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MEG's updated Pastebin
MegSev adventures: MegSev dot blogspot dot com
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Kandros is for ____!
Gil is best hasubando.
I want Jaal to introduce his large and loving family to me!
If I'm the pathfinder why is it everywhere I go I'm following in other peoples footsteps?
Thought I was supposed to be trailblazing and shit.
is there a way to open that door on the right?
I tried looking after starting the purification but it was still closed
this is the vault on kadara
Can anyone confirm that Dunn lives and how do the Pathfinders even help?
Кaкaя жe Capa ypoдкa, пpocтo eбaть, я cмoтpю нa этy вoлocaтyю шeю и пoтoм дyмaю чтo тaм y нeё мeждy нoг и кaк тaм вoняeт, этo пpocтo oхyeть. Poдинки пo вceмy лицy. Хyдший пepcoнaж в видeoигpaх. Bы тoлькo пocoмтpитe нa Tpиcc и пocмoтpитe нa Capy, я хoчy eё yбить нaхyй, хyжe пepcoнaжeй пpocтo нeт. Cпacибo жиpным ypoдкaм их EA.
What kind of Sarah is a freak, just fuck, I'm looking at this hairy neck and then I think that there is between her legs and how it stinks, it's just fucking. Moles all over the face. The worst character in video games. You'll only shine on Triss and look at Sarah, I want to kill her fuck, worse than the characters just do not. Thank you to the fat ugly creatures of their EA.
Sara best girl.
I started to replay the ME Trilogy, since I think it's unethical to pay Bioware for such a half assed product.
ME1 is actually much worse than I remembered. Crew interactions are pretty basic, and there's only a hand full of people with varying responses. Much of the game is planetary exploration, which is 100% certified cancer that makes you want to kill yourself, due to the awful planet design and intolerable Make physics. The main story missions are fairly short. It took me a bit over 20 hours to finish EVERY SINGLE QUEST including the autismal retarded pointless collect bullshit bloat quests. There's some decent world building, but the rest of the game is mediocre at best. The combat goes from frustratingly one shot-y to you mowing down everything without having to stop moving.
I'd rate it 8/10 for the setting, 5/10 for character interactions and 3/10 for game play/mission design.
I just started ME 2, so I don't have a verdict yet, but holy shit do I hate ammo. I constantly have to switch weapons because I run out. And I just rage quit the Mordin quest because I constantly get lost and just got killed and have to redo five minutes, which will take me ten minutes because it's so hard to find your way through the huge rooms and corridors that all look exactly the same. The reason I was killed was because I was completely disoriented and didn't know where the enemies were anymore. Also having to backtrack because there's no way to tell which rooms are side routes and which is the main one, since there's no fucking map for some reason.
I rate gameplay complete garbage/10, so far. I don't understand how this is considered an upgrade to ME1. That one had obnoxious sticking to surfaces and dumb auto melee, but at least it had fun abilities and allowed me to pick a weapon to use at all times.
Story is serviceable, nothing special though.
Writing is hit or miss. Good in some places but mostly it's like bad fanfic tier.
>Communists are not real people, user!
I am soon to enter the kett ship after kandros.
Am I nearing the end of the main quest?
Just give me my fucking mercenary scumbag, please.
Drack is way too loveable.
nvm I found it
sneaky little console
Better a communist than a capitalist pig.
This may come as a surprise to you but I've actually been training with Asari huntresses and I really like the Asari, ESPECIALLY Sarissa.
Just thought I'd let you know, not sure if you remembered.
Dunn lived in my playthrough, i had Reaka, Avitus and thar other asari lady i forget her name. Not Sarissa
>''Hey Scott, my childhood hero is a dick, could you please impregnate me to cheer me up?''
What did she mean by this?
I really like asari too
What am I missing? I already scanned the EVA module
but what did they even do to help?
I want to introduce my dick to Jaal's mother.
I want to manhandle her tummy
Reminder that Sara was supposed to look like Jayde Rossi (pic related).
Crumbs on the ground.
Like this you mean.
I really liked her character development through out the game.
>the smile that ruined andromeda
Space Afghanistan
Still better than what we got my nigga
Cпacибo жиpным ypoдкaм из EA.
Thank you to the fat freaks from EA.
She has Big Boss' cheeks.
How long does it take for dust to build up?
I just unlocked a nameplate in MP, how do I put it on?
Got it thx
That user here.
i remember something now aswell. despite that Sarissa wasn't pathfinder anymore in my playthrough, she did come to help out. She raised a massive force shield around a few shuttles. I forget if it was Avi, but i someone took out a whole bunch of kett ships with their own ship. I know Reaka helped me on ground.
Why the fuck are you here?
>gonna replay the trilogy because lolandromeda
>wait the trilogy sucks too
Go away
Sara is cute though.
The fuck is wrong with your head, can't think critically at all?
This may come as a surprise to you but I've actually been training with Asari huntresses and I really like the Asari.
Just thought I'd let you know, they are so awesome.
No rude pls.
Pic related
You're perfectly welcome to hate Mass Effect. Now go the fuck back to /v/ instead of shitposting in a general full of people who love Mass Effect.
>I really like the Asari.
Yet you didn't do anything lewd with them. Yeah, whatever.
You are a fucking retard. I'm replaying the entire Mass Effect trilogy, so clearly I don't hate it completely. You are the worst kind of person. a demented zeallot. Incapable if perceiving reality. If you like something, it is 100% perfect. You are ugly. Don't taint this forum with your ugliness.
