commie edition open beta patch notes
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commie edition open beta patch notes
Wiki is still being written
i'm kinda bored, is this game fun?
i saw it shilled a while ago
This game is pretty fucking dank
Never has my opinion on a game done such a 180 for me
Meatboy Palace is trash, I'm done with it but I don't care anymore
What a shitty way to end the game, with none of the things I liked in it, just garbage
It's really not that bad.
It's frustrating while you do it but it took me an hour and a half at most.
what the FUCK is her problem?
It's just such shitty design, completely killing all of the game's mood and rhythm for some nonsense generic platforming that really had no reason to exist, it was also incredibly depowering
I can't believe they decided to end the game with such a shit zone, it wasn't fun or rewarding to get through for me, just shit and 50% of the time was spent waiting for hiveblood to recharge
I hated the arena more than the white palace simply because of the amount of bullshit sections it throws at you in order to complete the hunters journal. The Palace is a lot easier the second time round.
You won't give her your hollow dick, obviously.
dead thread, dead game
>needing more than grubsong to do WP
Sounds like you're just shit at games.
Should he gimp himself for no reason just so he can be hardcore? There's no reason not to use Hiveblood there.
Are they going to add Hornet as a playable character or they are going kickstarter-scam us?
ded thred
>50% of the time was spent waiting for hiveblood to recharge
If you use grubsong and 2x heal also you won't need to wait for hiveblood regen. But they should've made saws deal no damage.
Apparently she's the next character they're going to add, and unlike Zote they actually reached that goal in funding.
dead thread
White Palace is impossible if you're not using the Hiveblood charm.
If you do it's a walk in the park.
Just leave the complete map at the frontpage and lock the wiki. Its not worth anything
Ded general
>Promo image
>Damaged worn nail
Has anyone dream nailed the Mantis Lords? What do they say?
ded game
>is impossible
I wouldn't go that far, grubsong+deep focus render you 75% immune to damage. Not sure if soul stealer works with GS but if it does that goes up to 100%.
Besides you can just git good, always.
...Honour from one of its kind...
This one shows promise...
...At last a true challenger...
here, happy ?
dead game
>Use Dream Nail charm
>The court bugs are placed with such a distance that you can always full heal yourself between the JIGSAW SAW segments
To that dumb retard who were arguing that Radiance and plague "awoke" or brought to life fungai race:
>My understanding of Hallownest can be a little vague, but below those leafy caverns is a fungal grove, once home to peaceful creatures not quite bug and not quite plant.<page>Sounds almost worth a visit no? Well there's a downside, the dreadful stench! A noxious odour fills the place.
it has a large world but is ultimately boring as every area is the same ol shit
The only real "problem" with the game, is that the game is very sparse once you only have the Ghost Warriors left to right.
And navigating the map isn't particularly rapid.
Meatboy Palace was "fine". Its sorta short.
The only real design flaws is that there is very many places where you can't look ahead, so you would need to pogo/wall bounce to get started, bypass the first moving spikes/sawblade, and then you would die to a new obstacle.
There is a reason Super Meat Boy is so zoomed out.
Also, that said, a lot of it can be skipped by Pogo on sawblades, and good use of Crystal Core + Moth Wings
Post lewd bugs
How do I Radiance?
I managed to get to the second phase two times today, but the previous fights just take so bloody long I gave up for today.
Radiance is frustrating because the best strategy is to prioritize dodging and healing over attacking, making it a slow fight unless you use strong charms and have memorized his attack pattern.
It's more about being patient than being hard.
Well, got through the Watcher Knights and Hornet: Reloaded with Hiveblood, Glowing Womb and Defender's Crest.
Why have honor when you can just evade, regenerate and shit out poisonous explosive babies in your face?
What is the comfiest location in HK an why is it City of Tears?
I'd argue the bonfire in Queen's Gardens is quite comf
>you use strong charms
This isn't that kind of game.
Hiveblood still requires you to be good at dodging.
The charm that increases your attackspeed is only a small DPS increase over dodging and then using charged attacks.
Is there Whispering in the Ancient basin? And is it in the abyss?
What's your nail at? You shouldn't be having problems with Hollow Knight, it should be a very quick autowin. You regain health after him so you can be VERY aggressive.
Aside from that There are 3 strategies, one of which I find insane but apparently it works best for some folks.
1)Slow boild, using defensive/healing oriented charms nibble away at him until he ded.
