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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
Make /feg/ Great Again!
Thoughts on stamina increase and repositioning?
+HP -Def. Fuck sake man. I think I might to throw down some money to get her.
It's good.
Thoughts on Corrin's feet?
only great thing
Depends. Mamui or Femui?
Repositioning is the best shit ever, since you won't suddenly get random screwed by Arena.
Stamina is a'ight.
With the low rarity boons coming out, what free rotation heroes are worth it, esp with the neutral IVs? Should I start raising up the Neutral Hana or wait for a +atk/spd one from a roll? What's good on her? Seems like she wants a different B skill.
Probably full of blisters and sores from walking on barefoot.
The full pic is so hot. God I want to fill Larcei's womb to the brim.
For those late to the party
Basically, rearrange units before battle starts
Units 4* and below gain more exp from fighting enemies lower level than themselves
Stamina being increased to 99 and stamina potions restoring 99 stamina
Blazing Niggers ends on the 30th.
...Most new banners hit on Monday nights or Tuesday mornings, but they're holding off on us until later this week.
>Enter arena
>Klein, Ninian, Azura, Olivia
well that was easy
Wtf am I gonna do with so much stamina, all my 5* are lvl 40
Unless this is a prequel to them releasing more quest like
>Beat training 10 around 30 times for 2 orbs
Azura a shit
So, I'm playing new mystery of the emblem, and seeing as how the plot basically centers around Kris, how much did they change from the original? Kris is basically proto-Corrin and representative of everything that is wrong with avatars.
Really nice actually, but I hope they do something about SP, and a way to get quantity amounts. And change the free unit rotation already.
Fuck off kagacuck, she's shit and so is your shitty thread.
I didn't even know this guy came 5* what the hell am I supposed to with him
Why do you stupid autists post in early threads? All of you need to drink bleach.
I'm having fun and no one can stop me
I love Hana
It's time to find a rope
Contemplate buying orbs since I got him in 5* as well trying to get Minerva.
I don't suppose there is any orb giveaway before this banner end huh?
Send home for easy feathers, or give Brave Axe to someone
Free Brave Axe+, Defiant Spd, or Threaten Def.
The stamina cap increase is because we're going to be getting more main story chapters, right? 40 stamina per Lunatic battle simply wouldn't work with only 50 stamina.
Nephenee is cute and will be added tomorrow night!
Screen cap this.
Real talk though, why does Setsuna VA sound like she has downs?
Any addition to the main story will be done through Xenologues, like the Detached Princess we already have
I interpret it as more SP grinding. Right now 50 Stamina nets you about 60-70 SP by grinding Stratum 8-9 of the tower for a lvl 40 hero.
Fuck off back to r/fireemblem
Give the Brave Axe to someone. I gave Camilla's to Cherche and oh my god its incredible.
Setsuna is really cute and since my two favorite archers aren't in the game yet I want to level her up. I wonder whats good on her.
Because 90% of girl english voice actors suck and can't sound cute. The guys are the only good part of the english voices.
We're getting more quests like complete the 10th stratum 50 times with all armored heroes for 3 orbs
I can't believe my shitty luck
Why is Robin such a player? He doesn't get huff huff'd, he only huffs
>Stratum 8-9
You can use 7th stratum if the level is 32 or above and get the same sp
>99 Stamina
>Rearranging units
We still need more feathers and SP grinding, but I swear I'll actually buy the 140 orbs pack if they add IV fixing just to show my gratitude, might buy 1400 even, just let me fix my -Atk onee-chans pls
This edgelord is pretty alright
>tfw off by 8
Hopefully. Also now we won't be wasting 4 hours worth of stamina while we sleep. I just pray that the stamina cost of further missions don't go up to ridiculous numbers like 40.
>how much did they change
Doesn't matter. Sounds like your mind's made up on the issue anyway.
>everything that is wrong with avatars
I interpret it as a way for IS to save autists from themselves. With 50 stamina, people can only have 4 hours of sleep before they need to play again to maximize stamina usage. With 99 stamina, they can get a full night of sleep
sp gain is limited to 6 lv difference right?
Kiragi is an adult!
A young adult!
You will be his wife!
Same VA as Catria.
Her Catria voice is shit but I found her Setsuna voice fitting, considering she's actually retarded.
>make a way to re-roll or change the random IVs
>make a better use for shards/crystals and badges like trading them in for SP or other items
>better way to get feathers
What else is there they can add? Make sure to actually send in feedback considering they actually listen.
