MHXX for 3DS is officially out in Japan.
English Patch: gbatemp.net
MHGen to MHX Save Transfer: pastebin.com
>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.
>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9
Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/
Previous thread:
/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General
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Thank you for fixing the OP.
It definitely lasted longer in X/Gen than in XX
guess its time to save edit mega dash juices
striker duals are not sustainable this way
No worries, I used that pastebin.
Is the mantis set OP?
When I see a red star in the sky, I feel happy
Why do people even use Striker Duals?
Why is /mhg/ the only place even playing them?
we dont know yet user-kun. I think it only gets OP when you have a really really good talisman
I mentioned this in the last thread, but I'm not sure why you want to keep replacing the 3U information. The where does /mhg/ play section is for games where you might actually find active lobbies. It is in complete disuse at this point and not really serving anyone.
Who else here day 1 download and already bored of XX?
mantis set kinda ruined all the fun and time spent of matching armor pieces for skills.
>Skipped gen because no G rank
>Low rank
Jesus Christ why the hell am I SO POOR?
I barely can reach the quests fees by selling nectars, why does everything cost so much? Did the blacksmiths turn into superjew on steroids or what?
Also is gammuth or whatever the elephant is called even killable with a HBG? I just timed out in his "you are supposed to lose" quest. What's his weakpoint?
wolfs maw and giga drill breaker
I bored but I didn't make mantis set.
What's the best style for glaive? Seems to be guild.
You can make pretty much every armor skill combo short of Deviant Souls and fatalis shit like edge lore, and have 4-6 skills depending on 20 or 10 point skills.
It is massively OP.
Not me. Been getting good at Brave HBG and it's fucking livid how fun and crazy good it is.
Is there a way to pre-set the quick menu combine to only display the combines I CAN make, instead of having to go past 10 pages for the bullets?
I have enough materials due to random grinds, thanks
Time to make and transmog it to mafumofu
Are you autistic user?
Yes. It's either X or Y.
I thought that was a basic feature of the touchscreen combine menu. Your available combos should be right on the first page
Maybe, I'm an FU grandpa and comfy with it
Because I am you, but stronger
How does transmog faggotry determine defense?
It doesnt. Transmog is for looks. First choice determines the armor piece whos stats and skills you want, second choice is what you want to look like.
If it's even remotely like Generations, you'll get a metric fuckton of zenny just by completing quests and selling excess materials you don't need at the time. Just make sure to hold onto at least one of everything, just in case.
If I recall you keep all the stats from the original, only thing that changes is the appearance
His weak point is his trunk, but given how massive he is Pierce shots will fuck him up in general. That said, in the quest you mentioned his HP is stupidly buffed to the point trying to kill him without at least HR weapons is a waste of time. Without them, the best you can expect to do is break a part or two.
Can't wait to transmog a Mantis set into this and just go full weeb
Asked in the previous thread regarding whether 25 was the minimum to bring element
Because it's the best style for them?
So how do the G-rank deviant armor sets for the returning deviants work, do you have to upgrade them all the way from level 1 to 11 for the G-rank soul skill to trigger or do you make them from scratch starting at the G-rank version?
And does the same thing apply for the weapons?
Is it just me or do those shoes have him standing on his toes?
Get dlc item sets for cash. IRC that Gammoth has high rank hp, so it's very hard to kill him in that quest.
level 1-15 where 11-15 are called G1-G5
good luck finding groups for the old content
Theres a lot of new players in XX. I helped someone break their HR nakarkos with my endgame mantis set and the fucker died in 5 minutes
you have to change it on the start menu combine list with x, then it will also change on the touchscreen
or you could just grind an endgame set and solo through the HR deviants.
well I believe you. I started playing XX from day one and everyone was just doing G quests so nobody wanted to farm old content. maybe the slower players catched up by now
Don't forget there are different search terms between the LR/HR Hub and the G Tavern.
XX G turns
But why?
And do we ignore elemental this time around?
How does striker prevent you from using elemental DB?
element is still relevant on db and ig
Yes, we ignore elemental this time around.
There's only a handful of monsters that are worth it
Yes, Hellblade and Mantis is all you need.
So I been out of touch with the MH community for a while and have not kept up at all, but I've seen people mention something I honestly doubt.
