All blue-eyed people share the same common ancestor who was likely male.
How do you blue eyes people feel about this pre-history grandad? Also, all blue eyes should brofist their relatives in the thread.
I'll start: s'up cuzs.
All blue-eyed people share the same common ancestor who was likely male.
How do you blue eyes people feel about this pre-history grandad? Also, all blue eyes should brofist their relatives in the thread.
I'll start: s'up cuzs.
What up my fellow blue eyed hominid.
Our ancestor looked pretty dope desu. More info on where he could have lived? How long ago?
I'm brown eyed but my grandpa had blue eyes, this makes me your cousin too.
Thats a load of crap eye color mutations are random and can indepently arise in multiple locations. Explain blue eye black africans that have no genetic connection to europeans unless you go back to the common ancestor 70,000 years ago?
I say kill all the blue-eyed freaks. The lack of melanin allows too much UV rays to the back of the eye.
That may be, but there is a particularly large population of blue eyed people in the world in one region of the Earth and that is a distinctly different situation than Hwan in East Asia being born with blue eyes an one in his community seeing seeing another blue eyed child for a hundred years after.
Somewhere round the Baltics. It has to have been a guy as its reckoned they bred from it because it was attractive.
So guy got major pussy due to leet, goat-tier eyes.
Other info here:
Mud eye tears. Always delicious.
Post a photo of blue eyed African. Mixed raced and eye disorders do not count.
hazel master race.
It was a shitty paternity test. If your wife had blue eyes and you had blue eyes then having a brown eyed kid might suggest your wife is a harlot. Otherwise natural selection would have bred out blue eyes.
Petty but blue is better. Don't ever, not even for a second, kid yourself into believing otherwise.
My ancestry is from Mesopotamia. Did it naturally occur of am I a euro rape baby?
>taking bant on Veeky Forums seriously and actually trying to defend your own eye color like it matters
This is cringey. Look at it from an academic perspective, for god sake.
The first individual with blue eyes originated from the Black Sea, that's in eastern Europe.
IDK. Europeans spread like the plague for the last 500 years so anything is possible.
Straight from wikipedia.. why you always lying.. mmmhhmmm
>Knowing this little about how eye colours are passed down
This is what an expert said. I'm not making this shit up. If you've got an argument then make it.
It's the same ancestor. If you have blue eyes, this guy is your original eye daddy. No exceptions. Doesn't matter where on the fucking planet you come from.
Not enough shout outs from blue eyed senpai ITT.
That's a lie though. Mutations happen all the time. They may be unlikely but they happen.
Or are you joking?
Btw if you think this negro is mixed race then you have never seen a 100 percent black before.
You are just a random mutation get over yourself.
Explain blonde melanesians then retard.
These eyes are blue wannabe.
Get out --->
Every male in my family has/had blue eyes.
Great great grandfather
great grandfather
Probably very close in ancestry to him.
Maybe you have been spending too much time on /v/. That was a needless escalation.
What sort of feminine faggot actually cares about their eye color to this extent? I bet you look like a girl with a wig on you low test faggot.
> that's a lie
> no argument
> resort to n00b tier shitty insults
> fussy tears of brown eyed rage
Checking it
Are all brown-eyes peeps full of this bitter rage?
Why should feel bad for having brown eyes? Its just the most common eye color in all human races.
>High teir with Napoleon Hitler Ford and Galileo
I'm fine with this.
>muh blue eyed master race.
All humans share a common ancestors who lived around 4000-2000 years ago so that's not so special.
Yeah in some rare cases they do, like in some niggers with blue eyes, normally though they don't, I bet a few retards will jump at you for saying that though
Waiting for the photo of blue eyed African that isn't mixed race or with eye disorder.
Supply it or confirmed for a liar.
lived around 180,000 years ago you mean.
This isn't your main board's console wars.
Oh shit
Blue eyed lad checking in
This is an eye disorder, fuck face. Kid's blind.
Green eyes are the rarest so by blue eye retard logic this green eyed little african girl is more valuable than most of humanity.
No, I mean 4000 to 2000 years ago
>Assuming that no genetically isolated human populations remain, the human MRCA may have lived 2,000 to 4,000 years ago.[1] This estimate is based on a non-genetic, mathematical model that assumes random mating although it has taken into account important aspects of human population substructure such as assortative mating and historical geographical constraints on interbreeding.[1]
>fuck face
Are we being raided?
Blue eyes is an eye disorder though, its a pigment mutation that makes it easier for UV rays to damage your eye.
>maternal grandparents had blue eyes
>mother has green eyes and father has brown eyes
>end up with dark green hazel eyes
h-he's my ancestor too right g-guys?
> blue eyes
You wouldnt pass up the chance to give this superior blue eyed girl a dollar now would you bluefags?
Thats impossible because our genetic link to blacks goes beyond 60,000 years.
Sure, it's objectively inferior from a practical perspective, but so are peacock feathers. At some point it stops being a disorder.
But yeah, other user is being a doofus for saying blue eyes for some reason don't count if they are found among non-Europeans. Not very scientific for a person claiming all blue eyed people come from a relatively recent common ancestor.