2)Magic rush, Shaman stone, spelltwitster, juni, and spam abyssal shrieck on him
3)Grub laser blade, as above but more blue health and grub blade charm instead of magic.
Quickly, WTF did she spend 3k Geo on? There isn't anybody of note alive in the core of Hallowness.
Punch her to find out.
I was trying the second option actually.
and HK isn't the problem, he just takes forever.
If I could just refight Rad back to back, I'd propably be done in 10 minutes, but like this, it just feels like forever.
Add that?
Is there even anything to spend the Geo on?
Lulz, mostly. Geo is crucial early game, but late game it's useless, by design, so when player stores so much geo that it becomes clear they are no longer using it the game throws curve ball for fun and profit.
Oh hey, thread's back. Welcome back.
would've been worth it desu
also "estimated delivery jun 2015" lol
The problem is that they made a platformer level design on a metroidvania, so navigating/backtracking the world is pure cancer because walls and platforms everywhere. To make things worse they didn't give you vertical mobility ability, the super dash doesn't go through enemies and to a lesser extent the lack of a detailed mini map.
He dies decently fast with one of following strats:
(1) quick slash/mark of pride allows you to easily attack him twice every jump. (2) Nailmaster's glory and charge attack. (3) Shaman stone/spell twister and spam abyss shriek
I think HK is that type of a game that clearly justified delay
>didn't give you vertical mobility
Yes, let's just give player abolity to fly nothing can go wrong with this.
Game is full of shortcuts and fast travel links, once you know the map getting anywhere from anywhere takes on average less than 5 minutes.
Sly runs dry from a mere 9k Geo
Iselda barely wants 1.5k Geo
Leg Eater only wants 1.5k Geo as well
Oro wants 800.
You spend maybe 4k on Benches and Stagways.
Salurba only wants another 5.5k Geo.
The Smith only wants a mere 6k Geo or some shit
The Grub and the Collector both yields a lot more Geo than that.
I don't even.
this isn't a general problem but only a problem if you get dream nail very late. you can get dream nail early and fight almost every ghost warrior as soon as you get to them for the first time.
The idea is to provide geo slowly enough as to avoid new player buying everything from get go but quickly enough that if you lose money while saving for a lantern you don't need to restart/ragequit. It's the same principle as darks souls, you can probably find an in depth article about it if you want to look.
I think the level design is fine. The only cancer is that you ascend faster than you move side from side. And your descent is a lot slower than horizontal and upwards movement.
And the only areas that is painful to navigate is sealed of fringe areas, like Queens Garden(gigantic one way tunnel), and thats the trend.
>~$913 U.S. today
That's pretty cheap honestly.
>Get an entire custom area somewhere probably on the outskirts of the kingdom
>With its own quest, custom art, and 10 copies of the game
the collector ?
Dark Souls at the least allows you to sink that gigantic kitchen sink of souls into reaching the Softcap of all your stats.
I just felt it being stupid that I got almost got everything, and then visited the guy who buys Relics... and I suddenly have 14k Geo that can't be spent on anything.
A fucking McDuckian vault would be nice.
all pledges were really fucking cheap. Getting a warrior spririt was 200 AUD (153 USD by todays currency rates but was just slightly higher then) and then you also got 5 games as well. I have to admit the warrior spirits bosses were lazier then the rest - but it's still really really cheap for the work required to put them in the game.
He probably means relic seeker lemm which is the guy that buys stuff from you in city of years
There are plenty of easy ways to prevent a player from sequence breaking the game, and considering this one is pretty open with a lot of trash items and few progression items (which are all grouped together in the very early game and on the late game), it's literally a non issue. It doesn't even need to be the ability to fly, a vertical extended dash would be enough, then again you'd have lots of platforms and enemies to cuck your shit.
On Super Metroid and Ori, for instance, you take 5 to 10 minutes checking 5 different locations in search for progression. On Hollow Knight you can easily take 15 to 25 minutes. It's just tedious holding left and right with the ocasional dash spam when there isn't annoying enemies to hit you. The fast travel links are spread too far for this kind of level design and the vast majority of shortcuts are virtually useless with the very few that are useful, but still not enough. You may not mind, but it doesn't change the fact that it's shit design on an otherwise god game. When people find a dead end, they want to find the search the next hint on a reasonable time. It's like playing Overwatch on high elo and you get one of those well known memester, you have to wait 3 to 5 minutes to queue again to avoid him, it kills your excitement and you lose interest to keep playing.
I'm fucking stuck
send help
Down-slash the purple bulbs.
