>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
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Tharja a best and canon
She isnt even the best Red book.
Azura is shit.
I love Beruka
I love Azura
I wish she wasn't so useless.
If anyone has ideas to make her useful, please share.
MRobin now in shitter-tier. I dunno anymore.
I love Takumi!
I wish Takumi was in the explosion caused by Fat Ganglari!
2nd Generations!
Add them to the game!
She's in W(ife) tier.
>believing reddit tier list
I mean, yeah mrobin is shit tier but that list is garbage
>trusting some gaijin list compiled by a bunch of mouth-breathers
I just check the official jap game8 tier, feh wiki is irrelevant.
Give us your lunch money, nerd.
Only 3 more hours until this shitty banner is finally over.
Even generic lancer-sama is better than Azura.
It's just a prank guys why are you looking at me like that
>random shitters like ephraim and sharena in the same tier as linde, ryouma, cherche, ninian
"Not yet ready for public use" is right.
>no self insert in Echoes
>Faye gets the shaft even worse than Catria, Palla, Cordelia, and Kagero as there's not even an MU consolation prize
About to install on nox, Hector and who else should I get on my rerolls?
Reposting for answer.
Is there any situation where Fury is obviously better than Life and Death or vice versa?
Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to /feg/ tomorrow.
hector + linde for ez wins
And of course their comparison to Water herself is even less favorable
Why do people do this? Like just calling them the name isn't enough they need to stick the autistic honorific at the end like we're on fucking Gaia.
-Food can be offered at the promotion statues to cure fatigue but they can also be used as vulneraries to heal hp.
-Healing gives EXP, so that's been modernized
-"The gauge is the weapons own exp. If you keep battling with it, the character it is equiped to will learn new combat skills. The Iron sword had taught my Kliff a skill that consumed 1 HP in order to add 30 avoid to his next attack. These skills are also the question marks that were visible in the character bottom screens that we see in the gameplay videos."
toasting in a habbing thread xD
pls include me in the screencap
>see someone shilling GBF in previous thread
>google it and see GBF's doujin collection
see you guys when echoes comes out
I guess the answer depends
for me fury is better in defense situation and LaD is better for offense when you obv have control of your unit, that's why I have 2 team, 1 for defense and 1 for offense
What is this meme?
>free Hone Atk and Threaten Atk weapons
>random shitters
Thanks for the input sub 4.5k shitter.
Nobody tell him
Hope you never run into any tome users.
Ephraimfag, did you get the account?
I also have another spare account with Hector, Tiki (young), and Taco if anyone wants it.
I'll tell chrom
>Threaten Atk
>at all
Thanks for the input sub 4.6k shitter.
I love Felicia and I want to be with her
I rolled for 4 days straight and didn't see a single Hector, and one -spd Linde
hope they never run into her either
GBF has the tastiest cow and their art is godly, no other mobage can compete on that department
uhhh coming the guy who autistically reposts the same image every thread (lol
Its a tradeoff for "will the extra damage I take from losing defense and res outweigh the flat damage I take from Fury" but also factoring in the defense boost from Fury. So Fury is probably better, unless you are not trading damage.
TLDR Fury sounds better only when both characters are attacking each other, L&D sounds better when only you attack.
Why do you type like that?
It's a spicy one.
I like Hana
how much until the game get some serious end game modes?
This is the same site that manages a tier list based on 4 japanese sites. I assume they'd be doing the same for the inheritance list.
Best mage to inherit Triangle Adept?
You're saving your orbs for her banner, right?
The beta uprising is real
Like a normal person?
Then who is?
Only if it has Ike in it
This is why I hate Takumi. Every other character can get shit on for lulz and memes but the minute someone approaches your precious pineapple you faggots lose your heads. its just a goddamn joke.
The best part about whatever retarded reddit waifufag keeps putting sharena high on his lists is that you can't even merge her
In the list where base stats are everything, that complete failure thinks a character who is eternally +0 is actually good for anything
Fury is better if you also want to use Desperation and a proper Assist. L&D makes you so squishy that Ardent Sacrifice is almost a necessity to trigger Desp.
Post a Felicia inherit build I am inerested in making her work
>without including skill inheritance
into the trash it goes
but seriously, there is no definite tier list with SI because you can build however you want
It's a joke you, foals
>raise cherche for the meme flyer quest
>she's -spd +atk
>slap a brave axe on her
>she's actually good
Whale pls go
And female mage?
Only if she's not a healer
Let's be honest, inheritance is only usable at all by whales.
Sanaki because she has more options and you dont need buffers dryfucking her every second for her to be very useful
Why does everyone call Seliph soft?
>Echoes has very little hand holding, much like Gaiden and the other "classic" titles.
>Dungeon crawling is non-linear and very comfortable to control.
>Weapons will level up and gain unique skills the more a unit uses them.
>Support conversations are back. Details unknown.
>Units who fight too much will become fatigued and have their stats lowered. Fatigue can be cured by offering up an item at a Mila Shrine. Fatigue can happen quite fast if you rely on one unit too much.
>Save prompts occur after a battle or dungeon.
>You cannot save in dungeons. If you're having trouble inside the dungeon, you can warp out of it and try again later.
>During cutscenes, you can see how Alm or Celica reacts to the person/people they're talking to on the bottom screen.
And I thought the +10 levels to 5-stars was crazy.
I fucking love you, /feg/. Time for the Restoration King to put in work.
Does she die a virgin?
Look at him. Tell me you wouldn't want to molest this after a long day of saving worlds.
I know you lose XP if the unit dies in the mission but do they lose the gained SP?
Not if I'm able to marry her off to someone in Echoes
Oh good, you got it. Enjoy. :^)
Some if it is perfectly usable by non-whales when its minima investment, like TA M Robin and Vantage Taco for example. Shit like Virion and Setsuna builds are straight up whale-tier though.
How do we fix healers?
Soft in looks and personality
When merging, do all +10s have the same stats or is it all RNG? Could you end up with all the stats going into Res and having a shitty +10?
Sorry that you had the failures of your list explained to you but please don't lose too much sleep over it
I'm not actually sorry and you don't matter, so your sleep status also doesn't actually matter
She won't, needs to be friendzoned by Kris still.
Eh? What are you on about?
Reinforcements and defense maps.
MRobin is a meme and other units can use his tome meaning that they can do his job much better now.
now the tier list is just the character list sorted by base ATK and SPD
they'll be fine when they add defense missions
>have to fend off like 8-12 shitters with poison strike
I am curious too, I got +1 for Eirika and they just boosted my stats by +1 HP and +1 RES, garbage.
It balanced out.
Is giving a Sword user Swordbreaker, or an Axe user Axebreaker a good idea?
a +5 has 2 points in each
a +10 has 4 points in each
it always makes sure to give 1 point to everything before any stat gets an extra point, but what order that comes in is a mystery to me
>still 4 character limit deployment
6 character deployment when
My waifu is S tier though. Should be S+ honestly. She destroys everything.