>even less planet variety in this game
This makes me sad.
Remember that one planet where the fluff text said it got nicked by a fuckoffhuge mass driver gun, and then you rotated the planet and there was a continent-sized scar on the lower hemisphere?
Nah, now we have the exact same volcanic silhouette on every other planet, or shiny streaks of pick-a-metal.
She spent years "serving" with them.
She's been all over Asari space, if you know what I mean.
Correct answer user, i hope bioware will let us smooch him in an upcomming DLC or game.
user please
>likes the asari
I mean, who doesn't? They are parasites who force every race to love them
>ME1 sucks!
>ME2 sucks!
>play Andromeda? Lmao no it sucks I won't play it
>w-wow you can't handle opinions?!
Back to /v/ shitposting cuckold
Anyone else Love Asari?
I'm trained as an Asari huntress and have all of Sarissas books.
They are so cultured.
what happened to casual clothes in this game? like does Vetra needs to always be in armor?
>Tfw male krogan in leather are so sexy
>Also polite and friendly and non violent
Andromeda Krogan confirmed for best krogan
I told you to leave this place.
I went dark after playing the trial until now that I've finished. What the fuck, nothing involving the benefactor or why they killed Garson, seriously?. I'm honestly pretty surprised I enjoyed the game up until the last mission, though.
I want Evfra too fuck senseless
>Now let me tell you about idiotic religious poems during battle.
I support him faggot, you are the cancerous one here that needs to leave
She is insecure about herself.
You have to take account of previous gen console limitations, that ME1 is an early xbox 360 title and the "cinematic" experience hadn't been established yet. Most of it was new tech that had just started getting implemented.
On the other hand, as I am playing ME1 as well at the time, the dialogues flow more naturally, is less disjointed and reactions are more natural, as well as the facial animations. The lighting is also more atmospheric.
I actually like ME1's combat, but that is subjective, I guess. The overall feel of it is more RPG than purebred shooter. Much like Alpha Protocol tried to do, much later and VtM: Bloodlines way before that.
Personally, I don't think you can call your game an RPG, without having actual RPG combat, as is done in ME1, regardless of other game mechanics (lvl up system/dialogue system), but what do I know.
As for ME2 you have to git gud, scrub
B-but muh happy family with Liara, muh little blue babies.
t. Mac Walters
What would she even wear?
This place is for Mass Effect fans, kindly leave.
Soft huggable hoodies and baggy sweat pants
Sara needs more freckles.
Hey, sorry about before.
Just remembering about that time Sarissa single handedly saved hundreds of lives with a barrier.
please halp
Guys I'm not really sure how Asari have sex.
They can't have vaginas.
Then how do they give birth? Do they lay eggs like flies?
>"This Kett satellite is focused on..."
>Says 'Initiative' in big bold letters on the very first module
Guys please
Vacation DLC when
I agree with you user, ME2 is much more "cinematic" and far less of an RPG outside of dialogue choices and doing or ignoring loyalty missions.
The part I miss the most from ME1 is how there was so few fade to black scenes when arriving on a new planet/station or going anywhere. You'd always pick your squadmates and then leave the Normandy, it's a small touch but it made the game feel much more immersive to me, over just getting a cutscene that skips that first walk off the ship.
I assume the baby just splits off from the mother like cells. Think about it, they're very similar.
Then why wasn't a mission where she goes out shopping for casual clothes for Ryder?
How the heck do I get the DLC for ME2 enabled when I pirate the game? I already got the dll from github, it did absolutely nothing.
>this angaran escape pod...
>obvious initiative escape pod with SOS written on it
>take angaran shuttle to exaltation facility
>outside is angaran
>inside is clearly initiative shuttle, with English writing on the doors
A hoodie.
Andromeda 3
Reminder that they literally scanned her, her hairy neck, and real autistic smile
If your Ryder is a biotic does anyone mention it? Or any class.
Those were all loading screens, basically. They got removed, along with the elevator rides, because of the complaints from the fanbase. Basically, what we wanted were better loading times, but Bioware misinterpreted the feedback and cut them off completely. I would have loved some elevator rides with the ME2 characters. Especially ones that didn't get along that well.
Not that I've seen, and I'm far enough in the game to be lvl 47. 100% viability and all the loyalty missions and shit.
I wonder what it would be like if Sara was part of Shepard's crew and he >implying femshep romanced her
No, unfortunately. 0 fucks given.
>No Wrex
>Custom Shepard
Only saving grace is good choice of waifu.
Should I do Voelds main mission before all the side quests or will I miss stuff doing that?
Asari's have birthing canals. In peebee sex scene, it shows Ryder pounding the living fuck out of her, so yes, they can have vaginal sex.
I know they were all loading screens, but they really helped set the tone for the game. I guess normies couldn't appreciate them along with elevator ride conversations
Hawt, i would fug a banshee
I'm with you on this: the Heleus cluster feels way less mysterious than the supposedly well-trod Milky Way. Every time you get an anomaly it's one of a two things:
>lol metal or natural feature
>initiative/kett/angaran/remnant whatever
There's no "we don't know who made this ship" wreckage, no mysterious features like the gas giant graves, none of that. For as fucked up as the cluster is, it's kind of boring.
Go to prestige and then collection, it's in the nameplate tab
No room for idiots on my crew, wrex was an emotionally unstable retard who suicided on the citadel, it was clear before that he lacked the brains and just wanted to be le tough guy
Cyclone any good for MP? I just got one and not sure if it's worth using over the Avenger.