Ok Veeky Forums I have 25 bucks. What do I do to make it a $250,000.
Ok Veeky Forums I have 25 bucks. What do I do to make it a $250,000
Buy a pair of knee pads with that 25$ and suck 250000 dicks.
I don't think I could even find 250,000 people willing to let me suck their dick, let alone pay me $25
Buy some condoms and start getting fucked in the ass for money.
I would have to factor in health risk if I get aids so this is a no go :(
throw the $25 in the bin and rob $250,000 from a bank
but that is illegal senpai :(
Your math skills lead me to believe you will never possess 250k
That wasn't me who said that
go back two years in time and buy Monero
Keep betting on red until you have 250k
Easy money = low chances but it's possible. 13 wins in a row 200k 14 wins is 400k. From $25
that'll be my backup
whatever you did to get the 25 bucks, do it about ten thousand more times
25 bucks is the amount I'm willing to waste
offer $1 dollar blowjobs and suck off 250k cocks
buy knee pads xDDD
Buy a domain and hosting, add some affiliate marketing, spend 8 hours a day shilling your website, MAYBE profit in 1-2 years. After a few decades, maybe youll hit your goal.
Alternatively, open a checking account and wagecuck for money. Minimizing expenses and throw the money into an index fund when you have enough, and you can probably hit your goal within a single decade.
Most realistic options by far if prostituion is a no-go
250k is barely a St. Louis ghetto. You can do it.
Couldn't I wage cuck and do multple affilate marketing sites?
You can do both but say goodbye to free time if you want to succeed
I'm a filthy neet who got kicked out of uni for lazyness. That was last summer. I'm sick of doing nothing with my life so I have sold all my entertainment items on ebay for money. Now instead of wasting time on games and other bullshit I waste my time on Veeky Forums. I need some adderall. I want to wagecuck but i'm retarded and can't drive. I'm going to try this dropshipping bullshittery when shit sells on ebay.
This and learn to sell, Op.
Positive thinking
Dont be fooled by RPers, $250,000 is a LOT of money when you have none.
Staying positive is good advice. Dont get discouraged when you dont make an unrealistic amount of money fast. $50,000 in a year is a good goal for someone with no experience or marketable skills, if a bit high.
Thanks for be helpful user!
Save it. Get a gym membership, start eating right. Pick up a cheap social hobby and start socialising. Practice the officer entrance exams. Apply to become a military officer, and get in, because you put in that practice, right? Serve for four years. Get out, and join a PMC corp. Make $270'000 a year, and save as much of it as you can. Destabilise a small African nation. Join up with the butthurt revolutionaries in return for rights to the natural resources in their territory. Milk them for money, get the fuck out when the revolutionaries start falling to pieces -- but not before recruiting the best of the most bitter of them. You now have the money, resources and manpower to take over North Korea.
I'm interested in investing some of the very little I have into trumpcoins. I have never even tried to invest in cryptocurrencies, and I have no idea where to start. I'm in UK if that makes any difference.
I was considering joining the chair force when I got kicked out of Uni.
Useless. Good thing you didn't. Lack of good advancement outside of conventional military, and boi, you want to get outside of conventional military.
Now buckle up. I hope your country doesn't require a degree to become an officer. If it does, then you'll have to take the long route from Private. Shop around a bit for PMCs recruiting, see exactly what kinda stuff they want from you.
-deposit money into account that has no minimum requirement or fees
-get a job that gives a wage per week or 2 weeks
-attach job auto-deposit to account
learn how to handle money appropriately. try to budget your fixed income costs, no more than 37% of your gross income towards rental costs per month.
-find a fairly inexpensive place to rent, or share a flat with someone to split the bill or pay parents rent so you can build up income during this time to move out
-set up savings account on the side, set up auto-transfer a small amount from your pay to this account.
-pick up some credit cards to build credit history if you haven't. If you already have credit cards, pay down their balances if they are high. Investing is difficult if you carry credit card debt.
-if you have student loans work on these next.
-if you can't afford a car, find alternative travel methods that are effective in city, bus, bike, carpooling. Offer money to friend at work to help with car costs.
-stick to generic food brands, use coupons, watch for sales, don't buy expensive popular brand names.
-Once variable expenses under control, open discount broker account. transfer the 25 dollars (and other funds) into your brokerage account at Robinhood. Spend at least a few months reading up on how stocks, bonds, and mutual funds work
-initiate trades on low cost funds with good ratios on Robinhood. Buy and hold stocks for the long term that provide dividends.
-alternatively open an account at Vanguard (or both) and set up auto-transfer of funds to Vanguard to invest in low cost/no load index funds
-get promoted at work or upgrade to full time if you haven't yet.
-repeat process for a decade or two
-retire early
gave me a moderate chuckle as op
Thank you these tips. I'm currently staying with my brother and when I get working I'll pay him. I have 1.5k in student debt. Going to work fulltime at some wage cuck job (10 dollars an hour) Hopefully this will get me off the ground. Currently watching Martin Shkreli Finance lessons on youtube to learn more. Will delve into books later. I'm going to hold off on my vices until I get my life in order.