Rumble edition
Rumble edition
first for eve
Post 'em
xth for having no waifufags in this thread!
I wanna cuddle Jinx
>they're shipping the new client to OCE
hold me lads
>get into promos
>their first pick is nasus
>second is jax
>our top picks kennen
>rushes bork
>nasus has 500 stacks at 24 minutes
>kennen 0/8
>continues to build attack speed
i hate how you avatarfag in an unfilterable way
i really do
>tfw no sona main to cuddle and have sex with
Post reasons to live l cant find a single one
I hate this general almost as much as I hate myself.
yes, much better
>every time i have to update the new client my computer slows to a crawl due to how much RAM it uses
it's like chrome but worse
5 cute facts about diana:
- She's a girl!
- She's a lunari!
- I love her!!!!!
- Diana!!!!!!!!!!!
it's time to stop
They can do whatever they want to Mordekaiser, so long as they keep the general theme of him having backloaded and partially hidden damage and tankiness that baits retards.
fluffy tails
>wanting to fuck Rumble
haram, delete this
Old Mordekaiser wasn't backloaded at all and he was fine
it's our fault for letting it become this way
three years ago the only avatar fags was nagi, cassfag, and lulufag
now it's lulufag, jannafag, that creature comfyboyfriendfag, lissfag, sonafag, jinxfag, ahrifag..
the list goes on, should have made it culturally unacceptable for these animals to post by ignoring and reporting their posts but we didn't and now we're paying the price.
Uh, I only counted 4.
I wish l had that 'you know what l dont care anymore' bait fish pic to post it now
kek I don't understand why people get so butthurt about the avatarfags
They'll go away if you stop giving them attention, and that includes talking about them, idiot.
You new here?
I can name like 30 more than have come and gone since then, they don't last.
very accurate
>W-w-why didn't you guys played as me before my reskin, I am a good champion back then...
people who only posted one time about their waifu don't count as avatarfags, dummy.
>Edge of Night gutted so bad that all the Assassins just build Maw instead
Buffs when?
>He doesn't remember spiderfag
He might actually post, wouldn't know. He's the only cunt I had to filter EVERYTHING regarding his existence.
This poster has hereby declared waifufaging acceptable as long as you don't avatarfag
Because your gameplay was boring as shit
Poke with Q-E until the enemy team was low enough to flash ult
>lolg folder reached 1GB
>have everything well organized in subfolders for each champ and some custom folders for lolg memes
Please tell me l'm not the only one who does this
>press q
>no more mana
yeah,good champion!
im sorry galio
i didnt come fast enough
NuGalio is pretty mana intensive too though. IDK how some people are building him without a mana item
Not exactly the same but I have around 6000 League lewds that are arranged by champion.
>save up 14k ip in anticipation of chroma sale
>get drunk one night and for some reason think I should buy tons of runes I'll never use
>sale comes
>500 ip left
You're not user. But people like us need help all the same
You're not alone.
I keep a folder for my favorite memes and certain waifuposting.
>that tummy
m-muh dick..
But honestly, I wasn't thrilled about any of the available chromas anyway. There are much more exciting ones out there
>people bitch about the gameplank rework not because of his gameplay but because of MUH GOOFY PIRATE MAN
>not just playing using his Captain skin which is still basically goofy pirate
>Still keeps the edgelord VO
great idea genius
Yeah actually pretty shit selection. I wanted that dalmation teemo one and a nice Malphite one since I have his mecha skin, and I managed to get enough IP to get that. But It'd be nice to grab a few more malphite ones since they all look nice.
still mad they ruined the perfect rework by turning into edgelord after he was PERFECT
captain is PERFECT
>fizz is allowed to exist
Explain this, lolbabs.
Agreed, the malphite chromas were the only genuinely good ones. Everything else was pretty shit tier except teemo
How's bronze retard, Fizz has an in and an out, both of which are a large portion of his damage. His main damage source is also a skillshot, dodge it.
Compared to LeBlanc, I don't see how any fucker could ever complain about Fishmoley.
fizz is fine u shitter
Is Vlad good or am I shit
I'm also counting Majin Zac as a rare exception for obvious reasons.
Even if it's not that good quality wise.
But yeah, the Malphite chromas are god-like.
