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I'm going to make a room for Apoc Phantom Train.
Bringing Vaan and Wakka (don't use full break because Wakka has a full breakdown)
Room is 7243


Terra is best girl

So for Apoc Express. I can bring imperil Fire BSB/SSB or regular holy BSBs, any picks?

Lightning-sama is here!!

yeah maybe

If you bring fire I can bring Sabin BSB later.. busy right now

post yfw you are an RK bro

Is Phantom Train's counter attack in response to being hit by his weakness anything notable or am I free to unload on him?

It's a random counter.


The counters were pretty sporadic in both difficulties. Good luck, user

what's preventing you from leaving Brave exvius? TM grinding?



Its random and not auto like edgelord

>tfw playing that new power ranger game



Thank you, Based Thunder God. The time has come. My body is ready.


So my Full Break is at Rank 4/5. I'm not a madman am I? Don't plan on full honing it either.

>Endgame content
>Mobile garbage
You'll get your endgame content (maybe) when shit start losing users and is on it's way to shutdown.

It's funny, I picked up BE because it was supposed to have a story instead of just being a nostalgiafest like RK and as I became more intimate with the mobile game business model I realized having a story is the worst thing this kind of game can have. They'll keep extending and dragging along the story endlessly while the game is popular and probably give us a rushed and unsatisfying conclusion (if that) when people stop spending money on it.

It's almost a good thing that BE has an awful story and I don't give a shit whether Rain will solve his daddy issues or Laswell will stop the crawling in his skin.

Agrias' vengeance WHEN?

Damn you are making me want to pull again for her

she dead

Something's funky with the Chocobo Suit in RK. Isn't it supposed to be a shared SB?

Everyone knows girls can't do shit other than suck dick.

Multiplayer has been surprisingly great. Even the runs that crash and burn are still enjoyable.

>shuting down
This game is making some decent dosh if you check the list of most grossing apps, considering the looks and how much it probably costs to maintain/update.


is RK a better game to start playing than BE? I don't want to be a stamina slave like most mobile games try to make you.

Making money quick doesn't mean longevity. Plenty of games come out make their money in 6 months and close

>tfw you miss the /ffg/ raids and have to play with pubs

It's fine, since a support character can use it as damage when it isn't debuffing. It's probably a little too much, but you won't run out of uses normally so you can hone normal breakdowns to a lower level.

you can always make a room mate

not really

The rates don't hate you nearly as much and you aren't limited in what you want to use aside from some very rare cases.

Apoc room going up in 2 mins. Bringing agrias and tyro wall/ultra cure+shellga

I'm about to make a room shortly, need to read up on the boss though

The game is close to being 2 years old, dunno I think adding more end game stuff won't hurt it. Maybe a game mode that forces you to use multiple rosters or something like that so you give people even more reason to spend money/grind for free.

FFXV chapter 13 updates and episode Gladio trailer

Unless you want to slave at your phone and emulator constantly, RK is the game you can play and do a few dungeons on your lunch break at work and keep up with. Impossible with BE

>click on one pub group
>join pub group
>win Apoc

wow that was a lot less annoying than expected

RK can be kind of boring early on, but it's a lot more fun near the endgame. So it's probably better in the long run, since BE is the opposite.


FFT remake with modern 3d graphics and voicelines for every character when?

I can bring catslut for shellga/protectga and BSB if you want to drop shellga for something else.

Weren't they working on this in JP?
Some challenge where you wouldn't be able to use the same character more than once

Magicite dungeons senpai

>dat Ignis line at the end
Still gonna wait until all the other DLCs come out though.

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.



Wow, I finally got it. Only took me nearly a year. While her BSB is better, I'll still have this if I fail to get it on banner 3.

Edgar's a nice bonus.

And what did he do right?

CIA bring protectaga

>Bio chainsaw
What the actual fuck does this mean, what does it look like and why do I want one?

I'm not strong, I joined a pub group and they were strong. The annoying thing I was talking about was spending time dealing with the
>this raid party is full

I secretly hope there will be an option to slog through the original Ch. 13 so I can suffer though it when I finally get XV


Y'sthola covers it

So nice a bonus that I can really shit out the bio hurt now.

It's just a shame that Leila wouldn't join him and Quistis. Oh well, her loss.

Thanks man. Alright, I've compiled a list of all my soul break relics, I was hoping the anons here could help me figure out an A team so I can focus my eggs and orbfest runs on maxing them out.

Soul Breaks: Gordon Goddess's Bell unique, Arc SSB2 (White Robe), Onion Knight BSB, Porom SSB1 (Seraphim's Mace), Krile BSB,
Rufus SSB, Vincent SSB2 (Shortbarrel) and BSB, Aerith Fury Brand unique x2, Yuffie SSB, Relm SSB, Setzer SSB2 (Death Tarot) x3, Locke SSB2 (Jacket), Celes OSB, Kefka BSB x2, Mog SSB, Leo SSB, Strago SSB, Fran BSB, Lightning OSB, Fang BSB, Papalymo BSB, Ramza SSB (Platinum Sword)

Before tonight's pulls I was going to make a fire mage team with OK, Arc, Papalymo, Krile, and Fran. Now though, I'm wondering if I could make something more physical and VI-oriented since I have imperil holy and Celes can hit for holy damage. Plus, I have Ramza's Shout and OK and be magic or physical. Maybe round it out with Arc for heals. Just my initial thoughts though, let me know if anything stands out.

>it seriously filled up already

The strength was in dealing with pubbies as a raid member, desu

i cant believe wakka is fucking dead

But that banner's been out forever and you have 200 mythril

10 man dungeons
You only use 5 at once, but when one dies you swap them out.
No friend units and no dupes allowed.

They also talked about 4* max events on the horizon

>rk cucks on full damage control after the previous thread exposed them

Everything Aaron, we've been through this before.


Who are you quoting?

defeated with the power of memes!

They really need to start handing out increased space

That mythril's for the anniversary banners, except for banner 5 as I have too many dupes there.

made an ult+ raid room, onion and tyro. i have wall but I want to try out his usb if we can get another person to bring wall



Vaan/Wakka guy here, making a U+ room now since I didn't do that yet.
Once again, no Full Break please.


Sadly Sabin didn't get the final blow, but i'm sure no one is too upset cause by the end that god damn train was confusing anybody who got an attack queued

>Prompto playing Mobius
>Gladius playing BE
>Noctis playing RK
>Ignis playing Dissidia: OO
This is comfy to look at when you think of it like that. If only we got along peacefully like them.

again, why do JP is always so advanced?
I don't want to be ages behind when we get the bravely default game


They just made an update that lets you fuse dupe trust moogles at least, and they gave a bunch more space during anniversary.

Should I pull on FF6 and gamble everything on Setzer? I have 150 mythril.


do it.

Wise words from the wisest and most ABAP man

We were lucky that Cid had a SB ready. I doubt we would have killed it otherwise.

>big damage out of nowhere
>using Terra's OSB before the train got fire imperil'd by Thancred
>using a protectga/shellga SB after one was already used

Well that went horribly. Good luck guys. Im going to bed

Setzer would

dude i literally already made one just join mine

We had no breakdowns

Everything user, we've been through this before.

>2 rooms