True, so glad Felicia is in the 10% of decent cute voices that match their character persona
Hmm good idea
I like Hana
Seems like its 8
It's been working for me
He's canonically the sexiest fire emblem guy
Because Setsuna is so apathetic to everything except traps.
You want Felicia if you want to hear the VA put some range into it.
Interesting that you aren't being labeled as a new IP, even though this is the first post under your trip. I wonder what anonymous hit and run shitposts you were responsible for just now.
Camilla could have both +atk AND +spd and she'd still be garbage, and no one gives a fuck about Hinoka
IV rerolling will never happen or whales would buy a lot less orbs to perfect their arena team.
I heard you should kill him and give his blade to Olivia
Don't be retarded user
Decided to go back to FE6 finally after dropping it like 6 months ago. I guess I left off on Narcian's chapter. How does my boy look?
make sure to give brave axe+ to +atk cherche as long as her bane is not -spd you already got monster unit there
Imagine if IV rerolling cost feathers? Then whales continue spending so they can send characters away for feathers while the rest of us have to suffer even longer periods of time before upgrading another character to 5*
This game will be dead in a week if they start handing out feathers like crazy AND giving you no incentive to keep rolling by allowing you to upgrade faster with guaranteed good IVs.
Use your head, kiddo, it's a game and games reward perseverance. Fucking entitled millenial brats.
I sent them the badges or crystals for SP idea with two different accounts, hopefully if a bunch of us send feedback they might listen.
I wonder if they even care what gaijins have to say on the matter.
Not really
They need to roll 11 copies of 1 card so IVs are the least of their worries
Seliph is soft! SOFT!
Fuck off. By that same logic they would buy less orbs to just spend on stamina all day. Not everything in a mobage is designed to just strangle money from people, they need to keep F2P people happy too.
Hinoka is good in flier comp
Seliph feets!
Dont enable Robin. That fiend has no moral bounds. He'll fuck any color, any relation, any intelligence level. He's like a goddamned Witcher. Hide the women!
Is that actually -spd/atk and +res/def? My god.
Pretty based.
IV Rerolling is the final main frontier though. There's no feeling worse than pulling what should be a prize and winding up with shit.
The new banner isn't until the 30th, you dumb nigger.
We're getting new story chapters before Lloyd drops, that's nearly certain.
Post your builds and teams. I need some inspiration.
Alright I'm a third of the way there till reaching maximum autism.
>Not everything in a mobage is designed to just strangle money from people, they need to keep F2P people happy too.
>keeping people who don't pay a single cent happy
>they need to keep F2P people happy too
the whole point is to get you to buy orbs silly user
Not an argument.
She's only good for her Hone Fliers though you're right in that she isn't Camilla bad, but then who is?
>playing in moonrunes
You're already there tripfag
>giving argument for retarded statement
yeah not gonna do that
And whales need an audience to lord their whale privilege over. With no fishes and dolphins around it's just whales swimming with whales, and that's no fun for them.
They want to keep f2p happy so when they roll out value deals (such as tickets), people feel like they are more obliged to fork out money.
Give me more.
What does this one mean?
You could not be a rampaging homosexual and I still wouldn't care, I want to use them
got 'em, thanks for my (You)s
>using the royal castle
Thanks for admitting defeat. Bye.
>Ryoma's VA is married to Oboro's VA
exp gain increased for 1-4*s
Way better than mine.also lv17 and only 11 Strength and 13 Spd. Mine does have a bit more skill though.
Not that it matters much since I'll have to keep him away from battles once he hits 20 since he promotes super late in the story.
You're thinking too little.
You can use a stam pot as long as your stamina isn't maxed. Whatever you have is added onto the 50 you get, and you will no longer be regenerating stamina (obviously). If you used a pot when you had 49, you would probably end up with 99 stamina.
If you used a pot with 98 stam left, you would end up with 197. The true best of the best battles will cost exactlythat much.
Red simple carpet is the most patrician castle desu
If you're lucky enough to get a +Spd or +Atk Setsuna, you can make her top tier but she requires a shit ton of investment.
This is my goal:
Brave Bow+
Life and Death 3
Desperation 3
Mine currently has Death Blow 3 because I don't have L&D but she's still able to one shot most heroes, especially with Desperation active and she can x4 before being countered (I use Hone Speed to give her the missing Speed for now). Only trouble I've had so far is against Effies with Wary Fighter and +Def Hector. Sometimes she can't kill Ryoma depending on the IV.
Thanks for admitting you're an idiot.