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WoW Token Price:
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
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No, I won't be doing that.
I'll find my own way and join you on the other side.
daddy says i get to cum for as much as i want for the next hour~
Have a warrior at cap, what should I level next. Have a 40 mage, or I was thinking of leveling a druid/monk/huntard. Unsure of which one I should get looms for. Also do BGs give 1 honor mark per win?
How would you fix WoW?
whats the point of throwing the fish?
continue the mage or maybe some other ranged class
I believe marks of honour are random chance on winning
Sudden unexpected Zerg invasion and Kerrigan cameo.
ok ty, guess I will only be using the guild reward heirlooms then
its an achievment
If you equip an item that isn't for your class, it doesn't say "Added to appearance collection". Is that because it's not for my class and it actually IS added but I'd have to be on a (for instance) mail-wearing class to see that text, or does it really not add it at all?
I've been gone for a while. What happened to all the Veeky Forums guilds?
It doesn't add the appearance at all
Remove TF
Remove all DPs leggos
Remove AP past 35
WQ emissary quests are only twice a week
Wow, good thing I asked. Guess I'll send all of this stuff to my alts to equip. Thanks.
I know you guys probably hear this a lot, but is this a game time to come back? I pretty much skipped WoD and only played Legion at launch month. I mostly play casual stuff and not raid except maybe LFR, otherwise I just wanna do Mythic+ dungeons and world stuff.
remove lfr titanforge and legendaries haha like [random youtuber] said XDDD wow is dead btw xd
/script PlaySoundKitID(37666)
finally I can sleep you fuck, its almost 3 am here but you had me curious
Sure, but you should roll a good class to reroll
Wanna Tank? Druid
Wanna Heal? Druid
Wanna Meele Dps? Warrior and DK are good
>Range DPS
Kek but i dunno try frost mage or affliction
I've been out since october and just got a new char at 110, 840 ilvl and 2 legends in 2 days. What should I do to get gear and stuff, I don't think I really want to hardcore raid.
I was gonna main Druid because I love Guardian/Resto. Although I want just one alt to solo old content, probably DH.
Hunt mounts, between gearing up a main and leveling alts I might do that
To smash the fucking snail
If you do that you can't solo Valithria Dreamwalker in ICC.
>guild master distributes the vast majority of gear to the inner circle
>adds people on bnet and bitches at them if he sees they're playing on an alt instead of grinding artifact power
>has the audacity to ask why people are getting burned out
> About to resubscribe with friend.
> Account was compromised.
> Put in a callback ticket to Blizzard.
> They call me in two minutes.
> Account restored in 30~ minutes.
Welp, that was swift. Guess I'll spend some dollary doos to support this epic customer service experience.
What if I bandage her?! Also I hear you can just skip that now.
How are warriors for soloing old raids for mounts/titles etc
They're usually really good about that kind of thing, yeah.
Although I've been trying to get my claws restored for 10 years now...
>drop the #12 legendary resetting your bad luck protection just 2 days before the patch which introduces legendary farming method for a specific slot
my sub runs out in 9 days, it's time to check if your theories were true
if it's not im fucking out
May a thousand slutty females of various races descend upon you and pleasure you to no end.
How come you guys are so hung up on legendaries?
Why are the mage artifact quests scaled so fucking badly?
Especially the Arcane one everything hits like a fucking truck
Best realm to be a lewd belf in?
>draught of souls is far and away the best trinket for every melee dps
what did the game design team mean by this
>how come you guys are so hung up on items that make or break your spec and are a huge boost to your damage and yet they are incredibly unreliable to obtain
Help me decide guys, what's the best class for a druid?
trolls or tauren?
yes you can skip her
no it's not
i literally cant use my 910 draught over my KJBW and arcanocrystal
This is your tank tonight
I'm not that user, but what mounts should I go for next? The ones I really wanted were ashes, raven lord, and the battle tank, so I don't know what to get now.
Night Elf.
Ignore steakniggers who claim to be the first druids, they lie.
Stop using elvui.
How are rogues currently doing in PvE?
>full heirlooms
>monk exp buff
>brewmaster spec
>went from 25-40 in a fucking hour
this shit is insane
you're right man
dark trolls were
never you antisocial fuck
learn to tell people that you are busy
>Throws shield
>boss walks to dps
>slowly turns with keys
>dies because they didn't use C/ds
>"Wtf xD!"
>full heirlooms
how do you upgrade them?
Whats the best PVE hunter spec?
Where the fuck do I even find this? I look at parses but all the other hunters are playing random shit
that's a good way to get thrown out of my guild, dumbass.
>want to try a new class
>remember i'd have to level a new character
>unironically consider buying a boost
help me
>Trying to pug a +10 this week.
>With skittish.
What a shitshow.
