Other urls found in this thread:
first for project best skins
What champion pisses you off the most?
xth for Syndra
I want to bully that yordle
What do eve's panties smell like after running in the jungle all day?
If you play these champions theres a high chance that you have a high IQ:
And finally, Skarner
If your main is not on this list you're probably retarded.
They smell like..
If you die botlane should you just stop playing because I've learned nothing.
>miss e
>miss aa reset on w
this is bait and i just bit into it
Can someone please fucking explain to an assblasted adc main why the fuck every game is decided by which toplaner has the least brain cells?
Ive played 4 seasons taking flame for being useless when the fed enemy team rolls over me or being behind but i've finally hit a breaking point.
Every fucking game it's actually toplanes fault. Every game I win is the enemy toplanes fault, every game I lose is our toplanes fault. They dont ward, they die 1v1 while ahead in xp and cs, they die 3 times before 5 minutes, they get caught farming the enemy jg with 300 hp at 45 minutes, and first blood seems to happen up there before the first wave even meets half the time.
Then their fed to shit laner and fed to shit jungler come dump on my lane while up 4 levels and they
complain that I lost my lane.
And don't give me any "toplane is hard when youre behind" bullshit. I watch you guys make the STUPIDEST decisions, staying in lane with 70 hp for a minion wave or attempting to 1v1 for the 3rd time in a row after losing the last 2. This is why tanks need to be reworked, because you fucking retards were able to climb all the way up here by pressing 2 buttons in teamfights and standing around, when you have 0(zero) knowledge on how to survive a losing lane.
Yes im fucking mad
All toplaners
>ulted as soon as he engaged instead of using it to counter act Darius' ult
>surprised you died
Darius gives me aids but still
What would Lulus favorite dish be?
>tfw tested 135 IQ
>stereotypical vayne player
>still retarded
youre correct
Haha what, are you for real
>game decided by top laner
No games are decided by the jungler. Lots of people have the misconception that camping top lane is bad but tilting the enemy top into throwing and ensuring you have a fed cancerous tank to frontline for you wins games
>half health
>almost win it somehow from his 90% health
>get mad you lost it
I have no idea how you could complain about this
>No genuine vampire champion
>No skinwalker champion (they're canon now)
Uhhhh lolbabs?
I'm not sure you know how Darius works but he would have died either way because he played very inefficiently. He E>W1>Q without a single autoattack after the e or the w
Also, bets
>went in at low health
>missed first E dash
>fucked up the auto reset with W
>ulted too early
>not taking ignite against Darius to put an end to his healing meme
Darius was ignited my dude
>letting lulufag make the thread
>letting lulufag make the thread early
pls lolg
Truly, the most disgusting thing about this is that that would have been a pathetically easy kill for Renekton and Darius only survived because Renek fucked up his own mechanics.
>misses dash
>doesn't weave autos
>gets hit by Darius' Q
Why are there so many sluts in the league?
>bothering yourself with such a thing this late
Had he not fucked up and got hit by that Q, he would have won that 1v1.
because people draw them that way
would Lulu crave my seed if I made it purple?
>Hit by the Q
Not only that, he made way more mistakes. Darius should've been dead there but renekton fucked up hard then blamed something else because he's just another baby who can't comprehend the idea that he made lots of mistakes
He made like 4 mistakes, and he would have one the fight had he not made at least one of them, regardless of which one.
She doesn't care if it's purple, it's gotta TASTE purple
>tfw own all eve skins
>tfw always wanted eve to play more like an assassins
>tfw kinda hyped for rework but also kinda sad because its the shit team working on them
wbu you evefag?
League is a goddam buffet line of sluts, I've never seen anything like it.
>midlane puts wards down and maybe dies to ganks 40% of the time. Plays like a bitch and farms if losing hard
>bot lane puts wards down and is classically conditioned to be enormous pussies, dies to ganks by non-fed junglers 25% of the time, plays like a bitch when losing hard
>toplane has some sort of brain parasite and is trying to zone enemy under their tower with no wards, intermittentely taking tower shots for no reason dies to ganks 80% of the time, continues to act like they are 6/0 when losing hard or they rage
No it is definitely toplane, that is why camping top is good, because they are dumb and easy to gank.
Renekton kinda needs the ultimate in all-ins to empower his skills, though.
Does anyone have the Venom Snake picture of Poppy?
Can't find it anywhere
I guess you haven't seen the goddesses in Smite then
Eh, no more hesitation... Or whatever.
>get kicked from lobby
>"something unexpected happened"
>get dodge timer anyway
nice client lolbabs
It's not like he didn't miss more stuff, but getting hit by Darius Q when you're trying to all in is a cardinal sin for any toplaner.
Because designers are more likely to draw the opposite sex in a very attractive way to them, so lots of them ended up looking like bimbos before they started actively trying to stop that.