But has there been any form of indication outside of baseless rumors that either MHXX or a MH game are coming to the Switch? Cause as much as I would like that I have my doubts from what little I have heard from other people I know
I'm using the Nargacuga DBs
Will probably replace with Hellblade when I get around farming him.
is there any reason to have Load Up on a CB anymore? in 4U it gave you an extra phial, but I just noticed that it doesn't do that anymore starting with Gen.
This is all I have for you
Autistic question to those who started fresh in MHXX. Does the storyline change at all? Are all the village requests the same as MHX/Gen?
Alright, much better then what other people have told me so far, thanks for the link man
if you go striker, yes
It's not like the old games, so no. All they did was tie in a couple quests like Barioth.
I would bet on MHXX HD Edition for Switch eventually. If anything, we might see it as a worldwide release when MHXX comes to the west.
>I would bet on MHXX HD Edition for Switch eventually.
I'll gladly take that bet.
The newest inquiries just had a "no response" instead of "never ever". Take that as you will.
I also don't trust Japs as far as I can throw them either:
>"We're never gonna put our games on PC because they're just for porn and spreadsheets"
>every fucking game, even ones people said would NEVER come to PC (Gust) come to PC
What about SnS? Is element still good on it?
I would have strongly preferred a 4U HD instead, so I can just be pleasantly surprised if we do get an XX port because right now I'm quite indifferent.
Raw SnS or Para SnS only. Everything else can get bent.
How about a Ultimate HD Collection
Such a letdown
its been like this for a long time
What sort of weirdo are you that you're interested in a storyline about pubic scales?
Is +4 Edgemaster, +14 Artillery OOO available in 4U?
>Mfw element gets worse in every game making it so that 100+ weapons are basically worthless
Imagine being a designer and coming up with all kinds of rad weapons and no one uses them because the devs keep making element shit.
why my eyes so heavenly
Element is fucking stupid. I don't want to have to build ~5 different weapons just to get the job done. I'd rather have a weapon with high raw that works all the time.
The only time element ever is really effective is when you use LBG with piercing rapid fire element shots.
Pretty sure 4U used an algorithm that potentially combines any max skills. I know you're just hacking it in though.
I honestly like it. Fuck having to grind for 6 different weapons.
Really? Bah, I've always preferred the elemental stuff. Well, what are the best raw SnSes available, other than the mantis one that is?
laziness has no place in monster hunter
Why not just run elemental anyway?
Unless you're fighting super whatever, it shouldn't matter too much.
Frontier exists for people that care about gear.
You can hack talismans? I'm a new and playing 4U
>Game about adaption and building sets for every situation
>Just wants one set got everything
>Probably doesn't build any utilities because muh deeps
You can even hack in impossible charms in 4U.
i've been lazy for the past 1000 hours or so
Looks like I'm going to make one person unhappy one way or the other.
If hacking it will save time, I'd hack it, but I'll go with the Athena ASS recommendation
just remove 3U altogether
>Game about adaption and building sets for every situation
Who are you to decide what the game is about?
The game is about hunting monsters. Gear is secondary. The less unnecessary bullshit comes between you and the actual hunting, the better.
Yeah but I mean, no one has used that lobby in months and months. So it would be kind of nice to remove the clutter.
Talismans were a mistake.
Guess so, just figured I should have a raw option available anyway for the monsters who don't have easily exploited elemental weaknesses.
Looked through Kiranico, but most of the ones available seem kind of underwhelming. Any recommendations?
>4U finally has Charge Blade be the first Blademaster weapon that can deal proper damage with element
>instantly nerf the shit out of it instead of just nerfing impact phials
>introduced in turd gen
3rd gen was a mistake
Talismans should be significantly more common from quests.
Maybe even have certain monsters give a higher chance at dropping charms with certain skills.
That would remove the whole 'spam volcano/whatever' part of the equation and put the focus back on hunting monsters.
>MH5V will bring back gear variety and the rawtarded genbabbies will complain about WHERES MUH SILVERSOL, WHERES MUH HELLBLADE??? MANTIS WHERE??????!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?
The cycle is set in motion
Screw the 3u guy, it's his fault for expecting people to play a dead game.
Best elemental SnS in Gen?
Deviant Ceanataur, Hellblade, Wyverian are good
Only for the Portable team. The main series team has been including real stories in their games since Dos.