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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
Tharja a best and canon
Are you ready for fatigue anons
Azura is shit.
wow a thread at exactly 750 posts, this is a once in a lifetime type of event, too bad attention whores will ruin it
Whose wife is this?
Just kidding I already know the answer, it's your wife.
I have both azura and ninian and they are both waifu tier unlike the shithead olivia.
Also green dancer/singer when? Green is literally the one unit i would rather be using for support
surprisingly high quality art
Been away for a while. Do we have any news about content?
It can't be this bad.
Literal perfection
Id make her fatigued if you know what I mean.
Nope, this is my wife.
>Are you ready for a shitty remake of a shitty game.
You're having a nice day, minding your own business when this Chuck StutterCuck trips and accidentally makes you cum inside his waifu.
How do you respond?
with Gaius
I married Felicia
>tfw have a -Atk/+HP Minerva
>tfw IV reroll never ever
now that Michalis is out is it worth making and using him at 5* over her or is she still better even with -atk?
With ME!
>random badges weekend
>literally do training tower for 2 whole days
>not a single red badge
Fatigue is honestly a good system, funneling XP to a handful of units is too easy a lot of the time.
I once did a meme playthrough of Path of Radiance where I killed off every character in their opening chapter and only used Ike and just quit because it was so boring.
What's her cup size?
Those are some slanderous words to type against yourself, friend.
I married her grand daughter though?
Not really.
You should always remember to give Flora a little appreciation every now and then too.
She says it doesn't bother her, but the envy in her eyes is obvious. Just a little compliment would do.
At least you get best daughter from her.
She really is a perfect wife.
Yes she is.
>Small stat penalty instead of being out for a chapter
It's shit. Yet retards are hyping it as le epic hardcore mode.
What, fatigue? Can I get a source on this?
Unless he's Gaius
more feathers when?
Flora is really hot!
>With ME!
Why are you so unoriginal Tharjafriend everything you do is stolen from other waifufags. Why do you copy Matoi bro so much
when inheriting a type A skill to a character that has type B and C skills, can i make him/her have the 3 types active at the same time?
*blocks your path*
Shut up Abel, your waifu is worst girl
Gonna give echoes a wide berth for no less than 4 weeks post release.
So, which character should I +10 first buddy?
I don't know who, also which person should I try for skills.
*shoves you*
I married her on my final playthrough of Fates.
>Abandons her husbando FE3 was a sad game
>inb4 "That Setsuna was buffed!" arguments
Stay mad, /feg/.
Hey I'm one of the original waifu-posters, still going strong.
Don't push me.
So can someone get me a calculation because I'm just trying to shit on brace weapons here 16 x 2 is the same as 8 x 4 Ye? And on defence 16 x2 is better than 8x2?
I thought there was some special maths, so if someone has 3 defence and you have 16 or 8x2 damage, you will do 13 damage or 5x2?
I don't know if my calculations are correct
which kids are worth getting in conquest
Is he the best GHB unit we've gotten?
sorry that nobody takes you seriously
but really there's no reason to be upset, simply going by the numbers shows that anyone with more than 28 str would have more consistently better performance
cuz' you're close to the edge?
all of them
>still going strong.
>has to copy other waifufags, trip and shitpost to stay relevant
Eh. I'll admit you're the biggest cuck out of all of them though so you win that one.
Of course. I'm very happy to have her as my sister-in-law.
Velouria, Percy, Ophelia
Abel was a traitor.
Isn't Effie supposed to have wary fighter so you can't actually quad her?
>have to spend several thousands of feathers and time in the training tower just for her to be on par with the average taco or klein
It's definitely not random, and while trivial in the long run, for those who are missing badges to crucial hero upgrades during crunch time (like GHB currently) will get ruined. The random days basically give you 1-2 kinds of badges and that's it.
It's either a bug or ISIS is deliberately being faggots.
Nina, Ophelia, Percy, and Velouria
Klein can do that with less investment
*teleports behind you*
You're already dead
None of them.
Only on offence
I wanted to use that clumsy archer, but was so shit that in the end I gave her skills to Nino.
I applaud you user
All of them are shit.
I like Hana
That's +atk Setsuna though
So basically neutral Klein with 37 base Speed.
Ophelia and Siegbert
>one of the original waifu posters
What kind of drugs are you on? Waifu posting already was a thing before you were even born.
>Kleinfag is this delusional.
*fugs your path*
>Tacomemers and Kleincucks are this mad.
Gameguardian or Cheat Engine?
>muh super buffed waifu is sleeper OP
She's sub S tier trash
You should do Percy's paralogue, because its a great source of funds, if you need the dosh.
>setsuna fag is
why would you even screenshot the elise, azura, or palla one you autist
God I'm so hard right now
It's still punishing. If you get a speed deduction and you're surrounded, you're dead by attrition.
Re-roller fags wasted their lives for no reason lmao. Commit suicide
>4540 score is 3.9k rank
he's fucking losing it
>reaches the exact same base attack when neutral as +atk setsuna with the same necessary skill(death blow 3) and doesn't need an extra 20k feathers for a brave bow+
Ok retarded setsunafag
I put bowbreaker on my Tharja and pretty much every bow user is fodder.
That doesn't help.
Sounds like Setsuna and Takumi need to have a rap battle. Where is rap battle user desu
>I feathered my Setsuna
Dont fall for the Setsuna meme guys, its a trap
That's a lot of investment to make her barely on par with Taco.
Some cuck's wife.
So I have Anna, Sharena 5* and alphonse 4* and 10k feathers or I could have had 1 setsuna? Seems worth glad she's always a bonus hero in arena and I don't have to slog some crappy 2 star around with me to get the bonus points
I got lucky with my Setsuna IV so I thought up this build and made it. Happened to get a Gordin 5* from the current banner and I had 20,000 feathers for promoting a spare Effie for Death Blow 3. In hindsight I should have given her Life and Death 3 for a more ensured 4x and also Desperation.
Now everyone's mad I made her not useless.