The Black and Tans did literally nothing wrong
The Black and Tans did literally nothing wrong
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hello I found this post very offensive and would appreciate it if you could delet this thanks
Friendly reminder that Einsatzgruppen was an anti-terrorist organization.
I really like their drink.
I have never seen that before, kek'd and saved.
They beat, robbed and killed Irish citizens and carried out many extra-judicial judgements and murders
The King himself said they were a mistake
>use terrorism on your occupied subjects
>get butthurt when they use terrorism back
IRA literally did it first, bloody ignorant americunt
I think you'll find the Bongs started it in 1169
such a pussy song, glorifying the cowardly IRA that literally hid and fought like gutless shites while their opponents wore uniforms and fought like men (and won)
Maybe if you want to ignore the topic and be disingenuous. We'll just say it all goes back to Abel and Kane then, eh?
>(and won)
I'm sorry, where's you 'Protestant state for a Protestant people' now?
>(and won)
This triggers the potato
>Why won't you accept my arbitrary cutoff designed to make me look like the victim and you the aggressor
>norman soldier
>winning medals in Flanders
>not hightailing it back to Dover in his wee rowboat at the sight of Germans
I actually love this song and it gets stuck in my head every time. Mostly because of how horribly it's aged. It's a song about some IRA scumbag drunk and shouting at houses of WW1 veterans to come out and fight him.
case in point. You're 25 years out.
Anyway the Black and Tans did plenty wrong it was a pathetic civil war of back and forth whataboutery but fuck the IRA twice as hard and all the plastic paddys with them.
>What is Northern Ireland?
>this isn't a thread about the Black and Tans
>the Black and Tans didn't form as a reaction to the IRA
i realise you're an americunt and literally ignorant of our history but christ give your brain a chance before you join these threads
>does he honestly not know the difference between ww1 and ww2
You're walking down a boreen waving your billy stick in your black and tan uniform when these lads square up to you and say "NĂ thiocfaidh deireadh leis na heasaontais seo, Sassenach."
What do ye do?
Perfidious Albion pls go
You put your left arm in, your left arm out, in out in out and you punch a taig about.
Open fire
does that man have a shoe tied to a stick?
You people died off in the millions because of POTATOES
Nah they died off in the millions because of Oats and Grain. Get lernd.
Reminder that the troubles was brought on by the Unionist denying rights to Irish people and then sperging out when they held political protests.
Reminder that NI was so incredibly corrupt and anti-irish that after the IRA fought the British and secured the rights for irish people, it's literally required for employers in NI to ask whether employees see themselves as Irish or British to keep equality up.
Reminder that while Britain brought some good to Britain in the form of "stop rolling in the mud you fucking barbarians" they eventually became oppressive and generally dickish rulers who care little for Irish people or their wellbeing.
Reminder that the enemy of the innocent in Ireland is the Unionist and the British soldier.
Reminder that being British Unionist will never be as much banter as being Irish Republican.
>Reminder that being British Unionist will never be as much banter as being Irish Republican.
Well that's bullshit. You can't top this.
The employment equality laws are gone now anyway.
Nice Graph ofcourse. I hate to ruin it but it does give a slightly misleading impression with it's white 'Civilian' bars. A more accurate description would 'Unproven paramilitary connection'. Many innocents were killed no doubt about that and by both sides of murdering scumbags but lets be reasonable.
>unproven military connection
True, although works both ways.
As for banter, I am adamant that republican is the way to go.
>live in small village outside moira
>there's an orange hall near a main road
>it was set alight 4 times during the Troubles
>on the third time a message was left
>"fuck all else to burn around here, see you next month"
Unionists are annoying now anyway. They've taken the "dindu nuffin" road and decided the government, police and general population all work for the IRA in a Zionist conspiracy to make them all be catholic or some nonsense. Faggotry of the highest level.
>Autistic LARPER thinks an insurgent revolutionary movement should fight pitched battles against an imperial occupation force
What a lot of nonsense. They've decided that the IRA has influence in Stormont and is using it to undermine the country and honestly that's not a massive stretch of the imagination.
