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>If we had no headshot kills or just a multiplier then the game would lose part of what makes it a game witg such a high skill ceiling.

Would it tho? Call of Duty is played at esports levels. Halo was absolutely huge in the console world for the longest times. Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch also have only select characters where headshots come into play, many of them are not even one hit kills. Even in Counter Strike, the grand daddy of esports, tells one hit kill headshots to fuck off when you buy the helmet.

Can you give me one reason why having a mechanic that creates such a wide spread in TTK is more "skillful" than execution of strategy and consistently landing hits on target? Or is it you just value one type of skill over others?

Anyone want me to carry them on PS4? xD

damn, imagine if theyd remove headshots
how would they even rework rook? his extra armor would be defitnily a most have in every single game

What would be the most broken if all operators could be played in both offense and defense?

CS is the only non meme esports you've mentioned and most of the rifles kill in one headshot even with a helmet.

will grom get qt grill?

If you are online in a couple of hours then I'm in

The skill would change from a thinking man's game with twitch reflexes to another arcade track aim shooter.

I think you are playing the wrong game if you can't handle a short ttk. Perhaps one of those shitholes you just named would suit your taste better.

Montagne for maximum room entry denial and glaz window protection

I imagine you would have to rework Rooks armor, but it wouldn't be hard. Do you keep the armor bonus massive, but maybe limit it (3 armor plates, instead of 5?) or you just reduce overall damage across the board

Okay first off, Siege is like the ultimate meme esport and is worse off than COD / Halo in that regard

Secondly, no, most guns, when the helmet is purchased, will not penetrate a helmet and provide a one hit kill. It will do big damage, but not a one hit kill.

You haven't explained why one skill is inherently more skillful than another

The problem isn't that Siege has a short time to kill, it's that Siege has an inconsistent time to kill, and there are a few elements in the game that contribute to that.

Montagne on defense. Mira on attack.

I'm not claiming one skill is better than the other?
I'm claiming that what you want to see happen would change the game so fundamentally that an entirely different type of skill is required to be good at it.

I then suggested that if you crave such a game that you can most easily find it elsewhere.

Mira would die before ever placing a single mirror close to the objective. She takes too long and makes too much noise when placing mirrors

Can you point to me a game that has the strategic depth of Siege with somewhat realistic gunplay, that has a low time to kill?


>and is worse off than COD / Halo in that regard
I'm sorry in what regard? kek

> it's that Siege has an inconsistent time to kill
How so? It's not inconsistent when you have the SKILL to aim at the head. Watch the pro league matches, every kill is a head shot.

t. copper tier arguments go back to r/callofduty

Hopefully not

think you meant

>t. can't refute that modern game design has largely killed the headshot in video games

SpawnPeeking Eurofag btw

not so long ago i saw a documentary on the sas rescue mission on the siryan embassy, at some point the sas giving testimony mention how one of the best plans of action is rushing from different points to cause mass confusion

there's also a part where one says "fuck the breaching charges" and uses a sledge hammer to breach in

siege is a very comfy game

Good thing I wan't arguing against any of that nonsense dumbass

>I'm sorry in what regard?

Overall participation? Prize pool? Relevance to the overall scene of esports?

On this list Rainbow Six Siege holds the spots for #464 and 465.


Isn't violence of action as well as breaching various points actually valid SWAT doctrine tho?

Siege's prize pool is THAT low? da joos


I'm actually genuinely surprised it's that low. How the fuck is Gears of War 4 on the first page? World of Tanks also has a fucking ridiculous esports scene apparently.

I think I met you a couple of times, I recall a name like that.

What was your non smurf account called?

Did a Samurai Jack crossover thing. Too lazy to actually put them into comic form, so if anyone would like to do that, it would help a lot.




twitch on defense. the roaming drone would be op

Very nice.

How the fuck do you play Pulse? The heartbeat sensor seems incredibly useless.

She would need to be guided by her team to a wall into the objective.
There she could place two mirrors next to eachother, break one and prefire all the point defenders in the objective room.

Don't poop on my fantasies baka

Intel that can't be traced back to you?

And of course, I forget her rappel line in the first picture.

Kill me.

He works best on maps with a lot of breakable walls or floors. The shotty works pretty well when defending pink on favella.

IQ says hello

Pulse can track everyone while IQ can only really track Pulse.

>turbo racing league
>top 50

had to look it up, it's a fucking ios game and a licensed movie game too to boot

Are you guys NA? I kinda want to play on the US servers see how the players are

Yuropoor here

>tfw someone in your team has a ping of 7300

did he/she/xe play ash?