>do +10 DHT
>leader and dps get into dumb argument
>leader gets butthurt and kicks everyone from group right in front of the last boss
dumb animeposter btfo
More skimpy armor.
Give raid finder a heroic and mythic difficulty. The rage at the difficulty would be fun, kind of like that "Molten Core 40" event. That was some fun shit.
Bring back flavor abilities like Demon Skin or making your own poisons.
Your guild sounds like shit. Leave it.
You can play the game just fine and do all content without it.
just make a monk, with xp bonus and their double rested xp racial you can literally log in once a month, queuing ONE dungeon dumping entire rest at once
i already have a monk
I think I want to level a Horde Mage alt. Which race should I play? Which spec for leveling?
do you guys play wow with your s/o?
Do any anons here play/raid as a holy priest? I have some questions I could use help with
>how good are they in general, are they desired for raiding?
>Are they super dependent on getting "the right" legendary(s) to be good?
>how much do you get to use prayer of mending in raids, its my favorite spell
Thanks senpai, and here is a cute blood elf for your help (the race I will be playing, obviously)
>invite a 905 death knight to my +3 maw carry group
>see he's unholy
>kick him
never fucking apply to my group again you piece of shit
brah i fuckin love power torrent
but i dislike the fact that i cant transmog my daggers into swords
did you have to provide an ID or something? my friend's old account was hacked too, and i sort of wanted to restore it for him. he's cool with it, but i don't know if they'd let me do it since it looks like i'm trying to take his account
I'm gay.
>grinding AP when 7.2 is basically upon us and will invalidate pretty much all of your work ~50 points and the grind will have been for nothing because AK will scale even harder now
Some people just don't get it.
Unless you're like, 3/10 mythic.
no, wish my wife would. Then maybe she would get off my ass about playing
You can, but for some classes i.e. DH, Frost DK, Warrior, the classes simply aren't really playable at a high competitive level (mythic raiding dps output) without them. They're really quite important for some classes, as they can be a 20-30k dps difference in effects alone.
hpriest main wake me up
>pretty good desu, little boring
>not the most desirable class, but i've never had trouble getting into pugs of any kind can't raid in a guild because of scheduling
>not very lego dependent, gloves and pants are nice, cape is top-tier but not completely needed for the spec
>prayer of mending is generally my third most used healing spell
I get that but is that really a reason to not play? I cant imagine too many people actually mythic raid.
If I am only level 105 on my main does 7.2 affect how I should be leveling/gearing?
would you?
>Start the game
>Friend recommends I buy level 100
>Wanted to do things right and grind my character up
>Around level 80 now, sick of grinding and hate the area I'm in
>Want to buy to 100 but they still charge you full 60 bucks even though it's less than half the level gain
Really fucked myself there didn't I?
hpriests have solid throughput (generally above rsham/MW but below hpally/rdruid) but lack noteworthy utilities that disc/rsham/hpally bring. Throughput doesn't tank as hard with awkward spreads like it does with rsham or hpally.
So I'm on the top of that giant mountain in Azsuna and I look down and I can see all the way to Suramar AND Stormheims peaks?
I shouldn't be able to see the entire broken isles from one area...good god how tiny is this island?
OFFICIAL FILTER LISTS that you can use to make WoW General Great Again.
Image MD5s:
These filter lists were updated on March 26th, 2017 with new additions to all categories
As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.
buy one, level another character to 60 for them sweet veteran bonuses and use it
i'd grind out your last 30 levels mate, it aint that bad, pandaland is fun.
I'm not in panda land I'm in some mushroom swamp on that demon island in another dimension.
80 is shit but 85-90 is really fun if you can hold out, then 90-100 you can do mostly with dungeon queues while you quest.
daed gaym bez daed
u get a free boost when u buy the game though?
uh, outland?
at level 80?
fuck outta there mate, thats at max level 75 content
your next stop is northrend if you wanna do that stuff.
>open up LFG
>every single +10 group has 3 dps in it
>find 3 groups with just one dps in it
>all from Ragnaros
thank you anons
With looms you can do 85-90 in Jade Forest alone, in like 2-3 hours tops. 90-100 with Draenor flying is a breeze too, since you can get bonus areas and treasures real fast.
909 WW monk here
I have like 41 points in my BrM weapon, but no trinkets or anything to go with it
how difficult would it be to tank a +10 dungeon if I've never tanked anything beyond heroics?
i really hope you don't mean actual grinding (killing mobs for no reason other than xp) and actually mean questing
also if you don't like/get bored of questing, you can spam dungeons
if you mean zangarmarsh in outland, you really fucked up
follow the adventure journal for what zone to be in. zangarmarsh is a level 60-62 zone, you shouldn't be able to get any XP there at all. the map tells you level ranges for zones
Why the fuck isn't this a mount? This is cool af