nong nong ching chong edition
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League of legends general /lolg
mage "support" edition
Xth for Katarina
best girl
i made this
Gas sjw cucks
first for BREAD this guy
Why do people complain about syndra ult when veigar ult is the same thing but less set up? Is it just because she's meta and he's not
who here support
I want to go gardening with Zyra!
>TSM vs P1 to see whether TSM or C9 grabs the #1 seed
>IMT vs DIG to see whether IMT can secure a Playoff spot
Why are these two matches at the same time when the other two are complete duds?
Fuck this I forgot the pic, so I'll coninue here since the thread is over
Figure 1 attached here
veigar is a support lul
All day nigga
Lets go IMT!
isn't this the account you were trying to place in bronze? or was that someone else?
Figure 2: A Hardstuck edgy assassin player that got his ass kicked by the first player and that buys AT MOST 2 pinks (and that might not buy a single one in a 35 min game)
Note the terrible winrates and the presence of red in the match history
Control Wards == Elo
I only managed to place it in silver since my MMR was too high anyway but it was fun enough.
>Brand, Morg, Zyra, Vel'koz, Veigar, Malz
>ever designed to be supports
Whats the actual difference between flex and solo/duo
I genuinely dont see why both exist, but clearly there's a difference
I've only dealt with solo/duo because its what ive always done, so ive never really bothered to find out
Because Syndras ult comes with better kit.
bro just chill, like even tho you got retconned youre still likely one of the most popular league ships
like I told ya before your ship doesnt have to be canon for you to be able to enjoy it
also comfy kittys~
Whats the best Win Zhao skin to use? Warring Kingdoms goes on sale soon but I think I like Dragon Slayer and Secret Agent a lot too.
xth for Syndra
soloduo: the actual queue of how it's always been
flex: either you're here to stomp bad players/practice new champs or roles, or you're boosted by your premades
Ive been playing a bit of flex in order to practice my rusty jungling and I've seen people who were harstuck in plat 3 (soloq) that were currently in D1 flex queue.
and im assuming it has no impact on your solo/duo rank?
also take note: there are far less players in flex, and less players always means easier climbing
It doesn't, but take note that your flex MMR (even before placements) is determined from your season 6 rank (since season 6 was flex queue only)
If you got a fresh account, or if your soloduo elo is gold or something, that means you get an opportunity to play against silver/bronze players in flex, until you eventually climb to a point where you can't 1v9 anymore.
Have fun!
>CBLoL has more viewers than EU LCS
>dude we can win just play it out bro we can do it we just need another good fight come on
>several "good fights" later
>we're still getting pushed in because we don't have enough people to do fucking anything
>our afk still has not returned
I want to kill these people. I want them to die slowly. Nearly an hour long game of fucking NOTHING.
You can't play against 4 man sqauds in solo/duo?
I really hope the crit rework has potential. I can't wait to hear actual details about it. I also hope it doesn't make her hyper meta pick/ban I want her for myself
you can't play against 4s in flex either retardo
TSM vs Phoenix1
I hope to see some meme picks, otherwise this may be boring.
Made me laugh
and i hope avatarfagging stops but its an imperfect world
Damn, some good ass games today.
Really interested in DIG vs IMT though. Hope DIG goes to playoffs.
They played SO WELL vs C9 on Friday, but eventually lost both games in a row. Very, very disheartening. They were kicking ass. Playing clean. Super shameful.
It's okay, I-I'm in it for the long game.
>tfw people on /lolg/ are starting to play my hidden OP Xin Zhao
Find your own gimmick champ.
>got extremely drunk last night
>lost 7 games in a row
mistakes were made
Chaser is gonna get Dardicked m8
EU Challenger series*
EU LCS is trash though
It's alright, a lot of them will find it boring as shit, even if it is powerful
Luckily people won't be playing my shitty jungle pick Wukong until he gets reworked
What is the interest of "pro" league events?
What makes them different from your average Diamond/Master/Challenger players aside from "this is a band of 5"?