If Sejauni isn't in there then whats the point
>when you put the silver bolt in your surrogate moms head
holy fuck those death sounds
what were they doing during the recording of that VO
>tfw also own all eveskins
>tfw like eve exaclty how she is
>tfw same
Something I've always liked about her is the ability to be hybrid and played with a million different builds. I'm kind of worried they'll take that away and force her into AP assassin eve. I mean, it is my favorite way of playing her, but I still like the versatility. I have some things I am hoping for though, like I hope maybe she becomes a little less feast or famine. It'd be nice to have at least some use if you fall behind. I hope they make her kit revolve around her stealth a little more, because right now it's mostly just a bunch of skills that could really be on anyone. I'm sure they'll change the ult, and that's kind of a mixed bag for me. I've certainly put it to a lot of good use, but I deffinitely feel like it doesn't fit her theme. My dream ult would be a short true invisibiity on a long cd maybe with a heavy slow or something on the next aa.
The biggest thing I'm dreading is the inevitable influx of Eve noobs and permaban. I'm a one trick and have no one else to play kek
Russian vayne will never jack you off with her feet
sejuani is one of the shittiest league girls tho
Name ONE (1) thing supports are good for
>teammates who let you use targon's stacks
damn I can barely even play her in the new jungle
they said that they will keep the perma stealth, and 100% change the ult. Chances are some form of the E stays to make onhit/ad builds viable
Yeah if she becomes FotM all is lost. I rather see her being weak at release, then buffed to a decent spot.
He's so awesome!
Tomorrow is going to be boring as heck!
I also really hope they keep q spam in some shape or form because it just feels like a core part of her. And I welcome lore updates with open arms. It'd be nice to know where all these fucking spikes and shit come from and why she is fucking invisible.
Baby making.
I want to FUCK Janna user!
>I rather see her being weak at release, then buffed to a decent spot.
Exactly, man. I always want her to be just below average and niche so no one plays her and I can still shit on people with her.
>mfw Im sivir clearing a wave 40 minutes into the game and thresh gets mad because I dont want to wait 5hours for him to proc his stack
Someone end my life I want to stop playing this game because I'll never be good at it.
what champion is anime thank
>Cannon at one hit away from death regardless of who hits it
>Kill it during the support's auto animation
Fuck you literally all I want to do is hit the cannon
literally every Ionia champion is anime weebshit
I wanna go swimming with Lulu!
I'm on EUNE, and it's cancerously, cancerously, CANCEROUSLY toxic.
I am seriously considering moving to EuW just to not deal with this almost normal toxicity.
Any EUNE veterans who migrated to EuW can confirm this? also what about ping, is it worse or better? I am led to believe EUNE is like Riot's little unwanted bastard son. shitty servers, normal drafts that got removed for a while (and nowdays they are only available half the day), toxic community, etc.
Please advise
Every elo across every region is the same, don't delude yourself.
>damn I can barely even play her in the new jungle
Really? Why not? I love the new jungle. The blast cones make cheesing way too easy.
there was stats on most bans and chat restrictions and EUW has always led charts, korea was very high too, eune too.
>Demacia symbol is a sword not a hammer
what is this bullshit
What's the best way to make my friend get gud without being autistic and overbearing? I'm not even sure if I should care
>still no K-pop looking champion (skins dont count)
Will they ever give Lulu a VU so she no longer looks like a nightmarish troll?
At least fix her face. Looks nothing like any of her splashes and is very unsettling
reminder that the game is hardcoded to give you retards when it's your series
every single time I play adc
I thought during the morning kids were at school
>Karthus having almost half the damage of the highest damage player in the game
>In a game that went on for that long
Now that's spooky.
>login to get icon
>still don't have it
What did Riot mean by this?
>two autoattack based champs
>not buying ardent's
This is why you won't have nice things.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
I wanna carry Lulu on my shoulders and show her the world!
no one wants to carry shitter adcs like you
everytime he went in a fight he got blown the fuck up i have no idea
we can only hope
where in europe are you?
i heard the EUNE servers are more stable than the EUW servers, but i have also heard there are more english speakers on EUW. i'm on NA and this is just what i heard through the grapevine though. polish teens got you down?
crazy that normal draft isn't on EUNE. i know some regions like australia were missing meme modes like dominion, but i would have thought EUNE would have all of them. are NA and EUW the only ones that have everything all the time?
can you post a link to the stats?
>everytime he went in a fight he got blown the fuck up
That's pretty much Karthus' goal in a lot of fights though. To an extent of course
feels good man
still gold tho
>implying I ever even saw tryndamre
That nigga was splitting bot when they came knocking at our nexus turrets
>Relatively new to the game but played other Mobas
>Love playing Vi, mainly in jungle
>Camille looks cool so decide to play her
>Doing fucking awful, she feels super squishy without much damage so I have to keep backing for health after camps.
>Going 0/5 at the end during midgame
>Finish building tri-force
>Instant legendary
Should I be building it sooner? I went Guardian angel first to help me survive although I feel that was a mistake.
Success! Look for your icon to be granted by April 20, 2017. If you don't have it by then, please submit a ticket to Player Support by April 27, 2017.
why the fuck does it take a month for them to give out an icon?
>I went Guardian angel first
damn now I want this
Based OP
Death to SJW
Death to Homosexuals
Death to Riot
All Hail Trump
Why are you so entitled, user? Riot is just a small indie company, cut them some slack.
heres your daily dose of autism and cancer headcanon
keep track of shots fired