Super Metroid has a map thats a pain to navigate, but its sorta "padded away" with how many upgrades are crammed everywhere, so its possible to comb the map with Power Bombs.
>literally did nothing wrong
>random fag appears and locks you away
At most points in the game there are a lot of ways to progress. I would've liked to be able to manually mark the map though, it was slightly annoying to have to remember every place on the map you couldn't get past and why.
Why does radiance look like the king?
She does not ,though.
Even the Hallownest Seal has 4 "spkes"
Radiance is best waifu
The king has 7 though.
Still the shape is remarkably similar.
precious baby
Does giraffe girl have any plot or lore?
Horn or spikes are pretty re-occurring things in the HK
Nope, not that we know
>King (sorta)
>White Lady
Is there any other Deities in the game?
King/Wyrm can be placed in one line, since the same.
Who is Bardoon?
Hmm, from Higher Beings probably also that GIANT Shroom in the acid pool is akin to Unn.
That's all which is in the game.
>Bardoon and White Lady
Radiance, I can concede, King is the Wyrm, so that's fair. Unn is revered as something great, but fucko's just a big slug bro.
Bardoon is just really fucking old and nobody remembers him. White Lady is some sort of radiant tree-creature, nothing more.
>Who is Bardoon?
nvm, you were talking about BigCat. Not sure I'd call him a deity but no big deal.
>Unn is revered as something great, but fucko's just a big slug bro.
We know from Greenpath lore that Unn Created the green lands and she also created her own descendants - the folk of moss and leaves. In the game lore the creation processes refered ot as "she dreamed of". It is safe to say she is one of the oldest Higher Being among Radiance and Wyrm.
White Lady also predates King and knew he was Wyrm. He also seems to be some kind of root that pirces through whole Kingdom has inside an enormous amount of Soul. She is definitely not mere bug.
Actually, she is not! She is refered to as a "beast" rather than bug bu Fungi tribe.
I wish there was a checkpoint before Radiance, HK is really easy but holy fuck, the rape is real.
Have you tried to equip the git gut charm?
>Love the game atmosphere, music, story, lore and everything
>Sucks playing it
This is me playing Hollow Knight.
Everyone do at first
It comes with practice
Good news is real hard stuff optional and you can tackle it when ready
Well, at the least reaching the Bad Ending isn't that hard.
Who are we kidding, you are going to choke on Uumuu anyhow
If Unn was just a big slug, why would he give you his shape?
Or be mentioned on the Lore Statues?
I there any point to Moss prophet/chapel aside from demonstrating effects of the infection and foreshadowing Radiance?
Like can anything interesting be done to/with him?
Its one of those "you can make a shortcut here"
From the other side.
Dude, have you explored Kingdom's Edge or played the game at all? If you do even a decent amount of exploring you should know who Bardoon is.
The only reason to refer to him as BigCat is because you've only read the damn text logs.
Guys, help me with something please.
I just reached the area full of bubbles and water creatures. The insect that sell the maps is apparently behind a strange pillar of dark energy or something like that. What i do here? I want to map for this new area.
There is nothing of value in the area.
Except for Uumuu.
Just ignore it.
I see, so nothing lorewise, pity. Was making effort not to trigger the infection on Iron Soul Run figured I'd ask if I can get anything interesting out of him. Guess not.
Do what says. If you came down by that drop in Crossroads, go find the Stag Station and the Fungal Wastes, they should be right-top-right from your location.
It's a late game area, you only detour to it in early game, explore what little you are allowed and move on. Chances are it's will be one of your 2 last maps
I've heard rumours on Reddit that the Moss Vagabonds there give sermons on Uun(?) before the infection so you might want to check that out.
people had trouble with uumuu ?
The Crystal guy guarding the Bench the crystal area is worse.
But people have problems with Uumuu, because waiting entire phases running around the room is hard.
Oh he gives sermons all right, about how awesome "Light" is. And we know how that works out for him, don't we. I brought Unn talisman to him to see if anything interesting happens - nope, fuckall.
>waiting entire phases running around the room is hard
I just slid/scaled walls most of the time. Main trick is to keep outof water, after all.
>nope, fuckall
Yeah, there are a few details it feels like they missed, like that and the fact if you never use the City Crest, you can't give it to Relicbro even though he has an entire bit where he talks about wanting to look at it.
how is jumping in circle hard even the platform are in circle
also the only ard boss are the dream one if you do them with a shitty nail