New World Expansion Soon
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last chance:
New World Expansion Soon
>FAQs and General Info
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last chance:
first for vlad
Axed the TWW multiplayer pastebin because it is ludicrously outdated by this point.
>4 days
>17 hours
>50 minutes
>can't wait
>Announcement trailer hasn't even dropped yet
>Already hyped
This wait is going to be painful
Dedicating two stacks to work together is a pretty big waste.
Sure you can. There are just more variables.
To the provinces!
Two stacks together should be the default vamp modus operandi though, because stacks are cheap and you have such a strong ecomony.
But two stacks seperately can take two seperate provinces. And there is almost no circumstance in the game where one stack isn't all you'll need, until at least badlands bowl is complete and the stunties come for blood, or Chaos feels like being particularly effective once in a blue moon.
So what's gonna be the inevitable pre-order race?
There's seldom a need to take two provinces in the same turn.
What faction in any total war game gets you the most hyped up to play as them?
For me, it's the HRE in Medieval 2. The voice acting of the captains and shit somehow turns me into a fanatical zealot who will rage against any enemies who dare attack my glorious Reich, wiping out Denmark and Poland in the name of the Kaiser.
>tfw scraping a Valiant Defeat with Volkmar and his 18 stack of t1 troops v 2 full stacks of mid tier + RoR filled Vamps
Managed to take Kemmler and Manlet down with us.
Playing as Vampire Count (brown). Am I doing it right? Fucked up Dwarves, but now gonna sue for peace and prepare for next chaos invasion. Varg is at 22 settlements, and they're shitting on Empire right now. :S
>tfw Disney, butthurt that nobody liked Phasma, killed the TR-8R meme in its cradle as revenge.
How did they kill it?
Did you censor her nipples?
>conquer everywhere
Fuck off outta here
I will see your head rest upon a top of a pike
Was I supposed to like Phasma? She's not bad, but I don't particularly care about her. It would be like expecting me to care about the guys that report to Darth Vader in the original trilogy.
She's going to play a part in the second movie. They're trying to sell her.
>But two stacks seperately can take two seperate provinces
Four stacks in two pairs can also do that.
Alright, okay. Maybe I'll like her more in the second movie? But if you're giving me the equivalent to Boba Fett, I'm going to love the shit out of Boba Fett, even if you want me to love Tarkin.
There's probably gonna be a 'fantasy Conquistador' pre-order race if we're gonna be realistic here
That, or Luthor Harkon and ZOMBIE GUNNERS
>Fat, loud and obnoxious
>Appropriate the food of other cultures as their own
>Led by a retarded rich guy
>Go round fighting in other peoples wars
>Obsessed with guns
>Owns a slave race
Are Ogres the Americans of the Warhammer setting?
Do you ever wish that Mousilion had a bit more of a unique unit roster? Or maybe just some reskins of more traditional units to make them a distinct Bretonnian version of the Vampire Counts?
Can Dwarves conquor human settlements?
How come elves can live anywhere the knifeāeared bastards...
That's the original art. I wouldn't censor any elf nipple since they were shown on the actual models and art in army books.
I wish we were still like that, unfortunately we're cucked and infested with self hating marxists now.
I hope we can make both campaigns combine from the get go so I can make Lustria green once the second game is out.
C+D'ing anyone who used TR-8R, giving him an official history, and forcing anyone to push the official history or face copyright charges.
I'd love if they had some more Bretonnian units. I get that Blood Knights are the best cavalry and I wouldn't want that upended, but just undead Yeomen or reskinning and renaming Grave Guard as Foot Squires would be great.
Or are the Dark Elves the equivalent?
>Rebelled against glorious Island Empire and caused their decline
>Incestuous and inbred
>Skyscrapers and soulless, new non-traditional architecture in every city
>Decadent and sexually liberal
>Economy revolves around trade, raiding and slave labor
>Genocided original inhabitants of America
>Hostile against jungle neighbors
>Fights bearded mountain conservatives in a far away place across the ocean
>Supremacist ideology
>Warlike culture
Even just dressing the zombies up as peasants would make me happy. Give the skeletons a few Men-at-Arms style helmets, give the Black Knights some Bretonnian-style armor.
>not conquering everywhere
Fucking casuals.
>if you're giving me the equivalent to Boba Fett, I'm going to love the shit out of Boba Fett,
Disney lawyers are already en route to your residence to rectify your thoughtcrime.
>Trump won
>Clinton second
>some dumbass ultra-liberal distant third
Who's supposed to want to abolish private property, again?
I want to be dominated by a best elf!
I'm having so much fun playing Medieval.
