>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
Tharja a best and canon.
the poster below me lies
the poster above me tells the truth
Azura is shit.
The poster below secretly likes Lucina.
I love Azura
You may only choose 1.
Choice A: Florina
Rank the Magvel princes
Camilla a best!
Choice B: Athos
Choose wisely.
Like pottery
I'd do so many sinful things to that ass.
By the looks of it Berkut is a straight up dick. I think I'm going to really like him as the rival/villain.
Sorry but I was told last thread that reddit likes Lucina, hates Azura, and promotes Ike as "reddit's Hector".
He's very smug, apparently, and he has a waifu.
So /feg/, how good were my rolls? I just started last week, is 5* the highest things go because I got a ton of them?
Does anybody know if the next banner will have new characters I should save for?
Cute tsuns are made to be loved & treasured, make sure to say sething nice to your cute tsun today.
I think I fixed Setsuna.
What should I put in her B and C slots?
Farming 750 SP wasn't fun. Fun fact, 50 stamina nets you about 150 SP in the Training Tower if you just do stratums 8-10 for a lvl 40 hero.
Everyone I don't like is Reddit.
stop using Hector
It's just a prank bro
Velouria is very huggable and is stronk.
Reddit hates Lucina, nice try.
I don't mind him being an asshole but I do hope that there's more to him than that, maybe a scene where he has a nervous breakdown and Rinean gets him to calm down. Little things like that would make the conflict/characters more interesting imo.
On another note the guy said that Claire was strangely absent in the demo they played
>no Ryouma
Klein is still a better archer.
Probably the best with Skill Inheritance.
Some evil-looking emperor dude is starting some bullshit, /feg/.
You and a ragtag band of an old paladin, 2 cavaliers, an archer and an axe man must set out to stop him.
However, it turns out that DRAGONS are actually the masterminds behind it all! You're going to need some divine weapons that may or may not have durability to take them on!
>only contesting one of the three points
How did Lucina win the gauntlet without their support then? Don't tell me /feg/ is Lucina-approved, you would be as dead wrong now as you'd be in 2013.
Unironically this.
Klein is a fucking monster with Vantage equipped
You could skip out on Claire like in the original game.
Someone was saying that japan was going to announce a new fire emblem this morning. Did anybody hear anything about that?
Was there a press conference?
I like Hana
/feg/ is definitely Lucina approved, she loves us very much.
But he only gets one attack when countering with a Brave Bow.
/feg/ is not Lucina approved but /v/ is
The hell did you hear that from? We got a shitload of new FE announcements what, a month or two ago? And if it were true, we'd be ABUZZ about it by now. Don't be a fool.
Has anybody seen my wife?
Which FE girl would you smell the panties of?
I didn't skip out on Claire during my unfinished playthrough of Gaiden so I guess that's just lack of knowledge on my part
Setsuna can actually quad things. Even Takumi is better than Klein.
>has a waifu
I'm looking forward to this.
I just recently became good at this game. It feels good.
I just rolled a Linde a few days ago btw
Stay mad tacoshitter
I want fuck Ashera
Klein is mediocre even post inheritance. Stop shilling that fag.
>tfw hector comforts mark because he knows he's cucking him
Clair can get skipped, Python as well, which was also skipped. The part he played began at the Deliverance dungeon, so Python was probably in the room prior to it.
Oh my god Saizo in the rape cave is giving me a fucking heart attack
Just when I think I'm in a safe position he runs headfirst into danger and I gotta go after his ass.
This obsession both sides has with Lucina is a bit silly.
Someone post Fernand
What's wrong with using who you want to though
>max of four fucking attacks before the enemy can counter
Pick a buff you want or Savage Blow for C, it depends on the rest of your team. Also, I'd give her Life and Death over Death Blow, you still get a nice attack bonus and you can quad hit more units.
Nice. Can you tell me what to put in Tharja's B slot? Was contemplating swordbreaker
>he has a nervous breakdown and Rinean gets him to calm down
Ew, no
He can be a dick but I just don't want him to be Garon levels of blatant sociopath-ism
>I just recently became good at this game.
>implying you need anything beyond 20 minutes of gameplay to become proficient at this shitty game
Bowbreaker to smash dumb tacos.
In a recent interview they said Lucina had the highest Japanese votes among females.
/feg/ likes:
>most pre-Awakening waifus really
/feg/ has mixed feelings towards:
>most Awakening/Fates waifus
/feg/ hates
if he ends up in the top left room where the chest is you can trap him in there using the dragon vein
The difference between them is 3 more Atk with Klein but 4 more Spd with Setsuna. I've been able to x4 a lot of heroes with her (with a Hone Speed buff). Imagine if I gave her Desperation.
>brave bow user with built-in death blow
>worse than tickle-me-funshine-bear setsuna
He looks fucking pissed
I like it
Breed Tiki!
I love Titania!
Interesting, though I don't understand why players would want to skip them in the first place.
I don't see how that constitutes to sociopathism
>People are looking forward to a remake of the shittiest FE
They're remaking Awakening already?
Challenge runs, or to pick them up for Celica's side.
The people who had the Echoes booth set up probably didn't realize they were recruitable at all and set the players up to that point beforehand.
I'm looking forward to the remakes that are gonna be coming after it
Fuck off Drill, go back to masturbating to your shitty one-dimensional waifus
Conquest was only like 2 years ago
I thought nintendo was immune to Ubishit's "remaster of a thing for the exact same console" scheme
They're remaking Revelation already?
>heroes remake
>Awakening remake
>Life and Death
>Only heroes with L&D is Hana at 5* and Jaffar who only comes in 5*
>Only have a 4* Hana
Guess I gotta wait another 4 weeks to give L&D to Setsuna.
Wait, Desperation actually works with Brave Bows? I just got a 3* Gordin and I was an user who won Michalis using Setsuna.
I like that Echoes will address how bizarre it would be for Clive to make Alm the leader of the resistance.
Well, Atlus ported a lot of games from 3ds right now.
A HD Awakening/Fates could have a quite good profit. Just add full voiced dialogue on everything and slap dlcs/routes on it .
Does this retard have any good female supports?
What is Femui drinking?
I regret drawing this
Isn't it a little early to remake Revelations?
Arvis, give Sigurd back to his wife.
being a bad guy in FE can range from being a Caellach or a Selena to a Garon, in terms of absolute awfulness. It'd be nice to have him be somewhere in the middle, where he's smug and gets the job done, but not completely "fear me I am very evil kill everyone I will now send my adopted child, whom chose to serve me, into certain death three times" retarded like Garon was.
>Fernand apparently deserted the deliverance because he got mad clive made alm the leader. Desaix's men picked him up and introduced him to berkut with the comment that fernand might like him better as a leader. A cutscene then plays where berkut dances with a hot chick. After the cutscene berkut scares fernand with some rough comments.
Fernand did nothing wrong
Olivia's the best he can do
unfortunately you don't get to see them if you marry them
Not really
Lissa's wasnt terrible
90% of /feg/ is Awakeningbabies, of course they're hyped for the proto-Awakening remake.
Yes it does, they just need speed. Hence why Setsuna can potentially be a rape machine since she has the highest base speed for a bow user.
I'm gonna go with his advice and farm another 1000 SP and 22,000 feathers to give my Setsuna L&D 3 and Desperation 3.