>Zionist conspiracy.
Yes that's why the Orange Order uses masonic symbols and Unionists literally fly Israeli flags on the 12th to counter Republican Palestinian comparison propaganda in the 70s and 80s. There's 8 Jews in all of Ireland and they're all music teachers.
A lot of them refuse to draw a line between the current nigger-tier gangs that are the "IRA" and the fighters during the troubles.
They're under the belief that nothing the IRA did was under a just cause, and while both sides committed some terrible atrocities, I stand by the belief that the Troubles was the last option because Irish people simply were not treated fairly.
As for IRA influence, of course there is.
The undermining of Unionism has been happening for a long time and I see no issue. I was born shankill raised maghaberry and I'm under the belief that Protestant Unionism is still regarded as the "good guys" and the "norm" while Irish Republican is "probably terrorists, kind of weird little side note."
There's no need for a "defence" of protestant unionists because they are dominant of almost absofuckinglutely everything here.
As for
I was memeing, in reference to that Orange Lodge member sperging out about jewish people.
There is a lot of "PSNIRA" and "Protestants are under attack" which has only increased since the fucking fleg issue.
I think Adams needs hung, though. Vile auld bastard.
>they are dominant of almost absofuckinglutely everything here.
Yes well that's how the border split worked. Republicans moved South. Unionists moved North. If Republicans dominated then the Unionists would have been even more stuck. Ofcourse no one was forced to... not by the British Government anyway so troubles arose.
As for Terrorist and Freedom fighter distinctions that's a matter of opinion.
>OK so the conspiracy is real but I don't have a problem with it so it's ridiculous and should be blown out of proportion.
Good night Moirafriend.
They did do quite a lot wrong, tho.
Not really a matter of opinion though, is it?
You can't deny Irish people were denied rights, and you can't deny they were violently put down when they tried to protest politically.
These are known facts.
You can't deny there was an obvious excess of brutality toward Irish civilians.
I don't know how you can still see an armed uprising against this as "terrorism" unless you support such treatment of Irish people.
As for
>muh conspiracy
It's not really a conspiracy. It's people learning their own history, Unionist parties failing to adapt to the younger voters unaffected by fear voting and the "our way or the high way" attitude adopted by a majority of Unionists.
Many of them have a "I don't mind Catholics, just don't like republicans" opinion which is part of the problem.
You have to be in utter denial to suggest that there is an issue with how Unionism operates in NI and how it revises the history of its own country.
>I don't know how you can still see an armed uprising against this as "terrorism" unless you support such treatment of Irish people.
Not that faggot but the fact that there existed and exists a democratic route to Irish reunification makes violence illegitimate.
Nah, kek is on my side, they dindunuffin. IRA were just jealous of their good looks.
>irish reunification
But the protests pre-troubles were for security of Irish rights, as they didn't have equal employment, housing or voting rights to the protestant unionists.
These protests were shut down violently, and the loyalist paramilitaries were already in tandem with the RUC.
The troubles were brought on by Unionists, not Irish aggression.
Then suddenly Irish people have to be treated equally and Unionists go full dindu mode.
I do like Catholics and I even like Republicans as I like any strongly held politics in today's Globalist apathetic world but I draw the line between the 1916 revolutionaries who secured the Republic and The IRA in NI. That's it.
The Real IRA, the Provos and whatever drugdealers are toking on the Falls tonight are all the same scumbags to me. So to with UVF and UDA and whoever else.
You're being a hypocrite here posting Unionist as a catch all absolute. A villainous effigy. The Troubles was a shitshow and an embarrassment and so is any whataboutery online or off.
>But the protests pre-troubles were for security of Irish rights, as they didn't have equal employment, housing or voting rights to the protestant unionists
Most of that is myths. Sure they couldn't join Proddy unions, but the Prods couldn't join Catholic unions either. The UK sent in the Army to protect the Catholics, not to help the Unionists.
Any and all paramilitaries existing post GFA are gangs no different to those in America.