I believe there are mods for that.
What type of peasants should I be stocking my Bretonnia armies with? I'm thinking spearmen with shields/archers and eventually moving to polearms as the anvil to my knights hammer.
Here are some of my achievements.
First off, Byzantine infantry and kataphraktoi are amazing. Trebizond archers are OP as fuck.
Stop playing fantasy
so uh
reminder to any legendary bros
if you play a VH campaign,,,you need to create a save for it or the autosave will be overwritten
122 turns in
My Denmark campaign took quite a while.
Vikings are good shock troops, but that's about the only unique shit they got.
Hardest part was early on, taking the full brunt of the Holy Roman Empire and getting excommunicated by the Pope.
Why does Napoleon keep crashing to desktop when I click on Torino? I'm not using any mods and it has done this 5 times in a row now, it's really putting a damper on things. Verifying the cache comes up with nothing either. I really wanted to finish this Brit campaign off. I guess Napoleon wins, the cheating cunt.
My HRE campaign was fairly easy. Tons of choices for expansion.
I went for Poland and Hungary first, since they were the weakest targets.
Pizzaria Mama mia.
Naval power allowed me to go for a crusade early on.
Sniping a leader is always handy, but especially with Vampires. Once they die it is just a matter of time before it all falls apart for them.
My favorite campaign so far.
Had a tough attrition war with the English, but once I kicked those bongs back to their island, it would be an easy ride.
Allahu Akbar
My first 100% victory.
It'd be nice, but I'd just be happy if they gave Red Duke bonuses for Grave Guard and the undead Knights so he uses them more.
A skellington looks the same weather Empire or Bret, really.
Dwarfs don't like living in such temporary construction such as castles and towns if they can avoid it.
Though with the introduction of the Welf "outposts" it would be nice if any race could do that to a settlement.
Finally, my most recent one.
Slavic warriors and javelin men are pretty neat.
That's a good idea, I never thought of that.
What did they do when the city grew bigger than the walls?
IF OUR LORD IS T'BECOME KING Beastmen had the best pre-announcement meme
I need to look in the workshop for a RoR removal mod,
I could almost tolerate them if they weren't rebought at full strength the turn after you destroyed them reeeeeeeeeeeee
So this is going to be a royal cluster fuck
hope my micro skills are up to a 3v3
At least I assassinated him earlier on, so I'm calling this campaign a victory as it stands.
I know he doesn't actually die but this is the only consolation I can get
Torino is stronk. Power of Gianduia
>blood knights
>best cavalry
Well, better than Bret cavalry. They feel like it at least
What is your favorite Faction to Play in Attila Multiplayer and why is it the Tanukhids?
Don't GK btfo BK in 1v1 situation?
>mfw CA releases Araby and their most OP cavalry unit ends up being hot armoured camel dick
It is Tanukhids, but Camels are a meme, it's really all about the pikes.
>he plays as Gawds Chosen people instead of a Christian faction.
Is this that shitty game Ryse?
Why is he fighting orcs?
Why do people use the only example of "good" Ogres when talking about them?
Leadbelchers are actually tolerable as far as Ogres go, IE, they only work for the "good" factions and only eat the dead enemies and not the live allies
The Pikes are good but Mavia's Chosen are what takes the cake for me, with Sandstorm Lancers and Ambushers having good use depending on the map.
Why would I do it if there's a mod for it which does its job?
It even has Mutants of Mousillon. Nothing says Bret vampire like having hordes of endless skellies and still bullying peasants into doing their work for them
Why is pullo not staying in formation
Is that game good?
Yup, got it for 1 dollar on steem. It's bretty gud for a 1 dollar game. Had fun in coop with a friend too. Also it gets points for insane roman-wank.
Well nothing like seeing and not playing to break them rose-tinted glasses
Christ does that look worse than I remembered
what do the Chaos infantry units chant, iirc one guy leads and the rest follow the chant like 3x or something.
It was bretty gud as movie when i watched it on youtube. Average blockbuster.
>Entire regiment of men with interlocked shields behind him
>Leaves to fight about 8 barbars alone
This is why I prefer my games as fantasy, at least that has an excuse, history games ends up being fantasy anyway and it triggers me
Pretty fun for the time you get with it. The story is decent and the arena mode gives you some hours.
Get it on sale though.
The brits caused their own decline by literally throwing their empire away to kill more europeans. such is the anglo way.
For a single buck? Sure. Nice fantasy movie.
It is fantasy.
What the fuck are you talking about?
I like to be proper meme'd, not whatever travesty you're pulling here
Is that Milan-chan hanging from the gallows?