BBQ Edition
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
BBQ Edition
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Two Armies
Other urls found in this thread:
Camilla is shit
Camilla > your waifu
>old thread is still not on p.10
day of the rake can't come soon enough
Camilla is tits
Camilla a best!
I genuinely believe that all black people are subhuman and should be exterminated.
BULLY worst sibling!
Best skill for Best Sis?
So what is the ideal IVs for the Setsuna meme build? I have all the components for skills lying around so I might as well try it. I have a +Spd/-Def 4 star Setsuna, but I'm not sure if that's optimal or not.
Camilla > Camilla?
Geez Shinon, calm down.
nah, only muslims are subhumans
If I feed a +2 unit to a +0 unit, will the new unit be +2 or +1?
+Atk -Anything but Spd, +Spd or Neutral should do tho
How is it early?
Then you shouldn't call your waifu shit.
lol i post wherever i want
Who is going to be in the newest banner?
Do we know yet?
This tbqfh
Camilla is _____
Not until the next update i think as the new banner isnt in client yet for it to get datamined.
But I didn't familia
Bartre, Sully, Merlinus, Mist and Kaze
post memes
for Takumi!?!?
Dumb savage poster
If I were going to use her I'd roll with her natural dagger and bow countering theme. Otherwise why even bother with her?
For the daily quest, is the second 100 feathers worth a dueling crest?
does anyone know?
>Otherwise why even bother with her?
inheritance fodder
Fir isn't savage.
She's cute.
You get one dueling crest too,dont be a cheap motherfucker
Might as well call us autistic nigger cucks while you're at it. Contextless buzzword insults seems to be your thing.
I don't have an Absolutely Disgusting image right now but regardless you should consider suicide
Wouldn't it be +3?
Alright /feg/, let's settle this. For now anyway. Thoughts on Echoes girls?
You get a crest for free and as long as youve been playing for a while you should have like 50. Of course its worth it.
Fattening her up to feed her to someone else I don't consider really using.
Blazing Shadows Part 2:
Karla, Louise, Pent, Erk, Canas, Renault.
>Thread is made before old thread reaches Page 10
>Redditors immediately jump to it because they have no clue how Veeky Forums works
Like I said,
Who cares about girls
Am I the only one who gets their secure top 5k spot, then just hands out 2 free defenses a day?
That's what I'm asking, if the +s compound on one another or reset if you feed it to a new unit.
t. Tyrone
I'd be perfectly fine with this. Extra bonus for removing Renault and adding Sain and Kent
>people are doing things I don't like, they must be new
>people are saying things I don't like, they must be from Reddit
How do I even secure a 5k spot?
Thread was dropping well enough already, unlike the other threads it wasn't enough to fuss over.
And no I never touch that shit site, go fuck yourself.
and go back to where you came from
>still no Rath
Considere suicide? Well, I just did, but the conclusion I came up with was to call you a faggot, probably not what you expected
what, do you want to break the game entirely?
(lol being this ass-blasted over people posting whenever and wherever they want just because it doesn't meet your autistic concerns
Baxton Ashleigh, stop posting. Your parets don't pay your internet for this.
Assuming it isn't time for an Echoes banner yet, my guess is another mixed banner like the sibling ones. Will mostly be Jugdral and maybe one Tellius like someone who isn't Ike.
Between a +Def/-Res and +Spd/-HP CorrinF, which would you train? She'll probably have Swordbreaker.
I use Effie.
>last thread had 30 results for "Setsuna"
Well, at least my girl's popular now.
Reminder: If you're one of the 7 people who didn't vote that HIDARI's CHASTE, BLAND, and BORING designs aren't shit, you have LEGITIMATELY shit taste and should get the fuck out this thread you filthy Reddit-scum.
In that case why don't you go make five more new threads, newfag
Why the fuck is there 10 different threads for /feg/ every second time I search for it in catalog this week?
I have one too and still cant imagine how only one effie can do it
>no Famitsu preview for Echoes this morning
>likely won't be one tomorrow, nor scans tomorrow
>if that's true, no website update this week either
The fear is setting in.
I want to go on a picnic with Severa! Celebrate the spring together! With fresh apples!
Because /r/fireemblem has been leaking ever since Heroes came out
What did he mean by this?
Post your team
I am so sad they won't give us constant updates about the 3DS game that is actually a remake of a way older game when all eyes are set on you know that other big Nintendo thing that came out recently, what was the name again..
It's time to take on Conquest!
Setsuna, Subaki, Sakura, and Azama are the only characters worth a shit in Birthright
Can an +atk/-spd Linde work? Should I just dump her +3 speed skill and instead focus on a tactical nuke like Lilina and Julia?
Did you not follow Fates pre-release? Don't expect shit until the game is just about to ship out.
Good, thankfully Echoes will die like it deserves.
Because /feg/ is full of retards and shitposters who are all eager to get their thread as 'the' thread. Why I don't know. Maybe it's the closest reddit can get to their precious upvotes, as they see every response as a glorified (You)?
t. Awakeningbabby
It's basically cheating if you don't use bonus items.
Post L'el
Getting real fucking tired of Nino, Linde, and Julia. Is there anyone who isn't Hector that can do well against all of them, or at least the two greens?
Fates actually did 6 or 7 weekly famitsu updates until the week before it's release.
So I have a +atk Kagero and a neutral Jaffar, I like Jaffar but he's totally outshone by titties.
I was gonna keep him around to pass Life and Death to someone else some day but how would a Kagero with Deathly Dagger work? Her attack would hit 47 with it, then maybe add Fury for an even 50. She'd be a lot more useful against non-infantry, but is she just made for her poison daggers?
I always counter Julia and Linde with nino
Pick a red with crazy stats and feed her/him distant counter, vantage, fury 3 and ardent sacrifice.
Not that poster, but have any suggestions for me? I wasn't able to break 4k with this team, but got close. I was using Rebecca instead of Kagero for the unit bonus
....Legend of Zelda? Why would they put magazine updates on a game that's already out?
deathly daggers are unique so you can't pass them on via inheritance.
Your femui has something on her chin
maybe actually use higher BST units since you have some?
Does a unit need to be level 40 to be merged with another level 40 ally to get the most bonuses?
The Switch, you dumbass. The Switch and all of the Switch games coming out this year. Are you retarded or just an idiot?