At that, whats the reason players take their builds/runes/masteries/whatever and assume they can do good with them?
Why do they say the name of some set of items im building and call it by the name of some e-celeb that built it? Like nigga its not [player] build, its just a set of items.
I'm not even baiting, I play league, climb, and play more with buddies, and the whole aspect of the above questions baffle me
do i have autism?
*b-blocks your path*
>playing blitz support
>my grabs are on point the whole game
>buy a righteous glory
>pop w and the my item active
>literally running at light speeds
>enemy team is running away like zigzagging monkeys
how is this much fun allowed?
>Miss ban
>This always happens against TSM
:thinking emoji:
> Lee
> Maokai
> Varus
> Rengar
get out of here cowtits
bring me the 2x4 i ordered
>two cutie refs watching over TSM
fluffy tails!
they have higher level of play, and especially higher level of map coordination, than your random band of 5 from challenger.
Im supp in silver but i feel like i cant do shit when my teams behind
*fills with semen*
CBLoL=80k viewers
EU LCS=50K viewers
check the EU LCS games when theyre up they always have almost no viewers
There's nothing likeable left on DIG
>no qtpie
>no scarra
only dislikeable shit
>Cop coaching
>fucking xpecial
CBLoL has more viewers on YT than on Twitch
Can't wait to see TSM lose. Inori is back and they didn't ban Rengar, 0 respect.
> Taliyah picked by IMT
This looks interesting
well imagine how much EU fell of from being revelant in that case
>not liking our guy cop
LOD faps to the same shit you do and xpecial is like white bread: maybe you don't love him but I can't see how you would dislike him either
What do you build on jungle Wukong these days?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
supports are for ________?
The team without intclone on it.
All on blue
whats wrong with LOD?
Cop is probably the best coach DIG has had as of late, and the record since he joined the team is proof
I can understand Xwashedup though
> IMT Dardoch [Lee Sin]: TEAM?!
That dive was just like my soloQ games. trash
>challenger border
You may choose only one
>Hauntzer and Sven have kills
GG this game is over.
>that shaco
not even all the screaming in an eternity in hell could be loud enough to be saved from that player
>janna and riven
that faggot cancer team will win easy...
If if none flames kiddoclone they will probably win
not aesthetic enough
>Yet another NA team invades red side jungle and throws.
>Taliyah is meta again
I'd rather watch Ori vs Viktor snoozefests
>having a border that didn't get removed from the reports
fake as fuck
Is TSM the wests best hope this year? i think so
maybe C9 also
TSM sure is conveniently playing alot better today than yesterday
Really activates your almonds doesnt it
>TSM playing
>have one of these guys on my friends list
>not only are they not in game this game was like 2 games ago in their match history
>post 7 minutes ago
You got fucked though, haha.
Activates your almonds??
Why the fuck did Xpecial run that way?
Post your favourite champin quotes.
>"I hereby declare that this era, defined by the domination of Man over his environment, is now complete. I shall usher in a new age of History, where the machines will replace Man, and I shall be the first among them."
-Crank the grabman
TSM fucking sucks. Did you not see what Doublelift did to their botlane yesterday?
Now imagine them playing Bang/Wolf or Zven/Mithy
>not activating your almonds or alkalising your water
dude wtf
Hope for what? Losing to Korea in the knockout stage?
>he doesn't activate his almonds
get a load of this guy
Where is Dark Meteos?
>Dead for months
>Few laners get nerfed
>Not the assassin ones she has trouble with
>Suddenly meta again
How do champions become viable like this? They've gotten no buffs, their counters get buffed and the ones they counter get nerfed but still become good
look at this fucking retard
I bet he eats full bags of almonds without even bothering to activate them
EU is fucking shit this year, will not go through group stages
problem is korea, SKT/KT are really strong
I love Lissandra!
TSM shits on NA almost every year and then gets absolutely dumpstered at every international event. It's happened at least 3 splits running now.