>Thats impossible because our genetic link to blacks goes beyond 60,000 years.
That's not impossible, you retarded fuck, that's hard math.
Sorry that your little delusion of being special has been destroyed.
> sophistry a la
>have some mediterannean guy mix into the family some 200 years ago
>I have marine blue eyes instead of arctic white blue eyes because of some random shitskin
No its impossible we cannot have no link to sub saharan africans that recently thats a load of horseshit.
Funny how blue eyes is considered a disorder in blacks but not in whites hmm maybe the blacks are on to something.
the retard is strong with this one.
I've never said that, chucklefuck.
I want proof to support the original claim that this is a spontaneous mutation in other populations.
If you're blue eyed black from Asia, Africa or Mars makes no difference to me.
>ctrl + f
>Not a single recessive found
How could a recessive genetic trait become so wide spread?
Blue eyes are just recessive
Your mother dun goofed.
Story? I've heard about the common ancestor but I never looked into it.
He must've knocked up lots of women.
Seriously, stop. You are getting really defensive and acting like this isn't academic anymore. You are acting like you have blue eyes and that you are getting flustered that other people aren't agreeing with everything you are saying.
You guys are very fucking stupid if you think that guy is a common ancestor.
>No its impossible we cannot have no link to sub saharan africans that recently thats a load of horseshit.
You're just too stupid to exist, the fact that a population drifted genetically from another doesn't mean they can't have intermixed after said drift
> still no proof
> much whining and irrelevant flaming and shit
You know how I know you're a total fucking retard?
Link to the science is a few posts down.
I dont think you get it shit for brains, we whites are one of the more recent human breeds, but blacks are one of the oldest so it is impossible for both blacks and whites to have genetic relation to that small of a time scale since the white race began 30,000 years ago in northern Turkey then migrated into Europe,Central Asia and Russia.
ITT: angry Asians.
Checking in. Tell me more about this common ancestor.
>White races
Try races
Confirmation pic
> true Nordic
God tier.
White is a collective term for human of northern Eurasian descent even russians are white despite what /pol/ retards say. Whites have pale skin to olive skin.
What a colossal retard, sharing a common ancestor doesn't mean that two populations are genetically close, if that common ancestor lived 4000-2000 years ago is one ancestor out of several thousands
all life on earth shares a common ancestor.
Originally, all humans had brown eyes until that mutation arose around 10,000 years ago.
In fact, a study from the University of Copenhagen shows that every single person on the planet with blue eyes shares a common ancestor, as noted by the Independent.
The scientists conducting the study analyzed the DNA of around 800 people with blue eyes from multiple parts of the world.
Out of all of the participants, 99.5 percent had the same mutation in the gene that influences the color of our eyes. In other words, they shared common DNA, much like relatives.
This also indicates that one person is responsible for this mutation.
Yes like one person is responsible for africans being black and indians being black and aboriginals being black skinned sure. Its nothing but speculation.
And this conversation is about the one person responsible for blue eyes, captain strawman fag.
If only one person had it how did it spread if its not a dominant trait?
> being this shit at biology
Did you finish school?
Wait, fuck, thought you asked why it spread to animals.
I wasn't even the person you were arguing with.
Oh, look a newfag.
If your response is relevant to you being someone else, state as much. If you don't, then no one gives a fuck who you. Anonymous.
Welcome to the Veeky Forums imageboard. Enjoy your stay.
>hair-chested barbarian
Godly indeed
FYI, newfag doesn't mean someone who just showed up in a thread. It means someone who just showed up to the website or board.
The more you know.
Meme picture, but what appears to be brown hair may be in fact dark blonde hair, especially in case with slavs.
Unlikely since Blue eyes existed prior the invasion of Indo-European people from steppe, and blue eyes are most common around Baltic sea and not coincidentally people around Baltics also share highest Hunter-gatherer ancestry.
>dark blonde
Kek, this is a meme, my hair is "dark blond" but I call it brown cause I'm not an insecure faggot
>Brown eyes
nice meme
> this degree of fucking stupidity
You really are a newfag.
Lurk more.
Why are people so insecure about having European blood. Here in Europe they constantly shout that we all descend from Africans but if you talk to an Indian for example they freak out if you say that they have a blood relation to European invaders.
>Here in Europe they constantly shout that we all descend from Africans
what the fuck kind of a multicultural degenerate shithole do you live in? is it Sweden?
literally never heard that before
Spend a few seconds over on >>/pol/
If you want to be brutally reassured that some European descendants wear their ancestries on their sleeves, and up their asses
fuck off nigger
Bong here. "We're a nation of mongrels" and "all humans come from Africa" were dominant tropes in my education. I think it's a Europe-wide phenomenon.
>Spend a few seconds over on >>/pol/
Literally why?
my mum's blue eyed, dad's brown eyed, I'm brown eyed. This dude is still my ancestor.
pink, green, blue hair
nothing but sjws and anime characters
xaxaxa holy shit fucking brits are so autistic
>I think it's a Europe-wide phenomenon.
Not your paternal ancestor.
Your wife can't have a brown eye allele and have blue eyes. Blue eyes are recessive.