conflict, not religion. Arabs are not a religion and jews are more than just a religion. They're both peoples and the war was caused by modern ideas of nation-states (not saying they always got along before though).
Actually, Israel and it's humiliating victories were the key factor to undermine arab secular nationalism.
Pretty sure both jewish and muslim doctrine put themselves above the rest of mankind, at least on terms of rulership. Like, both their sacred books are about conquering other peoples amongst other things.
Arabs are free to try reclaim it as long as they don't go cry to the UN after losing more land like last time :^)
Confirms Christ point of view of the world was beyond accurate. Despite ones own pride and arrogant outlook on himself as an individual, enlightened or not, on man in general, or on the world, there's essentially a stream the majority of people are being baited to travel down and it can be identified as Christ identified it. What makes this intriguing is how far you can reduce this phenomena with each individual.
Kinda makes sense though, as violence and drama are prime sources of income in the entertainment industry. A lot of us seem to get off on conflict, whether being apart of it, or witnessing it.
Only the doctrine doesn't do this. I think The book of Isaiah I believe points out that God desires all to live righteously, including the "gentiles." If it's not in Isaiah, it's pointed out in another book. This message was further pushed in the new testament.
Now some Jews and probably even Arabs probably disagree with this out of jealousy. They want to be the center of it all. I mean religious opposition Jesus was up against was a point of emphasis for a reason.
>Now some Jews and probably even Arabs probably disagree with this out of jealousy.
Christians do this as well, I should point out. There's some that just look for a reason to stone someone...again, no one is immune to evil since the correction from evil is a moment to moment task.
Phonecia will rise again once it throws off its oppressive shackles of secularism!