It was a doc, disconnected halfway into the first round.
The fucker was basically time travelling

>tfw you score isn't high but at least you didn't die to a bandit battery while two of your teammates were down but alive

I'd rather be "average reflexes but tactically sound" than a "200 ping sugared up 10 year old" any day.

Bronze and increasing slowly
I'm not the one who posted the PSN name but you can add Mobius-One1988 if you want, I'll be online in an hour probably

How is that even possible?
Lately I've been playing on a shitty wi-fi and I've been autokicked multiple times because of my bad connection and my ping was only 600-700

For real though - why is university the worst map?

Aside from double dipping on wired welcome mats, I'm honestly confused whenever I get a shock kill. You'd think the bright blue jumping sparks would be a big warning sign to keep away, or just shoot out the battery.

That's not boat

its not. worst map is plane

Because its always a 2v5 for the attackers since most of your teammates are so incompetent they can't just drone out a room and enter it instead of going throphy every round.

Either someone was downloading heavily on the same connection or was using some shitty public WiFi.

I was in an hotel a while ago, wifi was struggling to load a Google page so I tried to speedtest and it came out with a 5k ping

>theres still no operator that dual wields
how much you guys wanna bet we'll get this at some point?

I'd main the shit outta him, doesnt matter if he's ass or not.

Dual guns are my fetish in FPS

If that point is the point of no return.

If they ever do this then I will plead Ubisoft to change name "Operators" to "Heros". Make them add a whole bunch of new clownmasks to boot.

>3 speed attacker who only dual wields pistols and can jump around corners like he/she's fucking Max Payne

Post legitimate operator ideas:
I'll start with mine, someone who can generate fake footstep sounds via a gadget, possibly a drone.

Name: Operator
Gadget: G.U.N.
Description: He uses his G.U.N. by pointing it at enemies. When you click the enemy pointed at dies.

>attacker doc
>attacker operator that can reinforce walls

you can hear his sensor beign pulled out, put away and even scanning. IQ just pinpoints him, her scanner also has a longer range, she can find him before shes on his scanner, relay that to team and set up ambush

>Setup an ambush
I see you're also playing with a 30 minute round timer.

New Vegas got a dual wield mod?

How about a defender that has a trip wire like Kapkan but instead of blowing up it pings them. It would be harder to see and could be placed any where.

Nigga you high? You have someone present themselves as bait and wait in a position to BTFO pulse as he flanks that he wouldnt be able to scan you from.

>your position has been compromised
fucking cannot trust brazilians

complaining about dual wielding in a game with

Defender that can rappel up open hatches

Are you implying it's more likely that an operator were to wield two pistols than that operator to be female?

Both are literally as real as ghosts and skeletons.

Defender that shaves time off the timer when he gets kills

Ghost operator when?
I really want a game about task forces in SCP universe

An attack operator like Cav but without the stealth and a ranged tazer

seen a jager with reddot and silencer on his carbine yesterday

am i missing out on new meta?

>ghost operator when xDDD
>doge operator when xDDD
>tranny operator when xDDD

At what point did this general get a massive wave of retards that post stupid shit like this? It's all just a blur to me now.

it's *possible* to highly train a female in special operations, but no operator worth their salt, regardless of gender, would dual wield.

>nostalgia goggles on max
Calm yourself, we've always been this autistic.

There is no need to be upset

>Ghost operator when?
ghost recon crossover dlc operators when?

Speak for yourself please

If I had to guess, a lot of it came about when the starter edition was released.

It usually gets pretty bad during the sales too.

I will never exclude you like those kids at highschool user.

let's be honest a tranny operator is more likely than either of those things irl

I dont think they let people with psychological issues join the military.

What's the point of mobility stat on guns?
I feel like it does nothing


>teammates have shot my drone twice in the past 5 games
are they doing this to fuck with me or are they actually this stupid?

mfw blackbeard is the first tranny operator

>what is valkyrie

He became a tranny after being discharged. I don't think they wouldve let him become a SEAL either if he wouldve been that sick at the time.


Never actually tried roaming with valk until today. Holy shit is it fun. Run straight at the enemy team, kill them outside with the mpx headshot machine, be a sneaky bitch and scare the shit out of them with flanks and using the third camera as a makeshift drone.
never going back to the spas again.

>like cav but not like cav and also a tazer

sights are all just personal preference now. red dot, reflex, and holo all got their dots reduced in size so they're actually usable.

>buy blitz because bored
>enemy pulse hucks nitro at me
>angle shield against it
>shield tanks it
>he runs towards me
>angle shield towards him
>he aims at the center of my shield and headshots me

I thought buff blitz was a dumb meme but holy shit that "hitbox" though...

Using a silencer is still irredeemable and the ACOG is still the better option over any 1x sight.