>STILL no qt arachnid champion
Wait, it does? But the wiki has a whole separate voice listed for it...
what if shyvana leglocked you while shes getting pressed?
You're shit
Vlad is very difficult to play
Basically not worth playing unless you're high Chall / LCS tier, where he's cancer. Decently playable if you like garbage laning phases and can time engages well.
what's the equivalent of magic pen/lethality for true damage? am i just retarded and missed it?
I mean being against one
I've played against two today and they did 30% of my life with an empowered Q
Press harder.
The whole point of true damage is that it ignores MR/ARM you fucking moron
Is sona heavy?
the empowered q is very telegraphed, you wait until it fades
>3 game losing streak
>only one game was my fault for playing shit
I can't fucking stand ranked
Shieet what about outside of laning phase? His E does so much damage even without empowerment
where do i ward if i can outduel my jungler? should i try to catch him on his way to his 2nd buff or something?
Does MMR go up and down similar to LP or does it change in say monthly intervals?
>play like shit 33% of the time
>five team members on your team
Really activates those almonds
That doesnt really solve my issue
>cuck mods delet based sona OPs
>but took this long to delet lulu OPs
cunts, muse sona is best sona
also comfy bfs~
they ruined gangplank by taking away his lane, warping his gameplay, removing his personality, taking away his crit animation
it was a combination of ALL of that not JUST the pirate stuff, captain is fine sure but hes still not fun to play in the same way old gp was
people just dont like it when they delete a champion and replace it with something else that just takes their name
imagine if they removed all of yasuos dashing and instead made him into an AP wind mage but still kept the windwall and the name "yasuo"
thats what its like
You can't duel your own jungler user.
But seriously, ward by their buff or in the bush across from red buff (not next to it) if you're on that side. It almost completely reveals that half of their jungle and where they are going. Also, if they are shit and you pink it, it might remain the majority of the match because it isn't really a bush people go into often
>high silver-low gold for 3 seasons
>buy new computer, no more fps drops/low fps
>1080p monitor
>mechanical keyboard decent mouse
>hit low plat in less than a month
nice game lolbabs
pray to god he doesn't protobelt pool E you
other than that his skirmish potential is garbage unless he's ahead which assuming you just abuse him and shove him and don't eat his Q's should be easy
thanks for putting it into perspective
guess it's just the "forced-50" meme since I was on a 3-win streak before, better just stop playing shitty
kys degenerate, get out of my thread
It should be adjusted according to the outcome of every match based on your teams' average MMR relative to the opposing teams', unless there is a remake. The once-available reports for unskilled play also used to decrease the reported player's MMR automatically but had no effect beyond that.
these ones?
>nobody looks at your items they just expect you to follow whatever metashit build they saw on lcs/mobafire
I'm not jumping in 1v5 into the enemy team with my on-hit build nigga go fuck yourselves.
>ADC thinks every CS on the map belong to them and keeps fighting me for them in my own fucking lane
>This mid sucks, no damage.
>your thread
The only comfy BF in this game is Teemo, or he would be if he wasn't a mindbroken war machine.
>lucian on enemy team
>builds bork and trinity
>13/0 by 15 minutes
>lucian on my team
>rushes tabis against caitlyn lulu
>0/9 by 15 minutes
>literally trying to 1v4 constantly
>enemy team says its my fault for not using my advantage (one kill) to snowball the already lost lane
Yep, that's the one
Sweet. I've always been confused about that. I didn't know the unskilled player thing lowered mmr either. I thought riot said that it didn't actually have any affect and was only there to make reporters feel better kek
cool ill start warding it then ty
There comes a time when the mid should really let the adc farm in their lane. They are your most reliabvle source of damage and you should want them to do well.
>removing his personality
"yarr harr i'm a pirate" does not a personality make.
Who wants to write me some League of Legends related "smut"?
Also, I love you KayleAnon!
>most reliable damage
>more reliable than point and click burst damage ap mids
So for rumble against AP you start Ruby and for AD you start Cloth right?
Man, he's not even as close to as cancerous as he used to be. He's also basically useless mid-game unless you snowball.
why is king grey a massive cunt?
That's been shaco for a very long time user it doesn't mean people don't despise him