I don't think it's unfair to blanket-state Unionism because it's flawed at just about every level, the only ones exempt from it are the ones who-as I said-are Unionist for the sake of not rocking the boat/they are like me in the sense that they know Unification just isn't economically viable right now.
I believe that Mainstream Unionism in NI is just a circlejerk of anti-irish faggotry trying to get off on the idea that they're the ones being oppressed just because they are starting to lose their total monopoly on culture and identity, and because they get criticized now that people aren't afraid of being called a terrorist.
>sent the army to protect the catholics
But that's not true, user. They were WELCOMED by Catholics as somebody competent who would clean this whole shitshow up, but they almost immediately sided with the RUC and in doing so sided with the UDA.
>they almost immediately sided with the RUC and in doing so sided with the UDA.
No, only after they came under heavy attack by provos. I'm not saying mistakes weren't made but the IRA escalated the situation to a full-blown disaster for purely political reasons (wouldn't do for the Catholics to see the Brits as goodguys, that means fewer votes for Sinn Fein)
No it's literal historical fact. The British Army deployed to defend the Catholic population and were hundreds of soldiers where murdered by the IRA for their efforts.
The IRA had their reasons few if any good enough to humour justifying certain events that would only fuel this empty debate but that's the bottom line.
Here's another song for the thread.
>The British Army deployed to defend the Catholic population
Which is why they interned a thousand Catholics and no Protestants, despite the Protestants committing more violence.
threadly reminder
Eh I've heard crazier theories.
Well, the first wave was 342 republicans and no loyalists.
By 1975, that had become 1,900 republicans and 100 loyalists.
Nobody was innocent, but it's nonsensical to say that the British Army didn't pick sides.
>Nobody was innocent, but it's nonsensical to say that the British Army didn't pick sides.
The IRA picked the sides. Can't fault the Army for mostly arresting and killing the people shooting at them.
Brah, in 1970, the UVF had committed almost all of the violence.
If the British government had listened to the Hunt Committee and not done stupid shit like storming Catholic neighborhoods and putting them under curfews, there wouldn't have been any Troubles.
If one person attacks another person, and you hold their arms behind their back in the name of "peacekeeping" you aren't fooling anyone.
Can't handle the banter
source for loyalists doing more terrorism
2/10 unless you're really just an idiot that doesn't understand what's being discussed
>What is Northern Ireland?
>Northern Ireland
I'm a taig but that's fairly banterific
>selling a part of history for 16 poons
degenerate as fuck
They look like uber poor conquistadores.
What were the Scottish and Chinese families accused of in the first place?
So what were the differences in dress/uniform between Blacks and tans and the Auxiliaries? Someone said that they used different hats, can someone explain the differences?
>faggy hats with fag ball on top
>the troubles
Fuck the fucking britbong understating of everything.
This is even more Veeky Forums.
>The Black and Tans did literally nothing wrong
Just doing their jobs, man.
>The SS did literally nothing wrong
Just doing their jobs, man.
>The NKVD and the KGB did literally nothing wrong
Just doing their jobs, man.
this picture is innacurate and falsifies history. Photograph didn't exist back then.
>I think Adams needs hung, though. Vile auld bastard.
take it back
>When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.
>there existed and exists a democratic route to Irish reunification makes violence illegitimate.
maybe today when all the oul fellas are dead but certainly 100% not during the Troubles, the Sunningdale agreement and Unionists not giving an inch on power sharing proved that
>inb4 muh dublin dimension
watching Munich currently
wish I could stream it with you fellas
we should all fight against the TTIP and the TTP. Those agreements will make us slaves, worse than now.
>How to trigger a Loyalist
>Remind him that he is not "British" as Great Britain is another island, so that while he is a resident of the United Kingdom, he is by definition an Irishman, and not British unless he was born on the other side of the Irish Sea.
Well it is the last thing they would expect.
Seemed to go alright in 1916.
They had mismatched uniforms, the tan part being a reference to khaki.
they're honorary brits, as were all loyal members of the empire, british means more than just the island you come from, but your irish have no understanding of loyalty and courage
Why are autistic brits still so tore up about losing Ireland? It's honestly getting a little weird man. You lost. Get over it.